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Something Completely Different
By Tim Gaynor
PHOENIX (Reuters) – A planned Obama administration clampdown on Mexico border gun dealers which would require them to report multiple assault rifle sales has been delayed by the White House amid stiff opposition from the powerful gun lobby.
The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said last month it would tighten reporting requirements to help agents gather intelligence to target smugglers running high-powered rifles to Mexico, where 30,000 people have been killed in drug cartel violence since 2006.
The measure would require around 8,500 gun dealers in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas to report sales of two or more high-powered semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines to the same person within a five day period.
The White House Office of Management and Budget was expected to approve the emergency rule change on Wednesday. But an official with direct knowledge told Reuters that “ATF’s information collection request is still under review,” and declined further comment until the “deliberative phase is concluded.”-[source]
“Police said two men kicked in the door to a home … The homeowner, Larry Ryan, said the bandits yelled ‘Give me the money’ as they pointed their guns directly at his head.
“Ryan, 59, said he immediately grabbed for one of the weapons, and a struggle ensued. Wearing only underwear, Ryan battled the robber to the front porch, where they fell to the ground.
While being pistol-whipped by the second gunman, Ryan was able to pin the first assailant to the ground, he said. The gun he was struggling for fired, shooting off two of the robber’s fingers …-[source]
By donttreadonme
Today there was a shootout by an armed criminal and The U.S. Marshalls at a mall in Chandler,Az.
Noone was harmed during the exchange of lead, and considering the circumstances, I’d say it was a miracle.
People enter and exit the mall frequently, so there are possibilities for stray bullets to find passers by, probably not likely from law enforcement, or an armed firearms owner in a similar situation, usually a criminal frantically trying to evade the law are the ones that accidentally shoot others.
The criminal in this situation then entered the Chandler mall and began taking hostages, an easy task as firearms are currently banned in malls, while local and federal authorities locked down the fairly large mall.
Customers were then let out of the mall while police searched business by business for the lone gunman.
Customers still have yet to get their vehicles from the parking lots, and all roads bordering the mall were also blockaded.
Witnesses to the event saw SWAT and other officers packing AR-15 rifles.
The suspect was taken into custody without incident hours later.
This brings me to the topic of victim disarment zones.
Much sooner than later firearms owners will have to decide to take a stand against businesses than ban us from from carrying while spending our hard earned money in their stores.
Whether it’s ignorance on the firearms issue or insurance reasons that business owners deny us our right to keep and bear arms, a boycott might change their minds.
The way I see it, funerals are expensive, as well as lawsuits, a well trained firearm owner’s ammunition is not.
Malls, and churches are just one of the few places firearms are banned.
The next three articles are some examples to consider.
And the Chandler mall shootout can be found here.-[source]
The woman who was arrested at gunpoint after she wore her gun to a church in Brookfield, and a gun rights group, have settled a lawsuit against the city and the officers who arrested her for $7,500.
An attorney for the city said police will still always respond in force to calls of a person with a gun, and if turns out to be an open carry situation, that’s just the cost of doing business.
“These are kind of ‘gotcha’ cases,” said the attorney, Greg Gunta. “The courts are being used for a political stage.”-[source]
Looser laws for gun owners in Iowa took effect in the new year. Some businesses already plan to keep out the gun-toters, but it’s causing a second amendment uproar.
Gun owners are stepping up to businesses. If they won’t let them carry a firearm in, they’ll take their money elsewhere.
Signs reading ‘No firearms allowed’ are starting to greet customers at the door. The Iowa Firearms Coalition president Sean McClanahan said those signs don’t sit well with gun rights advocates.
“Putting signs up doesn’t accomplish anything in the way of safety. In fact, it does the opposite because there are no good guys inside carrying,” he explained.-[source]
After almost eight years of U.S. occupation and nation-building in Iraq, pill elements of contemporary Western civilization finally are taking root in this Middle Eastern nation. The Nanny State has finally arrived in Baghdad. As noted in a recent story in The New York Times, diagnosis Iraq’s Ministry of Health is pushing for a ban on the sale of toy guns.
In a move reminiscent of the popular holiday movie, A Christmas Story, in which Ralphie’s mother repeatedly voices every mother’s fear that their child will “shoot their eye out” if allowed to possess a BB gun, Iraqi officials are focusing their anti-toy gun effort on air guns that shoot rubber pellets. Such toy guns are among the most popular for Iraqi boys.-[source]
Mr. Bignell is renowned for his ascots, adiposity English shooting vest and famous pink slacks. Now imagine this dignified British gentleman head-to-toe in black tactical gear, armed with a Mossberg pump, kicking in the door of a shoot room ready to neutralize a hostage situation.
With the same aplomb that Mr. Bignell morphed from chief executive of America’s finest purveyor of shotguns and rifles into a tactical gladiator, his proficiency from racing classic Jaguars at Goodwood, West Sussex was quite evident as he strapped himself into the driver’s seat of a beat-up reinforced Ford Crown Vic ready to strategically ram a car out of his way.
Now team up Mr. Bignell with Jim Sierawaski, the burly former Navy SEAL and Vice President of Domestic Training at U.S. Training Center (which the media still calls Blackwater USA and you can still purchase Blackwater gear in the pro shop). Together they concoct a mind-blowing shooting and high-speed driving training session whose price of admission is worth the bragging rights alone.-[source]
A whistle-blowing agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, advice Tobacco, purchase Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has received a response to his Freedom of Information Act request to find out how much money the agency is spending with the private law firm of Delany, Siegel, Zorn & Associates to handle Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaints against the bureau. He received back 15 redacted pages, a representative sample included as a photo in the sidebar.
So much for good faith transparency.-[source]
A clerk fended off two robbers in a gun battle at a convenience store in Waco, salve Texas, doctor and it was all caught on tape.
The clerk says initially he was caught off-guard by the two armed men and he told them to take all the cigarettes they wanted.
As the robbers started to make their getaway, price the clerk reached for his gun and exchanged shots with the suspects at extremely close range.-[source]
It just never ends; at least for the next two years, cost and if the first two were anything to go on, they can seem like an eternity. It is nonetheless scary to contemplate what more harm that these people can do; this time, to our very precious Second Amendment rights.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, now officially the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives but still referred to as the ATF, is a federal agency that was created in 1886, and was housed at that time within the Department of the Treasury under the jurisdiction of the Internal Revenue Service. Later transferred to the Department of Justice, the agency was bounced back and forth between the two departments until it was put under the permanent jurisdiction of the Department of Justice after the events of September, 2001. This change represented the agency’s ultimate alteration in purpose from a revenue collecting source to a terrorist activity prevention agency.-[source]
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