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What Liberals Don’t Know About Guns, Chapter 217

Fresh off of blaming Jared Loughner’s killing spree in the Tucson mall on Sarah Palin, liberals are now blaming it on high-capacity magazines. They might as well imprison everyone named “Jared” to prevent a crime like this from ever happening again.

During the presidential campaign, Obama said: “I don’t know of any self-respecting hunter that needs 19 rounds of anything. You don’t shoot 19 rounds at a deer, and if you do, you shouldn’t be hunting.” It would have been more accurate for him to end that sentence after the word “hunter.”

It’s so adorable when people who wouldn’t know a high-capacity magazine from Vanity Fair start telling gun owners what they should want and need.

In fact, high-capacity mags put a predator like Loughner at a disadvantage because they are so long, unwieldy and difficult to conceal. This may be why the Tucson shooting appears to be the first spree killing involving a high-capacity magazine. It would have been easier for Loughner to bring two guns.-[source]

Va. Senate Passes Bill Allowing Air Guns At Homes

Localities would be prohibited from banning the firing of BB guns, paintball guns and other air-propelled weapons on private property under a bill approved Tuesday in the Senate.

The Senate voted 25-14 in favor of Sen. Roscoe Reynolds’ bill, which would allow the use of pneumatic weapons when fired with “reasonable care” to prevent shots from going outside of the property.-[source]

Calls Heard For National Firearms Carry

In wake of known threats, leaving citizens defenseless is wrong In wake of known threats, leaving citizens defenseless is wrong.
By Alan Korwin

Recent events have made it painfully obvious that murderous trouble can erupt at any time and in any place. It is a clear and present danger.

We can no longer afford to pretend such dangers do not exist.

It is irresponsible to continue to imagine that police can be everywhere, or that they can respond with sufficient speed to prevent a homicidal rampage.

Police are second responders. The first responders are always we, the people, on the scene as events unfold.

The time has come to insist upon robust restoration of our right to defend ourselves, to keep and bear arms when and where arms might be needed in public places, to forestall these serious known threats to our safety.

It is time to press forward for nationally recognized right to carry and honor and respect the plain meaning of the Second Amendment.

The forces aligned against our civil right to arms are disgracefully using an assassin’s heinous crime to foment hatred and attack us. They are plotting in secret to diminish and impair our cherished rights. Now is not the time to simply rebut their power-hungry vitriol and ignorance.

Now is the time to advance a vigorous pro-rights agenda, because it is the righteous response to the problems their anti-freedom efforts have helped to create.

We must at last free people from the governmental chains that bind them, and replace those chains with the fullest expression of rights that are so fundamental to the American way of life.-[source]


The New Jersey Attorney General’s motion to dismiss a recently-filed Second Amendment Foundation lawsuit against the state’s subjective handgun carry laws was “predictable and disappointing, seek ” SAF said today.

The lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Garden State’s “justifiable need” gun permit standard also involves the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs and six private citizens. It was filed in November in federal court.

The Attorney General’s brief asserted, prostate “When a handgun is carried in public, online the serious risks and dangers of misuse and accidental use are borne by the public.”

“That is a pretty lame argument,” said SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. “Considering that there are more than 6.2 million law-abiding citizens licensed to carry in 48 states, and that many of these people have either intervened in, or prevented crimes by their mere presence, New Jersey’s position on this issue simply defies common sense.”-[source]

The Elephant In The Room:

An Armed Citizenry vs. A Tyrannical Government

By Kirby Ferris

“What if the American government ever “goes bad” and becomes a police state? That tyrannical government, viagra 40mg IF it could enlist the willing support of every American soldier and every American cop (which is thankfully doubtful), could field perhaps a total of 1.5 million armed personnel. These duped soldiers and cops would have to go to their jobs each day facing a bare minimum of 10 MILLION very, very motivated and angry armed American citizens. The other 55 million would sit on the fence waiting, with their guns, to see which way the tide was flowing.

Additionally, you must logically ask WHY the present government is so obsessively committed to “gun control”. If our government has become so overpowering, so omnipotent, and it’s a waste of our time to even imagine resisting tyranny, then why do “They” even worry about the citizens being armed?

And why did the political regimes that committed genocide though the history of the 20th Century, first REGISTER and then CONFISCATE firearms before marching unarmed masses off to killing fields?

If an armed government is so omnipotent, why have so many armed governments gone to the effort and expense of gun confiscation?

The Turks did it to the Armenians. Lenin did it to Russians. Hitler did it to many Germans and all Jews. Stalin gave Russians a horrific double dose. And Mao, the world record holding mass murderer, did it to Red China.”

JPFO Founder Aaron Zelman, in an “Open Letter to Michael Savage” in 2009-[source]

White House To Unveil A Campaign Of Gun Control

In the next two weeks, information pills the White House will unveil a new gun-control effort, page and said that to avoid being accused of capitalizing on the Arizona shootings for political gain, Obama will address the gun issue in a speech separate from the State Of The Union address, likely early next month. He’s also expected to use Arizona as a starting point, but make the case that America’s gun laws have been too loose.

Meanwhile, the National Rifle Association has stayed largely silent following the Arizona shootings. Asked about a specialized White House effort on guns, a spokesman for the powerful gun lobby declined to comment. – [source]

Pearce: Lawmakers Can Carry Guns In Senate

Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce says it’s okay for State Senators to carry guns inside the Senate building.

Pearce says a member of the Legislature does not lose his or her Second Amendment rights when coming to work each day.

The policy does conflict with state law that prohibits weapons inside the Arizona House and Senate.

Pearce counters that the Arizona Constitution gives him the authority to make the rules within the building.-[source]

Celebrate Epoch Day 15000

Its time once again to celebrate the turning of the Unix system time. Usually we just celebrate the turning of some aesthetically pleasing number of seconds (like 1234567890), but far less often are we privileged to celebrate the number of epoch days turning a significant number. Epoch days being the number of days since January 1st, 1970.

This clock will turn 15000 days on January 26th, 2011 at midnight GMT or January 25th at 7pm EST. The last time we turned a 5k mark (day 10000) was May 19th, 1997, nearly 14 years ago. Entire computing paradigms and the rise and fall of operating systems happen in less than that amount of time.

You probably weren’t doing what you are doing now 14 years ago, Heck, you probably weren’t even on the Net 14 years ago. So its really time to celebrate the fact that an operating system design can last for not just 14 years, but 41 years. – [source] [alternate link - due to heavy traffic]

Targeting The Taliban? There’s An iPhone App For That

An iPhone app that tracks down the Taliban has been developed by a U.S. soldier — who put $26, more about 000 of his own money into the project.

The idea for a smartphone application to assist soldiers in combat came to Capt. Jonathan J. Springer in a dream last July, viagra approved he said Monday. The 31-year-old, from Fort Wayne, Ind., has worked with programmers ever since to make the idea a reality.

Tactical Nav, which is expected to be available through Apple’s App Store next month, assists soldiers in mapping, plotting and photographing waypoints on a battleground and conveying coordinates to supporting units.

Springer used a variety of armored vehicles, remote observation posts and harsh combat conditions to test the accuracy of his invention, which can also be used to direct artillery fire on enemy positions or call in helicopter support.-[source]

BATFE In The Dark On Mexican Drug Gun Facts

Agency experts admit they have no idea how many guns go to Mexico from U.S. The BATFE has no way to get the information or the desire to get the number or conflict with public statements.
By Alan Korwin

In personal conversations at the SHOT Show with four high-level Justice Dept. officials, click including knowledgeable BATFE experts speaking on condition of anonymity, it became apparent that a commonly cited figure used by the “news” media to attack American gun stores and gun rights is a complete fabrication.

No method exists to obtain the information. The agency has no mandate or desire to do so. Even if the information could be obtained or deduced from what few records exist, they would be reluctant to release it to the public and anger their superiors, they say.

From the head of the State Dept. to the heads of various departments within the agency, the 90% gun-running stat has been standardized despite it being completely false.-[source]