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Cryo Chamber

Sen. Boxer:Guns At Campsites ‘National Security Threat’

On May 15, the Senate rejected a bill to loosen firearm regulations on campsites and other lands managed by the Army Corps of Engineers. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) opposed the bill, claiming that allowing more guns would set “up a national security threat” that “endangers people.”

The bill, sponsored by by Senator Tom Corburn (R-OK), [...]

McChrystal Working For UAE-Owned Arms Brokerage

From an office park a few miles south of Washington’s Reagan National Airport, recipe a little-known company named Knowledge International LLC does $500 million a year in business.

The firm is among the defense procurement companies owned by the Emirates Advanced Investments group, buy information pills which is close to the ruling family of the [...]

The Americans Who Serve

Just before Christmas we had a guest in our home. A young man who is a U. S. Army staff sergeant, find a soldier, an infantryman who has led men in combat on the fields of battle in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was passing through on his way to his latest tour of duty in [...]

Gang Rules 6 Years After Start Of Mexico Drug War

Forest-camouflaged pickups roared to life as the Mexican soldiers pulled on their black masks and hoisted their Heckler & Koch G3 assault rifles.

The three-truck convoy pulled out of the base to patrol the rugged, mountainous region of the western state of Michoacan, when a raspy voice burst out of an unencrypted radio inside one [...]

‘Oblivious’ Obama NOT Behind Osama Raid

The decision to raid Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan and kill him was made without President Obama – and actually was kept from him until after the helicopters already were in Pakistani airspace – according to a new report from a retired major general who cites a senior intelligence source.

The raid was handled [...]

Soldiers Allegedly Plotted To Kill Obama, Oust Government

Army soldiers formed a militia group in Georgia that plotted to overthrow the U.S. government — and they killed a fellow soldier and his girlfriend to keep the plot secret, prosecutors alleged Monday, according to the AP.

Prosecutors in the Long County, Ga., case say that the militia group planned to overtake the nearby Fort [...]

The Army’s Request For Polymer Cartridge Cases

The U.S. Army has put out a request to ammunition component manufacturers to develop a cartridge case out of non- traditional materials in an effort to reduce the weight of ammunition.

“The U.S. Army, Army Contracting Command-Rock Island (ACC-RI), on behalf of the Office of the Project Manager, Maneuver Ammunition Systems, is seeking to identify [...]

Hummer With A Grenade Launcher In Sinaloa

Elements of the Mexican Army stationed in the Ninth Military Zone were in a surveillance tours Hummer abandoned in the mountains of the town of Choix, this which had a grenade launcher attachment, plus thousands of cartridges.

On April 28, 19 suspected gunmen were killed by soldiers during a clash.

According to official information, military [...]

Rodriguez Range Project Gets Boost From Mother Nature


Quetchehueca Shootout Between Kidnappers & Police, 1 Dead

A shootout between a group of kidnappers and elements of the municipal police left one dead, pilule a preventive agent shot and securing three firearms in addition to the rescue of a healthy businessman, the incident took place yesterday shortly after from 09:00 hours on the streets Norman E. Bourlaug between 900 and 1000 of [...]