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Cryo Chamber

Republicans Express Sympathy,Support ‘Stand Your Ground’

Republicans leaders are saying the fatal shooting of an unarmed Florida teen is a tragedy but remain supportive of the “Stand Your Ground” law the state passed in 2005 and say the legislation doesn’t apply to the case.

Former GOP Gov. Jeb Bush, who signed the bill into law, said Friday evening the law shouldn’t [...]

GUNRUNNER: The ‘Blame Bush’ Option Is Out

With Congressional investigators now on the ground in Arizona, visit this site as reported by CBS News and this column , view new revelations about the controversial “Project Gunrunner” and its Phoenix off-shoot, try “Operation Fast and Furious” are anticipated during the National Rifle Association convention, which opens here tomorrow, but one thing is clear [...]

Obama’s assassination program

Broad assertions of executive power haven’t even been limited to the last administration. Instead, we’ve seen the powers of the president expand, with the Obama administration asserting the right to assassinate American citizens without any due process or finding of guilt whatsoever. [...]

Obama’s conference call with our enemies

RealClearPolitics obtained the following fake transcript of an utterly fictitous conference call between Barack Obama, Kim Jong-Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chávez.


Barack Obama: Good morning. We have on the phone the Supreme Leader of the DPRK—

Kim Jong-Il: Mr. President, Dear Leader is fine. And I received your letter last week. [...]

The War On Terror

by donttreadonme, link written by others,

I don’t see the War On Terror ever coming to an end, until all countries eliminate the threat within their own borders. I’m shocked to see Syria become a safe haven for jihadists. For one, Khadaffi, while standing in a puddle of his own wee watching the Twin Towers [...]

When the Press Favors Secrecy

Here’s a dirty little secret about The New York Times: It likes to leak things. Important things. [...]

News flash from the year 2035

Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.

Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, California.

White minorities still trying to have English recognized as California’s third language.

Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern [...]