La Plata County Sheriff Duke Schirard has mixed feelings about a House bill that would allow people to carry concealed weapons without a permit.
On one hand, cialis 40mg the permitting process helps deputies know whether someone might be carrying a weapon – for example, rx during a traffic stop or when responding to a residence.
On the other, the permitting system doesn’t deter would-be criminals from carrying a concealed weapon, he said.
“If a person is dead set on carrying a weapon for any nefarious purpose, he’s probably going to carry it,” Schirard said.
House bill 1205, by Rep. Chris Holbert, R-Parker, passed the House this month and is set to be heard Tuesday by the Senate State Affairs Committee. If it passes, it will go to the full Senate for a vote.
The bill would allow people who currently qualify for a concealed-weapon permit to carry a hidden gun without obtaining a permit. The bill does not change the law that forbids concealed weapons for people with a history of alcohol or drug abuse, mental illness or domestic violence. In addition, people must be Colorado residents and 21 or older.-[source]
The foundation of New Jersey’s blatantly unconstitutional gun laws rests on a state Supreme Court decision in 1968; Burton v. Sills. This decision relied on an interpretation of the Second Amendment as pertaining only to “the militia” or National Guard, more commonly known as the “collectivist interpretation.” The collectivist interpretation, however, was eliminated once and for all in the 2008 Supreme Court case Heller v. D.C.
It would seem a simple remedy is right before us — except for certain members of the Legislature who, as I was told by a senator, are so blindly wed to their anti-firearm ideology that they simply “do not care how much money they waste; they will fight any changes until a judge orders them to do otherwise.” This would mean an unfortunate step backward for taxpayers who may be forced to fund the state’s defense of the indefensible. – [source]
Nasa is considering using lasers to deflect space junk around Earth and stop it colliding with satellites.
Lasers similar to those used for welding in car factories would be fired through telescopes to ‘nudge’ piles of rubbish left in orbit.
The gentle movement would stop them from taking out communications satellites or hitting the International Space Station.
The process could also avoid what is known as ‘Kessler Syndrome’, where there is too much space junk flying around Earth for it to be safe to fly out, leaving us trapped on our own planet.
Such a situation has been predicted by Nasa for more than 30 years and a string of recent near-misses have added urgency to the need to find a solution. – [source]
The White House today proposed sweeping revisions to U.S. copyright law, including making “illegal streaming” of audio or video a federal felony and allowing FBI agents to wiretap suspected infringers.
In a 20-page white paper (PDF), the Obama administration called on the U.S. Congress to fix “deficiencies that could hinder enforcement” of intellectual property laws.
Some of the highlights:
• The White House is concerned that “illegal streaming of content” may not be covered by criminal law. To resolve that ambiguity, it wants a new law to “clarify that infringement by streaming, or by means of other similar new technology, is a felony in appropriate circumstances.”
• Under federal law, wiretaps may only be conducted in investigations of serious crimes, a list that was expanded by the 2001 Patriot Act to include offenses such as material support of terrorism and use of weapons of mass destruction.
• The administration is proposing that if Homeland Security seizes circumvention devices (AKA Your computer used for ripping your own DVD’s), it be permitted to “inform rightholders,” “provide samples of such devices,” and assist “them in bringing civil actions.”
The term “fair use” does not appear anywhere in the report. - [read more]
On Wednesday, pills the U.S. House ignored the wishes of millions of American voters and passed a do-nothing “Continuing Resolution” (CR) to fund the government for the next three weeks.
The CR now heads to the Senate for an expected vote on Thursday. Gun Owners of America has written Senate members to let them know of its opposition to that CR.
The first issue is ObamaCare. Republicans ran for election promising that they would repeal it -– or at least defund it. But it is increasingly apparent that some members of the leadership lack the courage to defund ObamaCare on the short-term CR … or on the long-term CR on April 8 … or on the debt limit.
So when, exactly, do they intend to show us that their word is worth the paper it is written on?
The problem for gun owners is that ObamaCare will allow the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives(ATF) to troll its health database for Americans who suffer from ailments such as PTSD –-millions of whom could find themselves subject to a gun ban under 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(4).
The second issue for us is that the three-week CR fails to include the Boren-Rehberg amendment, which would block efforts by the ATF to set up an illegal gun registry of multiple firearms sales.
Without defunding ObamaCare –- and without incorporating the Boren-Rehberg amendment -– this CR will continue to fund these unconstitutional activities, thereby endorsing them.
We are particularly sickened by cowards who are so afraid that Barack Obama will shut down his own administration that they are willing to allow him to dictate every provision in each CR.-[source]
President Obama’s well-intentioned Sunday essay on gun rights in a Tucson newspaper demonstrates that he – and probably his entire administration – remains confused about firearms safety and gun control, cheap the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.
“The president evidently can’t tell the difference between genuine gun safety advocates and gun prohibitionists,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Obama’s remarks reveal that he equates gun control with gun safety, when in reality the self-proclaimed ‘safety’ advocates spend all of their time spreading anti-gun hysteria, and none of it promoting responsible gun ownership.”
In his essay, the president wrote, “The fact is, almost all gun owners in America are highly responsible. They’re our friends and neighbors. They buy their guns legally and use them safely, whether for hunting or target shooting, collection or protection. And that’s something that gun-safety advocates need to accept. Likewise, advocates for gun owners should accept the awful reality that gun violence affects Americans everywhere, whether on the streets of Chicago or at a supermarket in Tucson.”
“Those to whom the president refers to as ‘advocates for gun owners’ are gun owners, themselves,” Gottlieb observed. “They understand real gun safety involves muzzle control, proper storage, practiced marksmanship, and general safe handling. The so-called ‘gun safety advocates’ to whom the president alludes in his comments are prohibitionists who hide their true intentions behind a façade of pseudo-responsibility.
“Their idea of ‘gun safety’,” he continued, “is to make gun ownership prohibitively expensive by adopting registration and licensing fees, and regulations that are deliberately written to discourage average citizens from exercising their Second Amendment rights.-[source]
President Barack Obama says it’s time for US lawmakers to tackle the divisive issue of gun control in hopes of preventing tragedies like the Tucson shooting spree that killed six people.
In an opinion column published Sunday in the Arizona Daily Star, the main Tucson newspaper, Obama argued that improving the system of background checks on gun purchasers should be the first “common sense” step that neither side of the gun debate should oppose.
“I know that every time we try to talk about guns, it can reinforce stark divides,” Obama wrote in a rare public commentary on the gun control issue.
“However, I believe that if common sense prevails, we can get beyond wedge issues and stale political debates to find a sensible, intelligent way” to make the nation “a safer, stronger place.”
Tucson was the location of a January 8 shooting spree that killed six people, including a federal judge and a nine-year-old girl.-[source]
Will Congress Lay the Groundwork for Gun Confiscation?
Within the next 90 days, stomach Congress will vote on whether to reauthorize legislation to specifically allow the government potential access to millions of gun records (4473’s).
Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act, which must be reauthorized soon, is of particular concern.
This section allows the FBI to seize business records — including the 4473 forms that gun buyers fill out. The only significant caveat is that the FBI must claim that the seizure of records is needed pursuant to “an authorized investigation.”
But since a secret court is required to rubber-stamp the government’s request (unless it fails to make even a specious case), the FBI can easily abuse its authority. The Inspector General found that, between 2003 and 2006, the FBI may have violated the law over 6,000 times with respect to their authority under various provisions of the PATRIOT Act.
So just imagine that it’s your gun records that have been seized. Under such circumstances, the gun dealer is specifically prohibited, under penalty of law, from telling you that the FBI has confiscated the records of your firearms purchases. Under the PATRIOT Act, any limitations on the use of the seized records shall be at the sole discretion of the Department of Justice.
Talk about the fox guarding the hen house!
It is imperative that Congress protect gun owners from rogue government agents who would abuse their authority to register gun owners.-[source]
G.I. Joe used them to battle Cobra’s evil forces. Han solo shot his first in the Mos Eisley Cantina. For years, site hand-held pulse laser guns have been something that existed only in the realm of cartoons and movies…until now.
German hacker [Patrick Priebe] recently constructed a laser pulse gun that looks so good, it could have easily come off a Hollywood movie set. Its sleek white and black exterior adds intrigue, but offers little warning as to how powerful the gun actually is: The laser can burst balloons, shoot through plastic, and even blow a hole right through a razor blade.
[Patrick] says that he is more than happy to help out anyone looking to source parts and build one for their own use, so what are you waiting for? – [source]
Arizona Firearms found at murder scene of American Border Patrol agent
Scandal along the U.S. – Mexico border continues to plague the federal Bureau of Alcohol, symptoms Tobacco, stuff Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and is raising eyebrows on Capitol Hill.
When Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was shot and mortally wounded in a gun battle about 10 miles from the Mexico border in Arizona in December, 2010, it appeared to be yet another example of Mexico drug gang violence spilling over the border. But as more and more information from the crime scene leaked out, disturbing evidence also pointed to serious wrongdoing at the ATF.
Since 2005, the ATF has been involved in an initiative called “Project Gunrunner.”
Under this plan, ATF was to trace the flow of guns supposedly trafficked by straw purchasers in the U.S. to across the border into Mexico. When concerned firearms dealers, fearing the guns were being sent into Mexico, contacted ATF, they were instructed to proceed with the questionable and illegal sales to suspected straw buyers.
The mismanagement and botched oversight of “Gunrunner” has led to what has become known as the “Gunwalker” scandal.-[source]
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