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How Bin Laden Emailed Without Being Detected

Despite having no Internet access in his hideout, buy Osama bin Laden was a prolific email writer who built a painstaking system that kept him one step ahead of the U.S. government’s best eavesdroppers.

His methods, described in new detail to The Associated Press by a counterterrorism official and a second person briefed on the U.S. investigation, served him well for years and frustrated Western efforts to trace him through cyberspace. The arrangement allowed bin Laden to stay in touch worldwide without leaving any digital fingerprints behind.

The people spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive intelligence analysis.

Bin Laden’s system was built on discipline and trust. But it also left behind an extensive archive of email exchanges for the U.S. to scour. The trove of electronic records pulled out of his compound after he was killed last week is revealing thousands of messages and potentially hundreds of email addresses, the AP has learned.

Holed up in his walled compound in northeast Pakistan with no phone or Internet capabilities, bin Laden would type a message on his computer without an Internet connection, then save it using a thumb-sized flash drive. He then passed the flash drive to a trusted courier, who would head for a distant Internet café.

At that location, the courier would plug the memory drive into a computer, copy bin Laden’s message into an email and send it. Reversing the process, the courier would copy any incoming email to the flash drive and return to the compound, where bin Laden would read his messages offline.-[source]

Buy An A/C Unit, Get A Shotgun

In a non-descript warehouse, practically on the railroad tracks is a struggling small business.

“If the air conditioners are broke, they would rather repair them or they’re just going without it because they can’t afford to repair it,” said United Electrical Systems owner Tim Toole.

The owners are the first to admit they’ll do almost anything to stay alive.

“If I had to wear a monkey suit and walk up and down the street and I thought it would bring in business, I would do it,” said Jim Harden.

If they had to give away shot guns to bring in business, they’d do it and they are.

“We’ll run a background check and if we approve them, we will give them a shotgun,” said Harden.

A Remington Model 870, 12 gauge shot gun – for free with the installation of a brand new air conditioning system.-[source]


The Second Amendment Foundation today filed suit in U.S. District Court in Virginia challenging the constitutionality of federal and Virginia provisions barring handgun sales to non-residents.

SAF is joined in the lawsuit by Michelle Lane, for sale a District of Columbia resident who cannot legally purchase handguns because there are no retail firearms dealers inside the District. The Supreme Court’s 2008 Heller ruling struck down the District’s handgun ban, confirming that individuals have a constitutional right to possess handguns.

SAF and Lane are represented by attorney Alan Gura of Gura & Possessky, PLLC, who won both the Heller ruling and last year’s Supreme Court victory in McDonald v. City of Chicago. Named as defendants are Attorney General Eric Holder and W. Steven Flaherty, superintendent of the Virginia State Police.

“This is an important issue in the era of the national instant background check,” said SAF Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “The NICS check should allow law-abiding citizens like Miss Lane to exercise their Second Amendment rights regardless their place of residence.”-[source]

KC3 Donations

Michael Mitchell was a graduate student at the University of Kentucky who worked in the operating room at the UK Medical Center in April 2010 when a co-worker lied and told his supervisor that Michael had a gun in his locker.

He didn’t have a gun there, of course. But he then volunteered the information that he was a concealed carry permit holder and that he had a handgun in his car – LEGALLY, in the glove box as provided for by law, in a parking lot a half mile away at Commonwealth Stadium! So the UK security people drove him to his car, confiscated his handgun and sent him home.

He was subsequently fired from his job, in plain violation of Kentucky law which specifically prohibits such actions and specifically protects the possession of a firearm in one’s vehicle.

UK’s position is that they’re special, above the laws that govern the rest of us in Kentucky. They use a bizarre reading of one of the statutes to say that a gun in a car on their parking lot is ON their property, which is plainly NOT legal for any business or school in Kentucky. Until this can be resolved in the legislature the only thing that will make them end this illegal policy is this lawsuit.

Michael turned to KC3, the Kentucky Concealed Carry Coalition, for assistance and our attorneys took his case. They brought suit against UK for damages under our statutes. But his suit was denied by a judge in Fayette circuit court in a badly written and badly reasoned decision.

His attorneys then decided to skip a step in the process and appealed directly to the Kentucky Supreme Court which has now voted 5-2 to hear his appeal!-[source]

TX: Open Carry Bill

An effort to let Texans openly carry their handguns throughout the state is still alive in the Texas Legislature, but its days may be numbered.

A bill to give Texas gun owners the freedom to publicly tote their guns has passed a crucial hurdle, being approved by a House committee, but that might be as far as the proposal goes this session if it doesn’t make its way onto the crowded House calendar in the next few days.

With just three weeks left in the session, Thursday is the last day for the House to give preliminary approval to nonlocal bills and joint resolutions, such as House Bill 2756, which allows the open carrying of guns. Countless bills will be competing for space on the calendars as each of the legislative deadlines come up.

“Time is running out,” said Bill Miller, a veteran Austin lobbyist. “The proverbial logjam is beginning to occur.”-[source]

BREAKING:CBS Has Gunrunner Doc’s

CBS News is reporting that documents obtained by Congressional investigators looking into the Project Gunrunner scandal include a wiretap authorization from Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer dated in March 2010.

Also included in documents released by investigators is a January 8, nurse 2010 “briefing paper” on Project Gunrunner from the Phoenix, generic AZ field division of the Bureau of Alcohol, medical Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The documents were released earlier today as the Senate Judiciary Committee convened for an oversight hearing on the Department of Justice.-[source]

AZ Gun Owners Cheer Zero Rating From Brady

Arizona this year earned a zero for its loose gun laws.

The state joined Utah and Alaska as having the worst gun-safety laws in the nation, according to the Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence.

The Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group has ranked states for four years. It released its latest ranking Wednesday.

The group judges states based on laws on the books as of 2010 because some Legislatures are still working on bills this session.

Gun-rights activists called Arizona’s ranking proof that they are successfully protecting gun rights, and they vow to continue their efforts. Gun-violence-prevention groups said it’s proof that the state is continuing to move away from the values of most Arizonans.-[source]

U Of K Gun Owner Fired Over Gun In Car

The University of Kentucky has fired a graduate student and former anesthesia technician, viagra 60mg Michael Mitchell, for keeping a gun in his car a mile away from the university hospital where he was employed.

The university then proceeded to try to deny Mitchell unemployment compensation by claiming, unsuccessfully, that he was fired for misconduct.  A hearing officer found against the University of Kentucky and in favor of Mitchell.

All this, despite the fact that Mitchell had a Kentucky concealed carry permit, believed he had fully complied with Kentucky law governing concealed carry, and therefore cooperated fully with police and university authorities.

And finally, Kentucky Revised Statutes sec. 27.020 seems to prevent a state institution like the University of Kentucky from interfering with the Second Amendment rights of a concealed carry permit holder.  That section holds, in part, that “[n]o person or organization, public or private, shall prohibit” a concealed carry permit holder from transporting a firearm in his vehicle in accordance with law.

So…….  What’s up with the University of Kentucky?

The answer is that it’s probably not much different from many Left-leaning universities.  After all, Virginia Tech fought hard and successfully to keep guns off its campus – nearly a year, to the day, before a crazed gunman killed 31 people on that campus.-[source]

AZ Governor Signs Bill To Authorize State Guard

Gov. Jan Brewer on Thursday signed a bill authorizing the creation of a state guard — a militia force that could be mobilized if the National Guard is unavailable or “for any reason” considered necessary by the governor.

Brewer believed it was prudent to sign the bill giving her additional authority but has no immediate plans to actually create the force, spokesman Matt Benson said. “It doesn’t force the governor to do anything.”

The bill signed Thursday would authorize an Arizona governor to establish the state guard to protect lives and property. Under the bill, the governor could do that if the National Guard or a bit part of it is mobilized for federal duty or “for any reason the governor considers to be necessary.”

The Arizona Constitution authorizes a militia, and current state law specifies that the militia consists of the National Guard, the Arizona state guard “when organized” and the “unorganized militia.”-[source]

GUNRUNNER: The ‘Blame Bush’ Option Is Out

With Congressional investigators now on the ground in Arizona, visit this site as reported by CBS News and this column , view new revelations about the controversial “Project Gunrunner” and its Phoenix off-shoot, try “Operation Fast and Furious” are anticipated during the National Rifle Association convention, which opens here tomorrow, but one thing is clear from documents and interviews: This strategy only goes back to 2009, after the Obama administration took charge.

Now that the “birth certificate” distraction has been removed, perhaps reporters will start concentrating on the far more serious questions surrounding the Gunrunner controversy.

AS CBS News reported Tuesday, the strategy of “letting guns walk” out of Southwest gun shops began in late 2009. The Bush administration left in January 2009. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had been conducting “Gunrunner” activities on a limited basis prior to that, but the operation was dramatically expanded months after Obama administration officials, most notably Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, had been discussing the number of U.S.-origin guns being recovered at Mexican narco-war crime scenes.-[source]