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TX:Guns On Campus Bill Hits Senate Floor

A bill allowing concealed handguns on Texas college campuses won another round of approval in the state Senate.The Senate Criminal Justice committee approved the bill Thursday on a 4-2 vote. The next step is a vote by the full Senate, price which approved a similar bill in 2009.The bill prevents universities from banning concealed handgun license holders from carrying their weapons into college buildings and classrooms.A similar bill is awaiting a vote in the House, where it is expected to pass. Gov. Rick Perry has said he supports the measure.Opponents say allowing guns will add a volatile and dangerous element to college campuses and several higher education officials have opposed the bill.Supporters call it a gun rights issue and a critical self-defense measure.-[source]

ATF Ignores Deadline For Gunrunner Documents

Kenneth E. Melson, thumb acting director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, more about Tobacco, pills Firearms and Explosives has “blown past” yesterday’s deadline for the delivery of key documents relating to the Project Gunrunner inquiry that was launched recently by Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.    According to committee spokesman Seamus Kraft, there was no response from Melson, who has also been dodging a separate inquiry by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee.-[source]

Stop ATF’s Anti-Gun Zealots

by Michelle Malkin

For 30 years, Chicago banned handguns. The crime rate skyrocketed. Murders soared. Gangs blossomed. Desperate city officials even considered calling the National Guard to combat the out-of-control violence that all the “community organizing” in the world couldn’t curb. The Supreme Court struck down Chicago’s individual firearms ownership prohibition last year, but the same anti-gun zealots who put Windy City citizens’ lives at risk remain in power.

And now one of them may soon be in charge of the scandal-plagued Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Meet Andrew Traver. He’s President Obama’s nominee to head ATF. The Senate Judiciary Committee refused to act on the original nomination last fall. His name was sent up again earlier this year, and a hearing has yet to be scheduled. Obama’s czar-happy habits should be a red flag on a possible recess appointment.

Traver has spent two decades in the Chicago ATF office bureaucracy. The White House touts his record as a Navy vet and crime-fighter. But it’s his anti-gun advocacy that won him Chicago crony backing in the Beltway. Liberal Republican Sen. Mark Kirk and rabid leftist Sen. Dick Durbin both support their home state bureaucrat. Grassroots Second Amendment groups across the country (not to mention rank-and-file ATF agents) have raised their voices in opposition.-[source]

More [geek?] Women buying guns

Men and guns, the two have been paired for ages. But not so much anymore. Ladies, it’s your turn to lock and load.

The National Rifle Association says more women are buying guns for sport and self defense, and gun makers are taking notice, creating everything from revolvers called the “Pink Lady” and “Lavender Lady” to pink tasers, glasses and hearing protection.

The store said ladies guns are so popular, especially in pink, that they have a hard time keeping them in stock.

“It just warms my heart when I see pink,” Jennifer McKenna, gun owner, said. “I say, oh it’s a girl gun and it makes me giggle on the inside.”

“I’m definitely more empowered. Oddly enough, it’s made me a friendlier person and I’m not scared to engage someone who is approaching me,” McKenna said.

So move over gentleman, there’s a new sharpshooter in town and she’s packing pink. – [source]

Child Points Gun At Mother On Video

A valley mother was arrested after police found pictures and video of her 3-year-old daughter playing with a loaded gun.

Investigators say the video of Wendy Fuentes’ daughter showed her pointing a loaded Glock pistol at her mother – with a voice in the background saying “Show me how you point the gun at mom” in Spanish.

In the pictures, police say Fuentes was laughing.

The video and photos were found on a camera police seized as evidence in an unrelated case.

When officers questioned Fuentes about the photos, she said she didn’t know it was a real gun and began to cry.

Fuentes faces child abuse charges.-[source]

Obama’s Assault on Weapons

Project Gunrunner Backfires on the Left

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” –Second Amendment to the United States Constitution

Barack Hussein Obama and his Socialist cadre, in their enthusiasm to “fundamentally transform the United States of America,” have redoubled efforts to do what all tyrannical governments must do to establish absolute state supremacy and usurp Rule of Law — disarm the people.

Leftists accomplish this through incremental implementation of gun confiscation measures, most of which are overt political machinations. These include legislation written and promoted by Leftist groups such as the American Bar Association, Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the Violence Policy Center, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and the Brady Campaign.

Current legislation under consideration includes H.R. 308 to limit rounds in magazines, S. 35 to lock in gun show registrations, S. 436 designed to “fix gun checks,” and, most disturbing, the reauthorization of Section 215 of The Patriot Act, which permits the FBI to seize gun sale records (4473′s) pursuant to “an authorized investigation.” Regarding the latter, the Inspector General estimated that between 2003 and 2006, the FBI exceeded its authority under Section 215 in more than 6,000 instances.-[source]

Life Is Too Precious To Run Out Of Bullets

Rabbi Bendory Minutes before lunatic Jared Loughner began his mayhem in Arizona, buy information pills the issue of a Federal high capacity ammunition magazine ban was a complete political non-starter.

Obama didn’t go near it when he had Democratic majorities and he certainly wouldn’t have tried it after the election rout of 2010.

High cap bans were simply not possible. Add to this the pro-self defense victories in the U.S. Supreme Court’s Heller and McDonald decisions, and the door to magazine bans seemed both locked and barred … perhaps even welded shut for good.

And then came Jared Loughner. And the gun grabbing vultures circled and landed. We now face a replay of the hysteria that brought us the so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban (and the included magazine bans) of the Clinton years. The act of a single madman has struck a blow against the Second Amendment that all the gun grabbers combined have been unable to strike.

Please think long and hard on this irrational state of affairs.

Today, the most common plaintive question you hear from the victim disarmament crowd is: “Why would anyone need a high capacity ammunition magazine?” Note that the emphasis is always on the word “need”.

So-called “gun control” has always used semantic deception. What the gun confiscators want to do is apply “needs” to situations that more accurately require “wants”.

No one “needs” a seat belt. After all, 99.999 percent of your driving time you don’t “need” a seatbelt. You only “need” a seat belt during an automobile crash. Do you want a seatbelt? Of course! No one would even debate this issue.

To a greater or lesser degree, the same goes for property insurance, fire extinguishers, spare tires, life jackets, and first aid kits, to name just a few things.

So with this in mind, here are five good reasons that you should WANT a high capacity magazine.-[source]

Obama Arming Illegal Alien Rebels

One of America’s largest border enforcement advocacy organizations is calling on supporters to demand that Congress use investigations, prosecutions, impeachments, military tribunals, and treason charges if necessary to bring justice to those who betrayed American citizens by arming drug and illegal alien importing invaders.

New information is coming to light that one of America’s top law enforcement agencies under the control of the US Presidency was helping to provide military grade guns to the violent Mexican crime cartels, who are importing the vast majority of America’s illegal aliens, cocaine, and methamphetamine. Dubbed operations ‘Gun Runner’ and ‘Fast and Furious,’ elite weapons such as AK-47 Assault rifles and Barret .50 caliber sniper rifles were allowed to pass freely into Mexico, while the Obama administration called for a crack down on American gun sales.

“This betrayal at the highest levels of our government is consistent with the other betrayals we have documented across the board,” said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. “The Executive Branch of the federal government has been caught lying about border security, leaving our borders wide open during a time of war, failing to protect states from invasion as required by the US Constitution, and now providing military grade arms to the invaders. We are calling on the Congress today to use all possible remedies including investigations, prosecutions, impeachments, and possible charges of treason.”-[source]

Obama’s Stimulus-Funded Border Nightmare

Buried in Barack Obama’s failed trillion-dollar stimulus program was a $10 million bloody border racket that has now cost American lives. This goes far beyond the usual waste, fraud and abuse underwritten by progressive profligacy. It’s bloodstained government malfeasance overseen by anti-gun ideologues — and now anti-gun ideologue Attorney General Eric Holder will “investigate.”

Welcome to Project Gunrunner. Prepare for another Justice Department whitewash.

First, some background. Like so many border programs run amok, Project Gunrunner was the spawn of Beltway bipartisanship. It was established in 2005 as a pilot project under the Bush administration and run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The intended goal of the program’s sting operations: stop illicit firearms trafficking along the Southwest border through close surveillance of undercover gun purchases and coordinated intervention with Mexico. The deadly result: federally sanctioned gunwalking of high-powered weapons from U.S. officials right into the hands of drug cartel killers.-[source]

ATF Chief Absent At Gunwalker Scandal Hearing

The Department of Justice and ATF have missed repeated deadlines to turn over information and documents to Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), who’s investigating. ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson (at left) was scheduled to appear before a Senate hearing Thursday, in which he would likely have been asked questions about the scandal. However, CBS News has confirmed Melson has now been pulled from the hearing witness list.

We contacted the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to ask why Melson is no longer scheduled to appear. They referred us to the office of Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) who chairs the subcommittee holding the hearing. A press spokeswoman at the senator’s office said it was Melson’s decision not to testify, and that the subcommittee doesn’t have jurisdiction over ATF.-[source]