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Something Completely Different
– Action would clear the way for semi-auto bans, guns show bans, gun licensing, and ammunition bans
Monday, January 3, 2011
Make no mistake about it: Procedure is power.
The reason we are not stuck with bans on semi-autos, gun shows and ammunition is because the U.S. Senate is structured so that whatever party is in the minority still retains procedural power to protect the rights of the citizenry against the “tyranny of the majority.”
But on January 5, 2011, at the beginning of the new Congress, Senate Democrats are hatching a plan to decimate long-standing Senate rules in order to remove those protections.
The linchpin of the plan would be a ruling by Senate President Joe Biden that the Senate is not a “continuing body” and therefore has NO rules — other than whatever 53 Democrats and Independents might unilaterally adopt.
At the core of their efforts will be an attempt to abolish the “hold letter” — at least as it currently exists. Pro-gun senators have used “hold letters” in the past to kill proposed gun show bans, semi-auto bans, ammunition bans, gun licensing requirements, registration lists — any number of anti-freedom initiatives.
Basically, a hold letter allows a single Senator to slow down movement on unconstitutional legislation, so that it can’t be rammed through before the American people can voice their concerns.-[source]
Air Force’s new drone, ‘we can see everything’
The Air Force is set to deploy to Afghanistan what it says is a revolutionary airborne surveillance system called Gorgon Stare, which will be able to transmit live video images of physical movement across an entire town.
With the new tool, analysts will no longer have to guess where to point the camera, said Maj. Gen. James O. Poss, the Air Force’s assistant deputy chief of staff for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. “Gorgon Stare will be looking at a whole city, so there will be no way for the adversary to know what we’re looking at, and we can see everything.”
The development of Gorgon Stare began about 18 months ago. It is based on the work of Air Force scientists who came up with the idea of stitching together views from multiple cameras shooting two frames per second at half-meter resolution. Currently full-motion video is shot at 30 frames per second from one camera mounted on a Predator or the larger Reaper drone.
Gorgon Stare is being tested now, and officials hope it will be fielded within two months. Each $17.5 million pod weighs 1,100 pounds and, because of its configuration, will not be mounted with weapons on Reaper aircraft, officials said. They envision it will have civilian applications, including securing borders and aiding in natural disasters. The Department of Homeland Security is exploring the technology’s potential, an industry official said. – [source]
Have we seen the birth of Big Brother? Or it’s evolution.
Aaron Zelman
March 4, 1946 – December 21, 2010
JPFO’s Board of Directors is preparing a full memorial
tribute and charting the future course of the organization.-[source]
At the dawn of the Cold War, dosage former Soviet soldier Mikhail Kalashnikov, information pills 26, led a team in the design of a lightweight assault rifle, the Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947. Now, 65 years later, some 100 million AK-47s have been produced—10 times the number of U.S. Army M16s. The original weighed roughly 10 pounds and married the best features of a submachine gun and a long-range rifle.

Read more…
Also read The Rise Of The AK47
The fable of the U.S. civilian gun market being responsible for “arming” Mexico’s brutal drug cartels has become so deeply entrenched, that to question it is to be labeled a “right wing gun lobby shill.” The claimed numbers, though, as National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea points out, have continued to drop, as more light is shed on the actual facts.
Hence, the Brady Campaign’s and Violence Policy Center’s claims of ” 95 to 100%” of Mexican “crime guns” coming from the U.S. civilian market first dropped a bit to ” over 90%,” and now Mexican President Felipe Calderón has settled on 80%.
What those who toss these numbers around rarely mention, if not pressed, or under oath, is that whatever the percentage they’re currently quoting, that’s the percentage of guns submitted to the BATFE for tracing (and successfully traced). We’ve discussed the fact that Senator John Kerry (D-MA)–no friend to gun owners–admitted once that only about a quarter of the seized guns are ever submitted for BATFE tracing. Go to Mr. Codrea’s piece to see the details (here’s the link again), especially the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) explanation.-[source]
While it is true that St. Louis area gun shops are not being saddled with much of the blame for the brutal drug war violence in Mexico, keep in mind that the proposed “solutions” involve yet more oppressive regulation at the federal level, making this topic very relevant here in St. Louis, because such regulatory changes would be in effect here as much as in Texas and Arizona. That subject has thus become a frequent focus here at St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner. The Washington Post has, for months now, been running a series of articles demonizing gun dealers, and calling for more restrictive federal gun laws (and more aggressive enforcement of those laws). It should come as no surprise that WaPo would eventually get around to steering that series in the direction of the “blame ‘lax U.S. gun laws’ for violence in Mexico” mantra–and indeed they now have.-[source]
Montana’s Congressman, cialis 40mg Denny Rehberg today sent a bipartisan letter along with 33 co-signers to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) questioning an “emergency” information request that will require federally licensed firearms retailers to report multiple sales of semi-automatic rifles. The proposal was included in the Federal Register and specifically calls for firearm retailers to report multiple sales, or other dispositions, of two or more .22 caliber or larger semi-automatic rifles that are capable of accepting a detachable magazine and are purchased by the same individual within five consecutive business days.
“It’s not just the new rule gun advocates object to, it’s the presumption that buying multiple guns is a questionable activity that ought to be monitored,” said Rehberg, a member of the Second Amendment Task Force. “We cross a line when the federal government starts keeping tabs on citizens who are exercising their Constitutional rights in a completely legal manner. This isn’t about partisanship or politics – this is about standing up for liberty.”-[source]
The Senate did not vote on whether to confirm Andrew Traver as the next leader of the Bureau of Alcohol, sildenafil Tobacco, more about Firearms and Explosives this Congress, sending his nomination back to the White House on Wednesday.
Traver, the chief of the ATF’s Chicago office, faced strong opposition from the National Rifle Association. The gun rights organization said in a news release that he “has been deeply aligned with gun control advocates and anti-gun activities,” noting his involvement with the Gun Violence Reduction Project, a national program supported by police chiefs, and the Joyce Foundation, which pushes for tighter gun laws.
President Barack Obama nominated the 23-year ATF veteran on Nov. 17, but the Senate Judiciary Committee never acted on his nomination. Obama now must re-nominate Traver if he wants the Senate to consider him in the next Congress, which convenes in January.
The ATF has never had a Senate-confirmed appointee. Temporary appointees have led the ATF since a 2006 law gave the Senate the power to confirm the Director.-[source]
When being threatened by a criminal or a grizzly bear, a gun is more effective than a cell phone or a camera. On April 19, 1775, the British attempt to confiscate guns from Americans triggered a successful revolution and resulted in the most free, most powerful, and safest country on Earth.
Dearest Congress, read the history books! If trouble kicks down your door, answer it with a gun, preferably a magnum! Female gun owners own guns to compensate for being smaller and weaker. You go girls — I support you.
Your daughter is being threatened with violence — what would you prefer she have to protect herself? A cell phone to call 911, or a glock? If criminals suspect you are armed, they are not going to bother you, but your unarmed neighbor will be in danger. The world has been blessed with the likes of Hitler, Castro, Qaddafi, Stalin, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il and others. I used the word “blessed” because without them we could not imagine such evil could exist within the human heart. Each of those mass murderers proved that gun control works!
That same evil exists in America, and is only stopped by the U.S. Constitution. Isoroku Yamamoto said he would never invade the United States, as he believed there would be an armed citizen behind every blade of grass. Free people can own guns if they choose to, slaves cannot. George Washington didn’t use his right of free speech to defeat the British — he used a gun.-[source]
visit web Helvetica, stomach sans-serif; color: black;”> By Forrest Fisher
A few years ago, I walked into the hunting cabin of a friend of mine and watched as he cleaned up what looked like an automatic military firearm. He was an United States Army Reservist, so I thought, well, pretty cool that he thought enough about his job to bring his combat toys home and clean them up right. Like many sportsmen not in the modern sporting rifle “know” at the time, I would have assumed all of the wrong things!
While the modern sporting rifle has been evolving for decades, in the last 10 years or so, shooters and hunters alike have become educated, more logical and have developed heightened interest for one shot shooting accuracy. That has led legions of hunters and shooting sportsmen to a new love and what many call the greatest sporting rifle of all time, the AR-15 platform.
Of course, as mentioned earlier, this is a rifle that is largely misunderstood due to the fact that it looks like a military rifle. It is not. The military appearance is purely cosmetic.-[source]
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