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Michigan Father Wields Shotgun Against Daughter’s Ex

We’re all familiar with the old stereotype of a shotgun-toting father warily eying the man who’s enthusiastically eying his daughter. It’s fallen out of fashion a bit recently, pill but just because you see that trope on TV less frequently now, viagra approved that doesn’t mean that fathers all across America aren’t secretly fantasizing about [...]

Wisconsin ‘Nam Vet Holds Thief At Gunpoint

George of Kenosha, medications Wisconsin, isn’t the type of guy you want to tangle with. His home may not be extravagant, but it’s all his. “This is my turf,” he told reporters, “from here up to the sky.” One would-be robber learned that lesson too late when he came face-to-face with George and his Smith [...]

12-Year-Old Girl Shoots Intruder During Home Invasion

A 12-year-old girl took matters into her own hands during a home invasion in southeast Oklahoma.

It happened on Wednesday when the girl was home alone. She told police a stranger rang the doorbell, then went around to the back door and kicked it in. She called her mom, Debra St. Clair, who told her [...]

‘Oblivious’ Obama NOT Behind Osama Raid

The decision to raid Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan and kill him was made without President Obama – and actually was kept from him until after the helicopters already were in Pakistani airspace – according to a new report from a retired major general who cites a senior intelligence source.

The raid was handled [...]

H&K Hangs RECOIL Magazine Out To Dry

In the continuing saga of the RECOIL Magazine anti-2A flap (where a supposedly pro-gun magazine argued that a gun was “too dangerous” for civilians) it seems that H&K has finally added their two cents to the situation. The observant among you may have noticed that RECOIL editor Jerry Tsai tried to pass off the comments [...]

Senator Feinstein Says She’ll Reintroduce AWB Legislation

Dianne Feinstein announced Wednesday that she’s re-entering the battle over gun control during her keynote speech to the California delegates to the Democratic National Convention.

Feinstein was president of the San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors on what she calls that city’s “day of infamy” in 1978, when a former colleague shot and killed Harvey Milk [...]

Soldiers Allegedly Plotted To Kill Obama, Oust Government

Army soldiers formed a militia group in Georgia that plotted to overthrow the U.S. government — and they killed a fellow soldier and his girlfriend to keep the plot secret, prosecutors alleged Monday, according to the AP.

Prosecutors in the Long County, Ga., case say that the militia group planned to overtake the nearby Fort [...]

MISS Robbery Raises Questions About Home Invasion Safety

We all dread that moment when we know in our gut that somebody is breaking into our home. For 60-year-old Donald Kimbrough of Monroe County, sickness Mississippi, that moment came at around 7:20 Monday night.

Kimbrough recalled that moment of gut-wrenching anxiety: “I noticed that my gun safe was open and that my cabinet doors [...]

States May Lose Gun Makers Over New Laws

East Coast gun manufacturers may pick up and move west should New york and Connecticut pass laws that would not only drive up their costs, dosage but in doing so, limit their sales. The reason for such drastic measures is that both New York and Connecticut are looking to mandate firearms microstamping, which would cost [...]

Judge To Decide Fate Of Trucker Accused Of Trafficking Ammo

A federal judge’s decision today could be crucial in determining the future of a U.S. trucker being held in a Mexican prison and accused of trafficking thousands of rounds of ammunition into Mexico.

Jabin Akeem Bogan, 27, was arrested by Mexican authorities in April this year after he drove a tractor-trailer with 268,000 rounds of [...]