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Cryo Chamber

Push is on to ease Arizona’s gun laws

Arizona has always held tightly to its legacy as part of the gun-toting Wild West and a protector of individual rights.

This year, the state’s Republican governor and a conservative Legislature may continue that tradition by giving Arizonans some of the least-restrictive weapons laws in the nation.

This session, state lawmakers have proposed more than [...]

Pistol-Packing Moms Say They Have Good Reason

More women than ever are carrying and learning to fire guns, according to several Upstate gun instructors.At Allen Arms Indoor Range in Greenville County, women from their 20s to 90s come in to learn to shoot.

Many moms are also taking the required course to get a concealed weapons permit.

Sherry Harris said, “I believe [...]

Law would approve showing gun

Lawmakers are debating legislation that would make sure gun owners can’t be prosecuted for showing a weapon to warn someone who is threatening them.

HB78 modifies existing law that bans threatening someone with a dangerous weapon in a fight or quarrel. The proposal would exempt from that prohibition anyone who displays a weapon — or [...]

Freedom to Carry

Sunday, order January 10, cialis 40mg 2010 By Alan Korwin The lamestream media told you:


The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Will “Freedom To Carry” replace “Right To Carry”? It’s moving that way in Texas and elsewhere.

With state legislative sessions starting nationwide, the right to keep and bear arms is front and center [...]