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GUNRUNNER: The ‘Blame Bush’ Option Is Out

With Congressional investigators now on the ground in Arizona, visit this site as reported by CBS News and this column , view new revelations about the controversial “Project Gunrunner” and its Phoenix off-shoot, try “Operation Fast and Furious” are anticipated during the National Rifle Association convention, which opens here tomorrow, but one thing is clear [...]

“High Capacity Freedom”

By Alan Korwin

Legislators asked me to prepare this list.

By focusing on magazine size instead of ways to stop active shooters you jeopardize everyone’s safety.

Hoping to limit murderers by limiting magazines is irrational and hoplophobic.

Why have people picked a ten-round limit? Why not two?

Are they saying it’s OK to only [...]

Life Is Too Precious To Run Out Of Bullets

Rabbi Bendory Minutes before lunatic Jared Loughner began his mayhem in Arizona, buy information pills the issue of a Federal high capacity ammunition magazine ban was a complete political non-starter.

Obama didn’t go near it when he had Democratic majorities and he certainly wouldn’t have tried it after the election rout of 2010.

High cap [...]


The Best Felon Killing Home Defense Tool Ever Made

Countless hours have been spent arguing what makes the “best” home defense gun. The reality is there is not a single gun that meets the requirements of every person and household.

Frequently, viagra sale when talking about home defense guns, thumb the shotgun is brought up [...]

JPFO Launches “High Cap Freedom”

JPFO today launches “The High Capacity Freedom Campaign”.

First, doctor some background to highlight the hypocrisy and stupidity of a high-capacity magazine ban.

Imagine you bought a Glock 17 9mm pistol a year ago. Your purchase was legal and included two 17-round magazines. Now along come Obama and other “common sense” gun-grabbers with a ban [...]

High-Capacity Ammo Clips Save Lives

Anti-Second Amendment groups have tried to use the tragic attack against Gabrielle Giffords and others for their own political ends.

Since the senseless January 8 attack on Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her innocent constituents, viagra order NRA members have joined our fellow Americans in offering thoughts and prayers for the victims, viagra 60mg for [...]

What Liberals Don’t Know About Guns, Chapter 217

Fresh off of blaming Jared Loughner’s killing spree in the Tucson mall on Sarah Palin, liberals are now blaming it on high-capacity magazines. They might as well imprison everyone named “Jared” to prevent a crime like this from ever happening again.

During the presidential campaign, Obama said: “I don’t know of any self-respecting hunter that [...]

BATFE In The Dark On Mexican Drug Gun Facts

Agency experts admit they have no idea how many guns go to Mexico from U.S. The BATFE has no way to get the information or the desire to get the number or conflict with public statements. By Alan Korwin

In personal conversations at the SHOT Show with four high-level Justice Dept. officials, click including knowledgeable [...]

Calif. Sidearm Ammo Rules Thrown Out

A trial court judge in central California has thrown out key sections of a state law restricting handgun ammunition sales, barring authorities from registering bullet buyers’ thumbprints on the grounds that it would be unconstitutional.

Gun rights advocates applauded Tuesday’s ruling in Fresno County Superior Court, saying the law would have created uncertainty by forcing [...]

SCOTUS:No Lawsuit Against Gun Grabbing NJ Police

Missing a plane connection cost Utah gun owner Greg Revell 10 days in jail after he was stranded in New Jersey with an unloaded firearm he had legally checked with his luggage in Salt Lake City.

Nevertheless, the Supreme Court without comment refused on Tuesday to let Revell sue Port Authority of New York and [...]