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Cryo Chamber

More States Allowing Guns in Bars

Happy-hour beers were going for $5 at Past Perfect, search a cavernous bar just off this city’s strip of honky-tonks and tourist shops when Adam Ringenberg walked in with a loaded 9-millimeter pistol in the front pocket of his gray slacks.

Mr. Ringenberg, for sale a technology consultant, see is one of the state’s nearly [...]

AZ: Gun Sales Rise Following New Weapons Law

Firearms have been a hot topic in Arizona in recent months as several laws loosening gun regulations were recently enacted.

And while it is too early to discern whether those laws, information pills particularly SB 1108, information pills which makes it legal for citizens 21 and older to carry a concealed weapon without a permit, [...]

CA Ready To Ban Open Carry;Register Long Guns

AB 1810 RIFLE AND SHOTGUN REGISTRATION AB 1810 SUMMARY: Applies the same regulations relating to the reporting and retention of records for handguns to long guns, ampoule as specified. Specifically, purchase this bill conforms reporting and record retention provisions in order that transfers and information reporting and retention requirements for handguns and firearms other than [...]

Arizona Fugitives Show Our Need For Guns

Freedom is not free; however, pharm the natural right of self-defense was given to us by God and will not be stolen from us with legislation.

If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, health the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a [...]

Gov’t. Housing ‘Waves White Flag’ On RKBA

Residents of public housing in Wilmington will now be allowed to legally keep firearms in their units.

The Wilmington Housing Authority suspended its ban on firearm ownership by tenants because of a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision and a National Rifle Association-funded lawsuit filed in May that charges the ban is unconstitutional, visit this according [...]


The federal Environmental Protection Agency has received a petition to ban lead in hunting ammunition and fishing tackle, site and Oregon wildlife officials are watching with some concern.

Also worried are people in the shooting sports.

“This is a serious issue for anyone who likes to target practice, shoot for fun or enjoy hunting, and [...]

Seized Guns Should Be Sold, Not Scrapped

Facing a budget crisis, why would anyone burn money?

That’s a question worth asking the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, which recently destroyed 8,300 firearms allegedly confiscated from criminals; guns that could and should have been sold to licensed firearms dealers, or utilized by the agency as a means of raising money or saving it. [...]

What’s That About Self-Protection, Obama?

During the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles in 1992, the one news report that stuck with me was how the Korean shop owners kept their premises safe from the marauding mobs.

The uprising was the reaction to the acquittal of four white police officers accused in the beating of King after his arrest a [...]


by Alan Korwin

Arizona, viagra 100mg which has single-handedly rocked the national dialog on the immigration debate, approved has done it again — this time for guns.

On the same day that portions of Arizona’s controversial immigration bill SB1070 took effect, purchase July 29, 2010, the Grand Canyon state implemented its new Constitutional Carry law.


Arizona’s Concealed-Weapon Law Takes Effect

Today is the day gun-rights advocates have had in their sights for a long time.

Starting today, more about Arizona residents at least 21 years old can carry a concealed weapon without a permit.

The change is part of a broad weapons law by state Sen. Russell Pearce passed by the state Legislature in April [...]