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Wyoming has become the fourth state to allow citizens to carry concealed guns without a permit.
Gov. Matt Mead signed a bill into law Wednesday to allow state citizens legally entitled to own guns to carry them concealed starting in July.
Similar bills are pending in about half a dozen other state legislatures around the country. Alaska, Arizona and Vermont already don’t require permits for carrying concealed guns.
A national spokesman for the National Rifle Association says the push to allow more concealed guns comes from common people who demand the freedom to protect themselves in tough economic times.-[source]
In wake of known threats, this leaving citizens defenseless is wrong.
Recent events have made it painfully obvious that murderous trouble can erupt at any time and in any place. It is a clear and present danger.
We can no longer afford to pretend such dangers do not exist.
It is irresponsible to continue to imagine that police can be everywhere, stomach or that they can respond with sufficient speed to prevent a homicidal rampage.
Police are second responders. The first responders are always we, the people, on the scene as events unfold.
The time has come to insist upon robust restoration of our right to defend ourselves, to keep and bear arms when and where arms might be needed in public places, to forestall these serious known threats to our safety.-[source]
Little opposition was expressed at a hearing Monday for a bill that would make all information pertaining to Nevada concealed weapons permits confidential.
Backers of AB143 argued such confidentiality is a safety issue, rx because thieves could find out who has concealed weapons permits — and presumably guns — and target those homes for burglary.
The bill, sponsored by Assemblyman David Bobzien, D-Reno, and others also would ease requirements for obtaining a concealed weapons permit and is similar to SB126 pending in the Senate.
Both proposals allow gun owners to qualify for a certain type of weapon, such as a revolver or semi-automatic, instead of for individual guns as currently required. AB143 goes further in addressing the confidentiality issue.-[source]
Last Friday, the House tacked defunding of the anti-gun ObamaCare law onto the “continuing resolution,” which is required to fund the federal government through September 30.
In a series of four votes, the House approved:
* An amendment offered by Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT) to defund ObamaCare for the next six months;
* Two amendments sponsored by Rep. Steve King (R-IA) to defund previously appropriated provisions of ObamaCare; and,
* An amendment offered by Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO) to defund IRS implementation of the “individual mandate,” which is the ObamaCare requirement that forces Americans to cough up their medical information which could later be used by the FBI to block gun purchases (and forces them to buy government-approved insurance).
In addition, the House, by a sizable majority, adopted the Boren-Rehberg amendment to defund ATF’s efforts to create a new gun registry for many multiple gun sales. (Rep. Dan Boren is a Democrat from Oklahoma.)
Gun Owners of America contacted every member of the House of Representatives prior to the vote on the Boren-Rehberg amendment. This is an important provision that will stop the ATF’s attempts to illegally register gun owners. -[source]
Keeping American weapons from getting into the hands of Mexican gangs is the goal of a program called “Project Gunrunner.” But critics say it’s doing exactly the opposite. CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports on what she found.
December 14, 2010. The place: a dangerous smuggling route in Arizona not far from the border. A special tactical border squad was on patrol when gunfire broke out and agent Brian Terry was killed.
Kent, Brian’s brother, said “he was my only brother. That was the only brother I had. I’m lost.”
The assault rifles found at the murder were traced back to a U.S. gun shop. Where they came from and how they got there is a scandal so large, some insiders say it surpasses the shoot-out at Ruby Ridge and the deadly siege at Waco.
To understand why, it helps to know something about “Project Gunrunner” an operation run by the ATF the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.-[source]
A measure that would exempt handgun permit holders from criminal background checks to buy weapons is one of two gun bills advancing in the state Senate.
The proposal sponsored by Republican Sen. Steve Southerland of Morristown was moved to the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday after passing the Senate Judiciary Committee 8-1. The companion bill is awaiting a vote in the same committee in the House.
The other proposal sponsored by Republican Sen. Mike Bell of Riceville states that it’s not an occupational hazard for employers to allow workers with handgun permits to carry their weapons at work. The measure is headed for a full Senate vote after also passing the Senate Judiciary Committee 8-1.-[source]
Wyoming residents could carry concealed guns without a permit under a bill that has cleared its first hearing in the state House of Representatives.
The House voted 48-8 Wednesday in favor of the bill, price which already has passed the Senate.
If the bill passes, sales Wyoming still would continue to offer concealed-carry permits for citizens who want to carry their guns in other states under reciprocal agreements. The permit system requires police background checks for applicants.-[source]
Domestic abuse victims would be offered free self-defense and firearms training by sheriffs under a measure being considered in the Iowa House.
Advocates said Monday that the issue is about empowering victims.-[source]
“Anyone who is lawfully adjudicated unfit to carry a firearm should not be on the street in the first place. They should be in prison or in a mental institution. We’ve thrown the baby (our personal liberties) out with the bathwater, pharm making us helpless to protect ourselves from armed criminals and lunatics. And who promotes this delusional illogic the most fervently? Politicians and the law enforcement hierarchy.”
JPFO Founder Aaron Zelman

Is America going to return to a pre 1968 “gun control” policy? Realistically we have to acknowledge that the consensus isn’t there yet. Maybe someday. And even better would be pre 1934!
In the meantime, diagnosis let’s take a pragmatic look at how to actually attempt to, advice quote: “Keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the insane”. Mind you, what follows is NOT an official JPFO stance. We’re opening this to debate. We would like to solicit your comments.
Here’s one proposal…-[source]
The state House backed a bill Monday that would allow people to carry concealed weapons in urban areas without a permit, giving a victory to lawmakers and gun rights supporters who are pushing a slate of firearms legislation.
House Bill 271 would allow anyone eligible to obtain a concealed weapon permit to carry without actually applying for a permit. It is already legal to carry a concealed weapon in rural areas without a permit.
Gun rights advocate Rep. Krayton Kerns described the proposed concealed carry process as “self-certification.” Kerns argued it’s important to restore gun rights that he said had been legislated away when carrying a concealed weapon was regulated in 1919.-[source]
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