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Cryo Chamber

F-16 Pilot Was Ready To Give Her Life On Sept. 11

Late in the morning of the Tuesday that changed everything, sickness Lt. Heather “Lucky” Penney was on a runway at Andrews Air Force Base and ready to fly. She had her hand on the throttle of an F-16 and she had her orders: Bring down United Airlines Flight 93. The day’s fourth hijacked airliner seemed [...]

Gun Owner Saves Cop’s Life, Shoots Deranged Gunman!

It’s not every day that you hear the police give a civilian a warm “thank you” for entering a lethal shootout, online but that’s exactly what happened in Early, viagra sale Texas on Sunday. But before we get into the heroic civilian shooter, click let’s back up a bit.

See a Man About a Dog


Gold Medal Winner Hounded About Her Gun

When you become the first US athlete in an individual sport to medal in five consecutive Olympics, online that’s kind of a big deal. As washingtonpostdotcom puts it, order you’re “Olympic royalty. Or should be.” If she was involved in any other sport, she’d be one of the toasts of London right now. “But Rhode, [...]

Man Found Dead In Road After Raping Teen Girl

A Lancaster man was found dead in the road after deputies say he was accused of raping a teenage girl.

The incident was reported at 10 p.m. Sunday, when deputies responded to a home on Old Mill Road in reference to a sexual assault call, according to the Chester County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies say a [...]

UN ATT Fails On U.S. Opposition “After False NRA Rights Threat”

One week after the Aurora, Colo., mass murder brought gun-control back to the forefront of political discourse, the Obama administration found itself faced with its first test on the issue — and blinked.

An arms control treaty to regulate the $60 billion global business of illicit small arms trading that had worked its way through [...]

The Army’s Request For Polymer Cartridge Cases

The U.S. Army has put out a request to ammunition component manufacturers to develop a cartridge case out of non- traditional materials in an effort to reduce the weight of ammunition.

“The U.S. Army, Army Contracting Command-Rock Island (ACC-RI), on behalf of the Office of the Project Manager, Maneuver Ammunition Systems, is seeking to identify [...]

The Other Consequences Of Fast And Furious

On the night of Dec. 14, visit 2010, more about U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was shot and killed while on patrol in an Arizona canyon near the U.S.-Mexico border. Two guns found at the scene were linked to an investigation being run by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) [...]

Mexico Asks UN To Regulate Arms Trade

Mexico asked the UN to regulate the arms trade to prevent their diversion to illicit markets accountable to producers, approved traders and end users and include all conventional weapons, approved parts, components, ammunition and technology. By participating in the UN Diplomatic Conference for the adoption of an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT for its acronym in [...]

Marines Set New Record With 22-Mile Shot

A Marine unit broke records by hitting a group of Taliban insurgents with a 22-mile artillery shot, medications Marine Corps Times reports. And you think you’re a good shot? Pfft – this shot was farther than most people’s commute to work.

Golf Battery, story 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines, out of Camp Pendleton, California launched a [...]

Pro-Gun Group Pulls Fast One On Chicago Firearms Buyback

A pro-gun group claims it flipped the script on Chicago’s firearms buyback program by selling old, broken rifles to the city and then using the money to buy guns and ammo for an NRA-sponsored shooting camp for kids.

“Guns Save Life,” based in Champaign, Ill., recently sold 60 firearms to the Chicago Police Department — [...]