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Cryo Chamber

NV CCW Permit Confidentiality

Little opposition was expressed at a hearing Monday for a bill that would make all information pertaining to Nevada concealed weapons permits confidential.

Backers of AB143 argued such confidentiality is a safety issue, rx because thieves could find out who has concealed weapons permits — and presumably guns — and target those homes for burglary.


Permit Holders To Be Exempt From Background Checks

A measure that would exempt handgun permit holders from criminal background checks to buy weapons is one of two gun bills advancing in the state Senate.

The proposal sponsored by Republican Sen. Steve Southerland of Morristown was moved to the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday after passing the Senate Judiciary Committee 8-1. The companion bill [...]

WY House To Vote On Constitutional Carry Bill

Wyoming residents could carry concealed guns without a permit under a bill that has cleared its first hearing in the state House of Representatives.

The House voted 48-8 Wednesday in favor of the bill, price which already has passed the Senate.

If the bill passes, sales Wyoming still would continue to offer concealed-carry permits for [...]

MT:Permitless CCW

The state House backed a bill Monday that would allow people to carry concealed weapons in urban areas without a permit, giving a victory to lawmakers and gun rights supporters who are pushing a slate of firearms legislation.

House Bill 271 would allow anyone eligible to obtain a concealed weapon permit to carry without actually [...]

Montana House Endorses Gun Silencer Bill

The House has endorsed a bill that would allow Montana hunters to use silencers on their guns.House Bill 174 sponsored by Republican Rep. Krayton Kerns of Laurel would repeal a law that prohibits the use of silencers.Supporters said the bill is about preventing hearing loss and reducing the noise of guns slightly.Democratic Rep. Mike Menahan [...]

WY. House To Vote On Permitless CCW Bill

Wyoming residents would be able to carry concealed guns without a permit under a bill that’s set for a hearing before a legislative committee.

The House Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee is scheduled to hear the bill on Wednesday morning.

The bill is sponsored by Casper Republican Senator Kit Jennings and already [...]

Constitutional Carry Introduced In Colorado Legislature

Friday State Rep. Chris Holbert (R-Parker) and State Sen. Greg Brophy (R-Wray) introduced HB1205, malady the Constitutional Carry Act of 2011.

This bill is designed to do one thing: allow citizens who are legally eligible to possess handguns to carry that handgun without obtaining a costly, burdensome and bureaucratic permit.

One of the chief advantages [...]

What Liberals Don’t Know About Guns, Chapter 217

Fresh off of blaming Jared Loughner’s killing spree in the Tucson mall on Sarah Palin, liberals are now blaming it on high-capacity magazines. They might as well imprison everyone named “Jared” to prevent a crime like this from ever happening again.

During the presidential campaign, Obama said: “I don’t know of any self-respecting hunter that [...]

Pearce: Lawmakers Can Carry Guns In Senate

Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce says it’s okay for State Senators to carry guns inside the Senate building.

Pearce says a member of the Legislature does not lose his or her Second Amendment rights when coming to work each day.

The policy does conflict with state law that prohibits weapons inside the Arizona House and [...]

WY Senate Approves Permitless CCW Bill

Wyoming residents would be able to carry concealed guns without a state permit under a bill that received preliminary approval in the state Senate.The Wyoming Senate voted 21-to-8 on Thursday in favor of the bill, sponsored by Republican Sen. Kit Jennings of Casper. He says the state and federal constitutions guarantee citizens’ gun rights.Democratic Sen. [...]