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foreign_policyThe controversial Arms Trade Treaty passed by the United Nations General Assembly (GA) with the United States’ support represents an alarming policy shift, online and a potential threat to American gun rights, the Second Amendment Foundation said.

“The vote was not about public safety,” stated SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “The United States already has the strongest regulations in the world on the international trade of conventional weapons.”

The U.S. broke with its policy requiring consensus and not only voted for the treaty but sponsored it.

Julianne Versnel, SAF’s Director of Operations, who spoke about self-defense in an NGO, statement expressed disappointment.

“We have been working for 7 years on an ATT. There have been eight lengthy multi-day meetings and we still can’t get the right of civilians to self-defense acknowledged,” she observed.

On March 27, after the final text of the ATT was released, SAF sent a letter to Assistant Secretary Thomas M. Countryman expressing concern and asking for clarification regarding several provisions of the proposed treaty. Also signing the letter were the National Rifle Association, Manufacturers Advisory Group, World Forum on Shooting Activities, Defense Small Arms Advisory Council, Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute and Firearms Import/Export Roundtable. This laid out five main reservations.

Of primary concern is the fact that civilian arms appeared to be included in the treaty, yet there is no recognition of the lawful right of civilians to own, trade and use small arms for self-defense. The language used in the Scope does not exclude “firearms that are lawfully owned by civilians and are not part of international commerce.” The language was also unclear concerning international travel with firearms by hunters and sport shooters.

Additionally it was unclear whether relics and curios would fall under this treaty or whether state-owned museums would be able to transport artifacts to other countries without export licenses. There is also concern that the amendment process for the treaty, and the possibility that major provisions could be effected by a minority.

The ATT will be open for signatures on June 3. Although President Obama has indicated he will sign it, the Treaty would have to be ratified by the Senate before it becomes binding on the United States.-[source]

Obama:Newtown Shooter Killed 20 Kids With ‘FullAuto Weapon’

dorkalertAt a fundraiser last night in San Francisco, web President Barack Obama said that the Newtown killer gunned down 20 children using a “fully automatic weapon.” From the official transcript, seek provided by the White House:

Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues:  gun control.  (Applause.)  I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon — by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.  -[source]

Mandatory gun ownership law passes in Georgia town

rkbaBackers of a newly adopted ordinance requiring gun ownership in a small north Georgia town acknowledge they were largely seeking to make a point about gun rights.

The ordinance in the city of Nelson — population 1, hospital 300 — was approved Monday night and goes into effect in 10 days. However, it contains no penalties and exempts anyone who objects, convicted felons and those with certain mental and physical disabilities.

City Councilman Duane Cronic, who sponsored the measure, said he knows the ordinance won’t be enforced but he still believes it will make the town safer.

“I likened it to a security sign that people put up in their front yards. Some people have security systems, some people don’t, but they put those signs up,” he said. “I really felt like this ordinance was a security sign for our city.”-[source]

3rd Time’s The Charm:Robber Taken Down At 3rd Pharmacy

whoopassA suspect accused in a string of armed pharmacy robberies is now behind bars — but police are still looking for his accomplice.

Officers say James Johnson robbed 3 valley pharmacies, diagnosis each time demanding Oxycontin or Percocet pills at gunpoint.

In the first robbery, sildenafil which occurred on March 25 at J & J Arrowhead Pharmacy, hospital he received a small quantity of drugs and got away.

A few hours later he attempted to rob Estrella Pharmacy. One of their employees retrieved his handgun and ordered the suspect on the floor. He laid on the floor, but after a brief moment, got up and ran.

About 40 minutes later Johnson allegedly entered a third pharmacy, Melrose Pharmacy. He again pointed a handgun at an employee and demanded narcotics. A customer who was inside the store was able to get help from across the street and two armed citizens confronted the man.

He was detained until police arrived.

Johnson fled from the first two robberies in a black Ford Expedition. Police are looking for his getaway driver. The license plate contains the letters AA and numbers 1, 4, 9, and 0.-[source]

Service Gun Belonging To Coconino County Sheriff Stolen

dorkalertThe handgun belonging to the sheriff of Coconino County has been stolen.

Sheriff Bill Pribil’s 9mm Glock pistol was taken on Sunday from his truck, which had been parked outside his home in Flagstaff.

Investigators say the sheriff thought his pickup was locked, because he pushed the button to lock it. But there was no signs of forced entry into the vehicle.

The gun, which was his service weapon, had been in the center console. It remains missing.-[source]

Colo. Shooting Competition Canceled After New Gun Laws

rkbaOrganizers of the Rocky Mountain Western States Regional IDPA Championship, initially scheduled to take place July 4-6 in Montrose, Colorado, have announced that the match is being canceled in the wake of Colorado’s recently passed gun control laws.

An estimated 300-plus shooters from the neighboring states and across the country were expected to attend the three-day competitive shooting event. This is the second shooting competition to abandon the state after a recent announcement by firearms maker Ruger that it was moving the 2013 Ruger Rimfire Challenge World Championship out of Colorado.

“With these new Colorado laws going into effect July 1, and based on the ambiguous way in which they were written, we have decided to cancel the Rocky Mountain Western States Regional IDPA Championship,” said event organizer Walt Proulx of Grand Junction.

“Due to the growing number of hunters and shooters choosing to boycott Colorado, and the risk that these laws as written will turn law-abiding citizens into criminals, we were left with no other choice but to cancel what was planned to be one of IDPA’s major regional championships, and one strongly supported by Montrose-area businesses.”

Cancellation of the Rocky Mountain Western States Regional adds to the negative economic impact resulting from the passage of Colorado’s recent gun control legislation. Already, Colorado-based firearms accessories manufacturer Magpul Industries Corp. has announced its intention to leave the state, and Michael Bane, an independent producer for the Outdoor Channel, has said he will cease production of four of the channel’s popular shooting programs in Colorado.-[source]

Feinstein:“I’ve Seen Bullets That Implode”–No One Else Has…

dorkalertEverybody was so taken with Sen. Ted Cruz’s masterful statement about the unconstitutionality of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s attempted gun grab, and so amused by and dismissive of Feinstein’s “don’t you dare lecture me, little boy” response, that it took a few days to figure out just how foolish her response actually was.

 At, after listening to Feinstein’s response a few times, they finally figured out what ws wrong:

After reminding Cruz she is not a sixth grader, Feinstein said she has witnessed what bullets do to the human body.

“I’ve seen the bullets that implode,” she said.

Imploding bullets?

And this is the woman who wants to ride roughshod over the Second Amendment by determining, with great specificity, which guns you are allowed to have and which you aren’t?-[source]

Obama Sends Kerry To U.N. To Pass International Gun Ban

foreign_policyDiane Feinstein’s assault weapon ban may be deader than a doornail, physician but is the Obama administration trying to bring gun control into the United States via the NRA opposed U.N. Weapons Treaty?

 Per the Washington Post.

The National Rifle Association, prescription which is battling a raft of gun control measures on Capitol Hill, also has an international fight on its hand as it gears up to oppose a U.N. treaty designed to restrict the flow of arms to conflict zones.

…The NRA is among the treaty’s most vocal opponents and a founder of the World Forum on Shooting Activities, an international coalition of gun rights activists and gun manufacturers who plan to speak against the treaty.

“What we really object to is the inclusion of civilian firearms within the scope of the ATT,” said Tom Mason, the group’s executive secretary and a lawyer who has represented the NRA at U.N. meetings for nearly two decades. “This is a treaty that really needs to address the transfer of large numbers of military weapons that leads to human rights abuses. We have submitted language that you can define what a civilian firearm is.”

The NRA also argues that the treaty could infringe on gun rights as understood in the United States and could force Americans onto an international registry.

What is a “civilian firearm” in the mind of a UN bureaucrat or the Obama Administration? A pistol? Probably. A Mossberg Tactical Shotgun? Maybe not. An Ar-15? Doubtful. Oh, and don’t even start discussing an international gun registry. A list of gun owners at the government’s fingertips is nothing more than an invitation to try to confiscate every weapon in the country one day. That’s not acceptable today, tomorrow or ever.-[source]

Picture Of Kid Holding Gun Triggers Visit From NJ Police

dorkalertDid this photograph (Editor’s note: See source.-donttreadonme) spark a police action that tried to enter a New Jersey home without a warrant? That’s the story being told on a website dedicated to “Open Carry” in the state of Delaware. The title of the story, “The fight has officially been brought to my front door.”

The young man in the photo is the 11-yr-old son of Shawn Moore. The gun is a .22 rifle, a copy of the AR-15, but a 22 caliber. The photo was posted on Facebook by a proud father. That Facebook posting apparently triggered an anonymous call to New Jersey’s Department of Youth and Family Services (DYFS). On Friday night, March 15th, two representatives from the state’s social services office (along with four local police officers) came to the Moore home and demanded to see the family’s firearms.

According to Moore’s lawyer Evan Nappen, (an attorney with considerable expertise in NJ’s very strict gun laws), the situation was “outrageous.”

Here’s what Moore alleges on the Delaware open carry forum:

  • NJ’s Department of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) came to his home, accompanied by police officers. They claimed to be responding to a call about a photo of a young boy holding a firearm.
  • Without a search warrant, DYFS demanded entry into Moore’s home and access to all of his firearms. Moore was not initially there, but his wife called him.
  • With his lawyer listening to the exchange on the phone with police and DFYS, Moore denied entry to his home and access to his safe where he stores his guns.
  • When Moore requested the name of the DFYS representative, she refused to give it to him.
  • After threatening to “take my kids,” the police and Family Services worker left — “empty handed and seeing nothing.”

In an exclusive interview with TheBlaze, Mr. Nappen — the attorney who was listening to the entire incident via Moore’s speaker phone — added more details:-[source]


politicsAssemblyman Steve McLaughlin (R, prostate C,I-Melrose) today released a letter that was emailed from the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to the New York State Association of Chiefs of Police outlining a new initiative by Governor Cuomo and DCJS that would confiscate illegal firearms, including those that are not registered but were previously legal before the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act (Safe Act) was rammed through the legislature in January. According to the letter, sent out on Tuesday, the state would provide a $500 reward, through tax dollars, to an individual who turns in his neighbor for possessing an illegal firearm. DCJS is planning a “comprehensive campaign” to announce this initiative which includes a toll-free tip line and details of how to text to submit a tip against their neighbor.-[source]