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State Bird, State Flower…Now A State Firearm?

Virtually all states have a state bird, information pills a state flower and a state motto. But Utah soon could be among the first to have an official state firearm — the Browning model 1911 .45-caliber handgun, website like this designed by Utah gunmaker John Moses Browning.

Rep. Carl Wimmer, R-Herriman — a former police officer, a life member of the National Rifle Association and an instructor for concealed weapons classes — wants to take a shot at creating that designation when the Legislature convenes next month. At least one anti-gun-violence group bemoans the move but sees no real harm.

“It would be very appropriate going into 2011 because it is the 100-year anniversary of the Browning model 1911,” Wimmer said. “It has a rich history. It was in every war from World War I to World War II, Korea, Vietnam and all the recent wars. It is still used by some military units and many police agencies.”

Wimmer said he believes some other states also have state firearms but could not name any specifically. Comprehensive websites about state symbols do not list any.-[source]

How To Purchase A CMP M1 Garand

The best firearms bargain currently available are the M1 Garand rifles available through the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP). These M-1 rifles are authentic U.S. military surplus rifles turned over from the government to the CMP for eventual distribution to qualified U.S. citizens.

One of the best things about buying a rifle from the CMP is that it is shipped right to your door! Unlike all other interstate firearms sales, ed the CMP is allowed to ship rifles directly to the purchaser after the NICS background check has been completed.

The CMP was chartered by Congress as a private entity in 1996 to replace the old Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) program that had previously been operated by the U.S. government. This program had been in existence since the early 20th Century.-[source]

Group Wants To Ax Mandatory Gun Permits

Last summer, viagra order Atlanta police arrested Vance Perry Jr. on charges that he was carrying a weapon without a permit.The father of two told Channel 2 Action News reporter Mike Petchenik that he bought the gun from a friend and was carrying it for protection because he lives in a “rough neighborhood.”“I have a right to protect myself and my family,” he said.This week, the Fulton County District Attorney’s office dropped the case against Perry because of a July 2010 revision to the state’s gun laws, that allows non-felons to carry weapons without a valid permit on their own property. This legislative session, one gun rights organization wants lawmakers to pull the trigger on even more liberties for gun owners.Georgia Gun Owners, based in Kennesaw, plans to propose legislation that would do away with mandatory gun permits, instead making it a voluntary process. The gun rights group also wants to eliminate mandatory government fingerprinting, background checks and waiting periods for prospective gun owners.-[source]

NJ man serving 7 for guns he legally owned

EVERYTHING Brian Aitken was or had worked for was wiped away one winter afternoon after his mother called the police on him.

Separated from his wife, the entrepreneur and media consultant, now 27, had moved back home to New Jersey from Colorado toward the end of 2008 to be closer to their young son.

In between jobs, his well-oiled life was running ragged, and on Jan. 2, 2009, when his ex canceled his visit with their son, he became distraught, muttered something to his mother, and left his parents’ home in Mount Laurel, N.J.

“He said something that scared her, things that a guy will only say to his mom, like . . . ‘Life’s not worth living anymore,’ ” said Larry Aitken, Brian’s father.

Sue Aitken, a trained social worker, decided to play it safe and called police, but she hung up before the 9-1-1 dispatcher could answer. Police traced the call and showed up anyway, and found two handguns in the trunk of Brian’s car. And now Brian, her middle child, a graduate student with no prior criminal record, is serving a seven-year prison sentence for weapons charges. – [source] [facebook] Continue Reading ‘NJ man serving 7 for guns he legally owned’

DHS assumes more power; snatches up domain names

The Hill reports The investigative arm of the Homeland Security Department appears to be shutting down websites that facilitate copyright infringement.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has seized dozens of domain names over the past few days, viagra approved according to TorrentFreak.

ICE appears to be targeting sites that help Internet users download copyrighted music, as well as sites that sell bootleg goods, such as fake designer handbags.

The sites are replaced with a note from the government: “This domain named has been seized by ICE, Homeland Security Investigations.”

For instance,,, and have each been seized.

One of the site owners told TorrentFreak that his site was shut down without any notice or warning.

The effort come as Congress considers the Combatting Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA). Critics, including Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) say it is too heavy-handed. He has vowed to put a formal hold on the bill. – [source] [source]


Texas Violates Young Adults 2A Rights

Americans are granted the right to bear arms in the constitution but the NRA is arguing that Texas Teenagers are being left out.

The National Rifle Association is taking the State of Texas to court, claiming that limiting concealed handgun licenses to adults 21 and older, infringes on the rights of 18, 19 and 20 year olds.

But the “Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence” is siding with the state.

“We think it is just completely contrary to public safety to seek to put a concealed weapon in the hands of people that age”, says Vice President, Dennis Henigan.

Henigan cites statistics, indicating that 20% of violent crimes comes from teens 18 to 20, which make up just 6 Percent of the U.S. population.

“We have found this is a very, very volatile stage of life. A disproportionate number of teens in this age group are arrested for violent crimes”, says Henigan.

The NRA and a Lubbock college student named, James D’Cruz, are the plaintiffs in the case.-[source]

Brady Stalks Teenager, Brags About It

I recently had a discussion with a younger member of the Open Carry movement. He is of the opinion that we should try to use logic and reason with the Brady Bunch. He attributes their actions to “…a poor understanding of the right to openly bear arms and individual liberty in general…”

When I was much, pill much younger I too thought that truth would prevail whilst debating them back in the days when they were known as Handgun Control Incorporated. I got to know my enemy quite well. These are the same people who dropped a lot of acid back in the sixties and snorted a lot of cocaine in the seventies and eighties. Their brains are fried. They are incapable of logical thought.
Charles Cooke once remarked that one of the first things he learned as a young man working on the McGovern campaign was that seven percent of the population is stark raving, web barking at the moon, mad. He was baffled at how they were able to maintain a job and actually function in society. Unintentionally, he described the Brady Bunch perfectly.
These hollow people hate life, liberty and freedom. They believe that we have no right to defend ourselves and they believe we should all be denied the means to self-defense. There will be no reasoning with them. Their hate is all that fills that empty void that most people call a soul. Their brains are dead, their spirits are dead, their sole purpose for being is to destroy the individualism which sets our people apart and above the rest of the world,  as well as from the history of the world.-[source]

Lawsuit Filed Against Post Office Gun Ban

If there’s anything that makes a concealed carry permit holder upset, visit this its criminal safezones.

A criminal safezone is where only criminals are safe, because armed self defense is banned. That’s why the National Association for Gun Rights has filed a lawsuit against the United State Postal Service.

The U.S. Postal Service uses bureaucratic rules to ban your right to carry in a Post Office, and that’s important, even if you don’t carry concealed –- it’s the camel’s nose under the tent.

You see, the U.S. Postal Service claims citizens don’t have the right to self defense in Post Offices.

There’s one problem with that claim: it isn’t true.-[source]

Time to Arm Airline Passengers?

As opposed to the increasingly absurd steps being taken to identify and keep weapons off commercial aircraft, it would be advisable and practical to identify and empower volunteer counter-terrorists among the passengers, initially at least on domestic flights or on international flights by domestic carriers. This could even extend to arming those passengers on the aircraft.

Of the four planes hijacked on 9-11, only in the case of  United 93 was the death toll limited to only the flight crew and passengers. There the passengers fought back, forcing the terrorists to crash the plane in a field in Pennsylvania rather than into an occupied building in the nation’s capital. In December 2001, shoe-bomber Richard Reid, at 6’4″ and over 200 pounds, had to fight off two female members of the flight crew of American Airlines Flight 63 while trying to detonate a bomb until several passengers jumped in and subdued him. On Christmas day 2009, when underwear-bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to detonate his bomb on Northwest Airlines Flight 253, it was a passenger, Dutch film director Jasper Shuringa, who subdued him, allowing flight attendants to douse the flames ignited in the attempted detonation.

In the war against jihadist terror, civilians have on different occasions been the first, the last, and even the most effective line of defense. Recognizing that and expanding and formalizing the role of volunteer counter-terrorist civilians can have more practical benefit for air travel security than does groping septuagenarian nuns or toddlers.-[source]

Metamaterials To Hide Events In Time As Well As In Space

Forget invisibility cloaks. Researchers at Imperial College London have demonstrated – on paper, prostate anyhow – a metamaterial “space-time cloak” that can conceal entire events from view, making a viewer see one thing while something entirely different takes place behind the cloak. Paging DARPA.

A space-time cloak would do this with protons [photons], accelerating some, decelerating others, and essentially editing out some in the middle. As such, someone could – and this is an example rather than a suggestion – fool a security camera buy manipulating the photons that reach it. Ostensibly, a safecracker could set up a space-time cloaking device, enter a room, empty the safe, close the door, and make his or her grand escape while a security camera fixed on the safe would see nothing but the closed safe. (You know, like the camera looping scene from Speed,except slightly more believable.) - [source]