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In less than a week, buy Arizona residents will be allowed to carry a gun in their pocket or purse without needing paperwork to do so. Senate Bill 1108, shop which allows people to carry concealed guns with no permit or safety training, information pills takes effect on July 29, the same day controversial immigration [...]
Arizona Republican congressional candidate Pamela Gorman shoots four separate firearms, shop including an automatic rifle, in her latest ad.
The ad splices together glamour shots of Gorman, a state senator, with her firing off rounds in the Arizona desert.
“This year a lot of folks think this is our best shot at changing Congress,” [...]
The company that owns most of Southern Arizona’s Pizza Huts has reversed policy and is allowing customers to carry firearms into the restaurants if they are legal possessors.
Patrick McKinney, vice president of operations for Tucson-based Pizza Hut of Arizona, said he began reconsidering the company’s policy of prohibiting guns after reading a newspaper article [...]
The federal government is arguing in a gun-rights case pending in federal court in Montana that state plans to exempt in-state guns from various federal requirements themselves make the laws void, pharmacy because the growing movement certainly would impact “interstate commerce.”
The government continues to argue to the court that the Commerce Clause in the [...]
While the Obama-led federal government appears indifferent, if not averse, to the Constitution, various state governments across the country are embracing the founding document anew.
We’ve seen this via the 10th Amendment movement and the state-led opposition to Obamacare. And recently, Arizona’s Republican Governor Jan Brewer has shown another way back to the Constitution by [...]
As some states consider bills to get more guns in the hands of gun owners, some states are considering bills aimed at banning open carry.
In California, the Democrat-controlled Assembly Public Safety Committee passed a measure banning “open carry.” The move is expected to draw opposition and will likely lead to a number of lawsuits.
Today, healing Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) signed an important NRA-backed bill into law, buy which removes the licensure requirement for law-abiding citizens who choose to carry a concealed firearm in the state of Arizona. Senate Bill 1108 passed the state House on April 8, generic by a vote of 36-19 with five absent votes [...]
Along the border, fears are growing that the escalating drug violence in Mexico will spill into the United States.
Last month, a well-known rancher was murdered in southeastern Arizona. Authorities suspect an illegal immigrant did it.
The murder prompted governors in New Mexico and Texas to send forces to the border. This week, the Mexican [...]
Ariz. House approves concealed weapons bill The Arizona House voted Thursday to make the state the third in the nation to allow people to carry concealed weapons without a permit, sending the governor a bill that would allow Arizonans to forego background checks and classes that are now required.
The legislation, approved by the House [...]
Gov. Jan Brewer has signed into law two bills supported by gun-rights activists.
1 of the bills signed Monday would broaden the state’s current restrictions on local governments’ ability to regulate or tax guns and ammunition. One specific provision bars local governments from prohibiting a person with a concealed weapons permit from possessing a gun [...]
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