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Cryo Chamber

Secret Weapon

Noah Dressel, the gun counter manager at Missoula’s Wholesale Sports, has a permit issued by the state of Montana to carry a concealed firearm. But the permit isn’t valid in Washington, a state he often travels through, nor is it valid in Minnesota, where his parents live. So Dressel obtained what’s become the gun-lover’s golden [...]


The Following is an up to the minute report from Julianne Versnel, order Director of Operations for the Second Amendment Foundation who is representing SAF as an NGO delegate at the United Nations ATT meeting.

The Arms Trade Treaty Prep Committee began on July 12, 2010 and will conclude on July 23, 2010. Ambassador Roberto [...]

IRS targeting gun owners for punitive taxation?

The U.S. federal government collected $20.6 billion in taxes on alcohol, tobacco, firearms and ammunition in fiscal year 2009, up 41 percent from the previous fiscal year.

In October 2009, firearms and ammunition excise tax collection climbed 45 percent from the previous fiscal year, the greatest annual increase in the firearms tax revenue in the [...]

Feds: States’ gun-rights a threat

The federal government is arguing in a gun-rights case pending in federal court in Montana that state plans to exempt in-state guns from various federal requirements themselves make the laws void, pharmacy because the growing movement certainly would impact “interstate commerce.”

The government continues to argue to the court that the Commerce Clause in the [...]