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Cryo Chamber

Pearce: Lawmakers Can Carry Guns In Senate

Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce says it’s okay for State Senators to carry guns inside the Senate building.

Pearce says a member of the Legislature does not lose his or her Second Amendment rights when coming to work each day.

The policy does conflict with state law that prohibits weapons inside the Arizona House and [...]

Gun Bloggers In Danger Of Losing Their Rights?

A blog threatening members of Congress in the wake of the Tucson, Arizona shooting has prompted Arlington police to temporarily suspend the firearms license of an Arlington man.

It was the headline “1 down and 534 to go” that caught the attention. “One” refers to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head in [...]

Knee-Jerk Gun Control Reaches New Low

What is as predictable as a threatened snowstorm bringing Atlanta to a standstill? Answer – gun control advocates taking advantage of every shooting incident as an excuse to further restrict Americans’ Second Amendment rights. The recent shooting incident in Tucson, what is ed Arizona — involving a clearly deranged individual who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, [...]

Utah Constitutional Right To Carry

A Utah lawmaker wants to allow all state residents who can legally have a gun carry and conceal it without a permit.

Rep. Carl Wimmer, R-Herriman, said he plans to introduce a bill to eliminate the requirement for a state concealed weapon permit to carry a loaded gun.

People who do not live in Utah [...]

Calls For New Gun Laws Receive Cool Reception From Cops

A poll of U.S. police and law enforcement chiefs shows gun control is not as popular with cops as some in the media would have you believe. In the aftermath of the Arizona massacre in front of a Tucson Safeway supermarket on January 8 — a shooting spree that left six dead and nine wounded [...]

AWB Would Not Have Prevented The Tucson Shooting

As usual, this site the ghouls at the Brady Center follow hot on the trail of a murder; in this case they are arguing that, had the federal assault-weapons ban not been allowed to expire, the Tucson shooter would have had a hard time buying the magazine he used in the gun with which he [...]

What The Media Must Ask Gun Control Advocates

The bottom-feeders at the New York Times editorial board are exploiting the Tucson tragedy to push for new gun control measures, case including a renewal on the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. The measure, sick which expired in 2004, prohibited the sale of high-capacity clips, among other things.

Congress has the “the power to reduce the [...]

Handgun Sales Surge In Arizona

One-day sales of handguns in Arizona jumped 60 percent to 263 on Jan. 10 compared with 164 the corresponding Monday a year ago, see the second-biggest increase of any state in the country, sildenafil according to FBI data.

Handgun sales rose 65 percent to 395 in Ohio; 16 percent to 672 in California; 38 percent [...]

Politicizing the Arizona Tragedy

First of all, our prayers go out to the families and victims of the horrific tragedy that took place in Tucson over the weekend. We pray that God will bring comfort to them in this time of trial.

The political left is trying to pin this tragedy on gun owners and conservative talk radio. Never [...]


The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is condemning Saturday’s attempted assassination of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the murders of six people including a federal judge and a 9-year-old child, web for which a 22-year-old Tucson man is now facing charges.

“Our sincere sympathy and sorrow goes to the victims [...]