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Cryo Chamber


The Obama administration “is seeking advice and consent” for Senate ratification of an international small arms treaty, page and also supports the inclusion of small arms in the UN Register of Conventional Arms, sale the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms learned today.

The disclosure is found in the text of [...]

Federal Raid Of NM Gun Shop Netted 1,200 Firearms

Federal authorities seized more than 1,200 firearms and nearly 2 million rounds of ammunition when they raided a family-run gun shop in New Mexico last month as part of a multi-agency investigation into illegal gun sales and smuggling.

The Albuquerque Journal reported Sunday that the tally of weapons seized was laid out in search warrant [...]

Man Seriously Injured In Potato Gun Explosion

A man was hospitalized after being seriously injured in a potato gun explosion.Police said they received a report of a shooting in the 200 block of Alpha Avenue at about 4:15 p.m. Monday, where they found 53-year-old John Berthiaume II lying in the street.

Berthiaume suffered injuries to his right arm and leg when his [...]

CBS Blames US Gun Laws For Norway Massacre

Anti-gun violence activists in the U.S. are renewing their push for new gun laws in the wake of the revelation that the alleged Norway shooter claims to have purchased high-capacity ammunition magazines from a United States retailer.

Anders Behring Breivik, visit web the alleged lone-wolf terrorist accused of shooting and killing 68 people at a [...]

The UN Is After Your Guns

Push for Gun Control Treaty Continues

A UN committee wrapped up a week-long series of meetings on a massive treaty that could undermine both U.S. sovereignty and the Second Amendment. This is the third round of meetings by the so-called “preparatory committee” on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) as the UN gears up for final [...]

The Insidious Semantics Of “Gun Control”

By Kirby Ferris 

Copyright 2011, link Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership “Gun Control” advocates fall into only two categories: the Liars and the Ignorant. There is no third category.

The Liars invent the lies. The Ignorant believe the lies and repeat them.

Truly fervent “gun control” advocates are quite often mentally ill. Their [...]

1st Gunwalker Hearing Offers No Surprises

Monday’s opening session in what will likely become a series of hearings on Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform demonstrated that Chairman Darrell Issa is laying a strategy to hold people accountable for an operation that sent thousands of guns illegally to Mexico.

During his [...]

Subpeonas Issued Over Gunwalker

The Obama Justice Department has been stonewalling Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Darrell Issa for months over an investigation into the lethal Operation Fast and Furious even after a subpeona was issued, but Issa isn’t playing softball.

“This is not a discovery process of what happened. We know what happened. We know that [...]

America’s Third War:U.S. Arming Cartels

If you ever watch video or look at pictures of the drug war in Mexico, you’ll notice some pretty heavy weapons. This is a war being waged with rockets and plastic explosives, not pea shooters and Saturday Night Specials. Consider these incidents:

- A M26A2 fragmentation grenade used against a U.S. Consulate in Mexico in [...]

Pentagon Seeks Replacement For M4

The M-16 and its variants have been a soldier’s companion and lifesaver for almost 50 years. Now the Pentagon is looking to replace the venerable rifle.

The Army has released a pre-solicitation contract request, viagra buy a Pentagon procedure to determine if anyone is interested in bidding for work on a replacement for the [...]