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Something Completely Different
An interesting legal case is playing out in Montana. A 16-year-old honor student, for sale varsity cheerleader and student council member inadvertently brought a deer-hunting rifle onto school property unloaded and secured in the trunk of her car. During the day she realized it was in her trunk in violation of school rules so she voluntarily told school officials she had been hunting that weekend and forgot it was in her trunk.
You would have thought she tried to kill several students as the school rushed to protect the innocent students. The zero-tolerance school expelled her with further punishment to follow. Education officials insisted the gun law had no “wiggle room” – that she must be held to the same standard as someone bringing a firearm onto campus with the intent to commit murder.
First, this site it was secured unloaded in her trunk; she did not bring it into the school, cialis 40mg only the school parking lot. And, actually, the law does have lots of “wiggle room,” but some administrators are phobic about guns, any guns.-[source]
By Mike Bauman
The City of Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation. Up until a few months ago, it was illegal for a private citizen to own or possess a handgun anywhere within the city, including in one’s own home. For 2010, Chicago also holds another distinction. More Chicago Police Officers were killed by gunfire this year than any other police agency in the nation. The city also boasts one of the highest violent crime rates in the country, with 1 in 89 residents being victims of violent crime last year.
According to the Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc., the City of Chicago had five police officers killed in the line of duty this year. Four of those were killed by gunfire. This, despite the fact that until June of this year, Chicago did not allow the licensing of handguns. In order to lawfully possess a handgun in Chicago, a citizen was required to have a license. In effect, the Chicago law banned having any type of handgun.-[source]
It may soon be against the law to carry a phony gun in Moorhead.
On a vote of 5-2 on Monday, drugs Moorhead City Council members gave initial approval to a revised city ordinance that prohibits people from carrying facsimile weapons in public places.
The revision needs one more reading to become effective, and officials said that could happen Jan. 10.
Luther Stueland and Mark Hintermeyer were the only council members who said no to the change Monday.
“This is a Second Amendment issue. I still find it a violation of my natural rights,” Stueland said of the proposal, which came back to the council after an earlier discussion showed some council members wanted it made clear the rule would not apply in private residences.-[source]
We haven’t heard much about gun control lately here in America, dosage and I am beginning to believe that is by design. The Obama Administration is hoping for Senate ratification of the treaty, which would, almost certainly, gut the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.
The fact of the matter is this: The UN Small Arms Treaty amounts to global gun control.-[source]
One day in 1889, John Browning was on a firing range when he noticed that when a friend fired his rifle, a clump of weeds in front of the muzzle swayed with the blast.
“His inventor’s mind immediately told him that this represented energy which might well be put to productive use,” David Miller wrote in “The History of Browning Firearms.” “That night, John designed a rudimentary gas-operated gun in his head.”
The next day, he had a prototype of a rifle that automatically reloaded.
This became the Colt 1895.
Suddenly the U.S. Marines had a huge upgrade from the hand-cranked Gatling…-[source]
“Ahhhhhhhh, patient ” screams a soldier with a blown-off leg inside the wreckage of a crashed helicopter. “Get me out of here.”
Scurrying through an exercise of the sniper competition Thursday at Fort Bragg, medical two members of the Alcohol, check Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Police team fire at targets from behind a junked car and atop a building before making their way into a door of the downed aircraft.
Loud, sporadic bursts of machine gun fire echoed through the mock village from a Humvee moving fast in reverse. The soldiers in the truck provide suppressive fire in the simulated rescue on range 37 at the Miller Training Complex.-[source]
“What I can tell you is that if you Open Carry in Los Angeles you’re going to get inspected a lot.” – LAPD Chief Charlie Beck
This is an exact quote from Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck. He and Los Angeles County Sheriff Leroy Baca answered a question regarding openly carrying a firearm at last night’s Crawford Family Forum. Openly carrying a firearm is something which is legal in California albeit with a myriad of state restrictions. As I have reported earlier, the police agencies and prosecutors in this state have taken the position that the United States Supreme Court decisions Heller and McDonald never happened. Heller is the High Court decision that held the 2nd Amendment core right is one of self defense and that we have the right to carry a weapon for the purpose of self-defense. The McDonald decision applied the Heller decision to all of the states and local governments, including the city and county of Los Angeles.
Although harassment isn’t as onerous a threat as is outright murder, which a predecessor of Beck made to the people of Los Angeles in 1926, given the history of the LAPD, one can reasonably conclude that his threat goes beyond intimidation.-[source]
Gun owners rejoice: President Obama backs the Second Amendment. Period. And he does it in writing.
“I believe in the Second Amendment, this site and the rights of sportsmen like you. Period. Sincerely, viagra Barack Obama,” is clearly and firmly written on the note up for auction December 16 by our friends at Alexander Autographs.
A very rare Obama note, handwritten on White House stationary, has surfaced on the auction market in which the target of the National Rifle Association pledges his support for gun owners.-[source]
Over the last few months, the Phoenix Police have responded to an increased number of calls related to suspicious persons walking through neighborhoods, parks, and desert wash areas with assault rifles in hand.
When officers arrive, they encounter “suspicious” individuals wearing combat style clothing with air soft guns that appear to be assault rifles.
They’re actually toy guns, but people call the police when they see these people walking through areas with air soft guns.
Neighbors don’t always know the “war games” are fake.
“We’re not trying to demonize the game or demonize the toys, but use it properly and use it safely so no one gets hurt,” said Sgt. Steve Martos.-[source]
Mayor Richard Daley on Wednesday said that it’s “annoying” that the Chicago Police Department has yet to set up a database to let police officers and firefighters know how many firearms are registered in each home in the city.
The registry was a key piece of Daley’s new gun control platform after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the city’s handgun ban in June. The mayor said it would help protect first responders by letting them know what kind of situation they might encounter when they responded to home calls.-[source]
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