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The Ugly Underbelly Of The Anti-Gun-Position

By Alan Korwin

How “The Bad Part of Town” and failed social policies
are used for sinister attacks on the right to keep and bear arms, approved
and help justify the law enforcement world and its budgets.

While anti-rights activists speak emotionally about
“gun violence”"gun deaths” “human tragedy” and saving lives, case
what they refuse to say is this—

Homicide in America has demographic, sale geographic, social and economic factors
which, if acknowledged and openly discussed, would transform the debate,
and place blame where it really belongs:
on the causes and people that fuel the violence we hear about
(but rarely actually see for ourselves, except on TV “news”).

The real blame is hidden, because the truth is so painful.
Crime is not spread across the streets of America.
Crime, and crime using guns, happens in isolated areas
for well known reasons the media and politicians hide from you.-[source]

Can We Prevent A Second Civil War?

There are three issues that could presently trigger a Civil War in America:

  • Illegal aliens. A government that refuses to protect our borders, link the methodical structure of citizenship, see and the rule of law, will only be tolerated for so long. America is reaching a tipping point on this issue.
  • Abortion. Irreconcilable differences here. This may likely become as potent an issue as slavery was in the 1860s.
  • The right to keep and bear arms.

No other significant present day problems could potentially result in the “brother against brother” tragedy of a Second American Civil War.

Sooner or later, the massive invasion of America by illegal aliens will be confronted, if not by the rule of law then by either armed police officers and soldiers … or armed citizens. There are twenty million or more illegal aliens entrenched in this nation now. How many tens of millions more will it take to reach a tipping point? At what point will law enforcement agencies and/or the military begin to do the job they were sworn to do? At what point will citizens themselves be forced, by government inactivity, to confront this invasion by force of arms?-[source]


BB-Gun Bill Result Of LAPD Shooting

In response to the police shooting of a Los Angeles teenager, pill state lawmakers on Tuesday backed a requirement that BB and pellet guns be made entirely with bright colors so that officers do not mistake them for deadly firearms.

The Senate Public Safety Committee approved the legislation sought by Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa in response to the December police shooting of a 13 year old boy carrying a pellet gun in Glassell Park.

The boy was left paralyzed in the shooting, dosage which LAPD officials said occurred when an officer felt threatened because he was unable, viagra order in the dark, to distinguish that the weapon involved was a replica of a Beretta  handgun.

“We have seen significant tragedies across the U.S., especially in Los Angeles,’’ LAPD Deputy Chief David Doan told senators during a hearing on the measure at the Capitol.-[source]

Stop “McCarthyite” Gun Control

Like vultures, advice anti-gun congressmen are always picking the bones of some national tragedy looking for political advantage.

?And the horrific shooting in Tucson earlier this year is just another example, as a string of anti-gun bills have been introduced recently. You may have seen a television ad about one of them: H.R. 308, introduced by gun-hating Carolyn McCarthy less than two weeks after the shooting, would ban so-called “high-capacity” magazines.?

“I think when you think about just common sense here, large capacity clips [sic] that can basically, in my opinion, be weapons of mass destruction, should not be available to the average citizen,” McCarthy said in an NPR interview.

?But in virtually every way possible, Arizona shooter Jared Loughner is testimony to a generation of failed gun control.?

Remember when, in 1968, we were told that if felons and other undesirables were prohibited from having guns, gun crime would stop? Well, Loughner was not a felon. Likewise, he was not an illegal, military deserter, or a fugitive from justice.

?Remember when, in 1993, we were assured that if gun purchasers were “checked out” against an FBI database, gun crime would stop? Loughner was checked out by the FBI; he passed.?

Remember when, in 1999 after Columbine, we were told that if we cracked down on gun shows, gun crime would stop? That crackdown didn’t pass, but Loughner didn’t buy his gun at a gun show.

?Remember when, after Virginia Tech, we were told that if we sent more of Americans’ mental health records to the FBI’s secret list, gun crime would stop? Loughner’s name wasn’t on the FBI expanded list because he hadn’t been “adjudicated as a mental defective” or “committed to a mental institution.”?

Now we are told by McCarthy and her ilk that the solution to tragedies like the one in Tucson consists of banning what are, in her opinion, “high-capacity” magazines.-[source]

BREAKING: Grassley Has Gunwalker Docs

Devastating e-mail exchanges between a senior official with the Bureau of Alcohol, sildenafil Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Phoenix, AZ and a cooperating gun shop operator have been revealed by Senator Charles Grassley in a letter sent late yesterday to Attorney General Eric Holder.

“In light of this new evidence,” Grassley tells Holder, “the Justice Department’s claim that the ATF never knowingly sanctioned or allowed the sale of assault weapons to straw purchasers is simply not credible.”-[source]

Documents Outline Road Rage Mall Shooting

Police say witness statements show self-defense

SAN TAN VALLEY – Gilbert Police have released a lengthy report painting a grisly picture of a fatal shooting outside the San Tan Village Mall last Saturday evening.

Dozens of witnesses saw Mitchell Fickes go down in a hail of gunfire after an apparent road rage incident.

The report is 37 pages long. Police have not yet released some 56 911 calls that were made following the shooting.

Witnesses reported seeing 56-year-old Fickes’ silver-gray pickup tailing Matthew Bohls’ white pickup by the San Tan Village Mall.

“The two vehicles appeared to be racing east on Williamsfield approaching Market Street,” one witness told police.

“The white Dodge cut off the silver Ford and came to a stop in front of the Ford at the red light,” another said.

According to another witness, “the driver of the gray-colored truck exited the vehicle with a gun in his hand and walked toward the white colored truck.”

At that point a number of witnesses saw the driver of the white truck, 23-year-old Matthew Bohls, take out his own gun and open fire.

One witness “saw the victim getting hit and then fall back to the ground, start shaking and blood started coming from his mouth.”

Both men lived near the mall. Nobody answered at Matt Bohls’ home. A neighbor says he is a good guy.

“Ever since I have known him, he has just been a great guy. We have a couple kids, he comes over, plays with the kids, great guy, an army veteran — I am in the military as well, so I respect that,” says Chris Bisdnack.

Police combed the scene for evidence, including spent shell casings, pieces of tissue, teeth and blood. So far, they say, the shooting appears to be a case of self-defense.-[source]

Grassroots Gun Rights Groups Gain Momentum

By Alan Gottlieb

Considering that there are an estimated 80 million gun owners in the United States, view it should be no surprise that local organizations devoted to protecting and promoting gun rights – especially in the wake of the 2008 Heller ruling and the 2010 McDonald decision by the U.S. Supreme Court – have been springing up, view growing in numbers and gaining political clout.

As founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, treatment which brought the landmark case of McDonald v. City of Chicago to the high court with the cooperation of the Illinois State Rifle Association, I have witnessed this surge in gun rights interests with delight. Today, SAF is proudly involved in legal actions with several grassroots organizations, challenging onerous state and local gun laws.

For example, SAF is cooperating with Grass Roots North Carolina, a pro-gun-rights organization, in a challenge of North Carolina’s emergency powers statute that allows the governor or local officials to suspend Second Amendment rights outside of the home during a declared emergency. -[source]

Will The “Patriot” Act Target Gun Owners?

The USA Patriot Act could be used to target law-abiding gun owners. Section 206 of the Act allows “John Doe” roving wiretaps, ailment which authorize wide searches of people without even providing the name of the target to a court. The section merely requires a “statement of facts showing that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the tangible things sought are relevant to an authorized investigation.” Of course, “relevant to an investigation” does not mean that a crime has been committed or will ever be committed. As has been the case with the prolific abuse of “National Security Letters” from the FBI, the John Doe provision is tailor-made for wide and wild spying on Americans. Moreover, the provision specifically allows the FBI to target gun owners and to see what books library patrons are reading, specifying in the law that the FBI may issue subpoenas “requiring the production of library circulation records, library patron lists, book sales rec-ords, book customer lists, firearms sales records, tax return records, educational records, or medical records containing information that would identify a person.”-[source]

“High Capacity Freedom”

By Alan Korwin

Legislators asked me to prepare this list.

By focusing on magazine size instead of ways to stop active shooters you jeopardize everyone’s safety.

Hoping to limit murderers by limiting magazines is irrational and hoplophobic.

Why have people picked a ten-round limit? Why not two?

Are they saying it’s OK to only kill ten people? That makes no sense.

Would you make police obey the same limit? Why not?

Parity with Police: The public faces the same criminals police do. Any restrictions for the public must match what police can use: The public is always first at the scene.

If you can’t justify impeding the police with ammunition limits, treat you cannot legitimately justify impeding the public that way.

What’s needed to stop rampages is not another law written on paper, but speedier law enforcement, or any armed people who can respond.

A criminal can’t legally have a magazine of any size. A law restricting size adds nothing.-[source]

Senate Considers End Run Around Confirmations

Shortly, the U.S. Senate will consider legislation to take a number of key gun-related offices in the Department of Justice and remove them from the requirement of Senate confirmation. The legislation is sponsored by anti-gun zealot Charles Schumer (D-NY) and weak-kneed Republican Lamar Alexander (R-TN).

S. 679 would give Barack Obama the ability to fill major gun-related Department of Justice slots with anti-gun partisans, without the pesky inconvenience of having to comply with the Constitution’s requirements for Senate confirmation.

Consider the following:

Barack Obama has not hesitated to load up his administration with anti-gun crazies like Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein (who thinks hunters should be sued in court because of the pain and suffering they inflict upon animals) and Andrew Traver (the nominee to head the ATF who never met a gun control proposal he didn’t like).

If he has been willing to pack his administration with anti-gun extremists — many of whom had to pass Senate confirmation — imagine what kind of lunatics Obama could nominate if the Schumer-Alexander legislation exempted major positions from constitutional advise-and-consent requirements.

To take posts like the official who composes statistics for the Justice Department (the Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics) and the person who represents the Justice Department before Congress (Assistant Attorney General, Legislative Affairs) and turn them into “Political hack” positions is unacceptable.-[source]