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Opening Shot On ObamaCare Scheduled

The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to hold its first vote on repealing the anti-gun ObamaCare law this Wednesday.

Good for them!

As GOA has pointed out for more than a year, price ObamaCare will allow the Bureau of Alcohol, drug Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to troll the federal health records database in an effort to disarm hundreds of thousands of law-abiding Americans.

Even after the forced adoption of language to take care of SOME of the anti-gun problems with the bill, ObamaCare still does not prevent the government from using health records to place people on the FBI gun prohibition list (the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS).

But, some would protest, ObamaCare does not explicitly mention firearms or background checks.

Well, neither did ObamaCare explicitly give Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius the ability to promulgate rules to regulate insurance premiums.  But she did.

Neither did it give HHS the ability to implement the deleted “death panel” language.  But they did, until public outrage forced them to retreat.

Neither does any statutory law authorize the BATFE to use the Mexico drug cartel violence problem to require U.S. gun dealers to report the names of persons making purchases of more than one rifle.  But they have.

So the question is this: How much do you want to bet that Barack Obama, and his anti-gun appointees, will not use every tool at their disposal to go after the Second Amendment community?-[source]

Knee-Jerk Gun Control Reaches New Low

What is as predictable as a threatened snowstorm bringing Atlanta to a standstill?  Answer – gun control advocates taking advantage of every shooting incident as an excuse to further restrict Americans’ Second Amendment rights.  The recent shooting incident in Tucson, what is ed Arizona — involving a clearly deranged individual who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a federal judge and several other innocent people – is no exception.

Doctors had barely announced that Rep. Giffords had survived the shooting, than gun-control legislators in the nation’s capitol began trotting out their latest anti-gun schemes. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, Democrat of New York, was in the forefront of this effort.  Close behind Ms. McCarthy was her Empire State colleague, Republican Peter King.  While most anti-firearms proposals emanating from the Congress are simply ineffective or unworkable; King’s most recent proposal is utterly idiotic.

In response to the Tucson shooting — in which the gunman showed up at a public, outdoor town hall meeting hosted by Rep. Giffords in the parking lot of a local shopping center — King has proposed what has to be one of the silliest pieces of federal legislation in many a year.  He has suggested the federal criminal code be amended to incorporate a new provision making it illegal for a person to possess a firearm within 1,000 feet of a Member of Congress.-[source]

Utah Constitutional Right To Carry

A Utah lawmaker wants to allow all state residents who can legally have a gun carry and conceal it without a permit.

Rep. Carl Wimmer, R-Herriman, said he plans to introduce a bill to eliminate the requirement for a state concealed weapon permit to carry a loaded gun.

People who do not live in Utah would still need a permit issued by Utah or another state.

The measure is being drafted for the legislative session that begins Jan. 24.

Wimmer said it wouldn’t change laws about who can legally have a gun. Felons, people who have committed a violent crime and illegal residents are now prohibited from carrying a gun.

“If you’re a law-abiding, upstanding citizen, you can protect yourself by carrying a gun without a permit,” Wimmer said.

Alaska, Arizona and Vermont already have similar laws, he said.

The proposal would not eliminate concealed weapon permits because people would still need them to carry a concealed gun in other states.

Also, Utah allows residents of other states to apply for the state’s concealed weapon permit.-[source]

Calls For New Gun Laws Receive Cool Reception From Cops

A poll of U.S. police and law enforcement chiefs shows gun control is not as popular with cops as some in the media would have you believe.

In the aftermath of the Arizona massacre in front of a Tucson Safeway supermarket on January 8 — a shooting spree that left six dead and nine wounded including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords — politicians, gun-control activists and many members of the media are demanding stricter gun control laws.

What surprises many news reporters, politicians, and even some gun ownership advocates is the fact that this latest round of attacks on the Second Amendment do not have the blessings of a majority of police commanders throughout the nation.

For example, in a survey conducted by the National Association of Chiefs of Police of the nation’s police executives, with regard to private citizens owning firearms for sport or self-defense, 93.6 percent of the respondents supported civilian gun-ownership rights.-[source]

AWB Would Not Have Prevented The Tucson Shooting

As usual, this site the ghouls at the Brady Center follow hot on the trail of a murder; in this case they are arguing that, had the federal assault-weapons ban not been allowed to expire, the Tucson shooter would have had a hard time buying the magazine he used in the gun with which he shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. It is certainly not true that, as Salon put it, “Weapon in rampage was banned under Clinton-era law”The weapon in question, a 9mm Glock 19 pistol, was not banned; neither were the 31-round magazines the shooter used. What was banned was the manufacture or importation of new magazines with a capacity of more than ten rounds.

That is not hair-splitting, inasmuch as high-capacity magazines for Glocks were and are commonplace — almost as commonplace as Glocks themselves — and remained so even while their manufacture and importation were banned. Most Glock 9mm magazines are usable in any Glock 9mm pistol, regardless of model. Glock makes at least four different 9mm pistols at the moment — 9mm being one of the most common calibers — and a high-capacity magazine sold for almost any of those could have been used in the Glock 19. Third-party manufacturers make them as well, and have made them for years and years, meaning that AWB or no AWB, finding one is not very difficult. The only difference the AWB is likely to have made is that the shooter would have had a used magazine instead of a new one (assuming he did in fact have a new one), and he probably would have paid five bucks more for it.-[source]

What The Media Must Ask Gun Control Advocates

The bottom-feeders at the New York Times editorial board are exploiting the Tucson tragedy to push for new gun control measures, case including a renewal on the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. The measure, sick which expired in 2004, prohibited the sale of high-capacity clips, among other things.

Congress has the “the power to reduce the number of these sorts of horrors, and their lethality” if only they would confront the evil interests of the NRA and reinstate the ban, intoned the Times.

Hyperbole aside, would a ban on oversized magazines result in lower crime rates and prevent massacres like the one we saw take place in Arizona? John Lott Jr., a criminologist and author of The Bias Against Guns, says no. Not a chance.

In a HUMAN EVENTS video exclusive, Lott said that when the assault weapons ban expired in 2004, liberals argued that felonies and shootings would soar.

The opposite happened, Lott states. Murder and robbery rates have fallen substantially, in fact.-[source]

Handgun Sales Surge In Arizona

One-day sales of handguns in Arizona jumped 60 percent to 263 on Jan. 10 compared with 164 the corresponding Monday a year ago, see the second-biggest increase of any state in the country, sildenafil according to FBI data.

Handgun sales rose 65 percent to 395 in Ohio; 16 percent to 672 in California; 38 percent to 348 in Illinois; and 33 percent to 206 in New York, cure the FBI data show. Sales increased nationally about 5 percent, to 7,906 guns.

Arizona gun dealers say that among the biggest sellers over the past two days is the Glock 19, like the type used by the gunman who killed six people at a suburban Tucson shopping center on Saturday.

Instead of hurting sales, the massacre had the $499 semi-automatic pistols — popular with police and sport shooters — flying out the doors of two Glockmeister stores in Mesa and Phoenix, owner Greg Wolff said.-[source]

Democrats To Limit Guns, Hi-Cap Mags, Threatening Language

Reacting to the assassination attempt on one of their own, sales two House members on Monday said they will introduce legislation that would ban certain ammunition clips and make it illegal to threaten a federal official, more about both of which they say contributed to the mass casualties in a shooting rampage in Tuscson over the weekend.
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, buy D-N.Y., plans to introduce a bill that would ban high-capacity ammunition clips like the one used by Jared Loughner, the gunman accused of killing 6 and injuring 14, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., as they gathered at a “Congress on Your Corner” event.
And Rep. Robert Brady, D-Pa., will introduce legislation that would make it illegal to uses threatening words or symbols or incite violence against a lawmaker or federal official.
Among the symbols Brady seeks to ban was one posted on the Internet by former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin that showed Democratic congressional districts, including Giffords’, with the crosshairs of a rifle scope superimposed over them.-[source]

Politicizing the Arizona Tragedy

First of all, our prayers go out to the families and victims of the horrific tragedy that took place in Tucson over the weekend.  We pray that God will bring comfort to them in this time of trial.

The political left is trying to pin this tragedy on gun owners and conservative talk radio.  Never mind the fact that this creep hated the Bible and the U.S. flag, loved the (censored by dtom) and (censored by dtom) and, according to his friends, was a drug abusing lefty.

But why let the facts get in the way?

Already, we see the pattern we witnessed in Columbine, with liberal politicians flocking like vultures to pick political advantage from a tragedy.  Some have blamed people who, like us, are outraged at the unconstitutional, anti-gun contents of ObamaCare.

And New York Congressman Carolyn McCarthy has already announced her intention to suck political benefit from the shootings by introducing anti-gun measures.  These apparently include a magazine ban and a gun show ban, notwithstanding the fact that Jared Loughner bought his firearm from a retailer and underwent a Brady Check.  (The Instant Check is an unconstitutional requirement in itself, which has failed to stop “gun violence,” but that’s an issue for another day.)

The calls for banning or restricting gun shows have also spread to the state level.  Over the weekend, Virginia State Sen. Janet Howell called for closing the so-called “gun show loophole” and then put GOA in her crosshairs.

“I think it is imperative that my constituents understand that the Virginia General Assembly is yielding on every gun issue to a fringe group called the Gun Owners of America. They make the NRA look reasonable,” she said.

Thanks, Senator Howell, we’ll take that as a compliment.-[source]


The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is condemning Saturday’s attempted assassination of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the murders of six people including a federal judge and a 9-year-old child, web for which a 22-year-old Tucson man is now facing charges.

“Our sincere sympathy and sorrow goes to the victims of this heinous crime, and their families, who are in our thoughts and prayers,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb. “This was a despicable act of cowardice, and we believe the full force of law should be used against the individual responsible.

“And speaking of despicable,” he continued, “we find it unconscionable that the gun prohibition lobby wasted no time at all in its attempt to exploit this hideous attack in an effort to further its political agenda. When will these people stop dancing in the blood of crime victims in an attempt to resuscitate their relevance?”

Gottlieb was especially critical of attempts by at least two different organizations to link an out-of-context remark made in 2009 by the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre to this crime. He called it a “shameless demonstration of the depths to which the anti-gun-rights lobby will stoop in an attempt to discredit gun rights organizations.

“We notice,” he said, “that little has been said about the courageous armed citizen, Joe Zamudio, who helped physically subdue the gunman. Despite Mr. Zamudio’s disclosure during interviews with CNN and Fox News that he was armed, the press appears to be largely ignoring this detail.-[source]