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71 Million Americans May Have Guns Registered

If you’re one of the nearly 71 million Americans who live in the four southwest border states, information pills some of your gun purchases could soon be reported to the federal government. If you don’t like that—and no gun owner should—read on, recipe because this may be our first big head-on gun control battle against the Obama administration.

he fight began with a bureaucratically worded “Emergency Notice of Information Collection Under Review,” published in the Dec. 17 “Federal Register”—the daily publication where all proposed federal rules make their debut. It announced that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives plans to require federal firearms licensees in the border states to begin reporting all transfers “of two or more rifles within any five consecutive business days with the following characteristics: (a) Semi automatic; (b) a caliber greater than .22; and (c) the ability to accept a detachable magazine.”

In other words, a dealer would have to tell the government every time a deer hunter in Sacramento or Amarillo finds a good deal on a pair of semi-auto .30-06s like the popular Remington 7400.-[source]

America’s Third War:U.S. Arming Cartels

If you ever watch video or look at pictures of the drug war in Mexico, you’ll notice some pretty heavy weapons. This is a war being waged with rockets and plastic explosives, not pea shooters and Saturday Night Specials. Consider these incidents:

- A M26A2 fragmentation grenade used against a U.S. Consulate in Mexico in 2008

- Explosive projectiles and 21 grenades found during a raid in Guadalupe

- An unexploded grenade and pull ring used to attack a TV station in Monterrey 

- Automatic weapons, including U.S.-made M16s, found at a cartel crime scene in May 2009

- U.S. military-issued ammunition found in a cartel raid in Reynosa in November 2008

You can’t buy this stuff at a U.S. gun store. So where do the cartels get it?-[source]


Court Orders Cleveland:Stop Gun Control!

Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Brian Corrigan has ordered Cleveland to stop any enforcement of 19 separate local gun control ordinances, there effective immediately.

Buckeye Firearms Foundation is the lead Plaintiff in the case, tadalafil which was filed in early 2009. In the interim, Cleveland sued the State of Ohio in an attempt to have the state’s firearm laws declared an unconstitutional usurpation of a city’s home rule authority. In December 2010, the Ohio Supreme Court entered final judgment against Cleveland, ruling (for a second time) that the state’s laws were valid.

The Cleveland ordinances invalidated dealt with gun registration, owner I.D. cards, assault weapon bans, limits on firearm dealers within city limits, possession of firearms in parks and other public places, seizure and destruction of firearms, storage of firearms, reporting theft of firearms and concealed carry of firearms.-[source]

WI:Homeowner Protection From Criminals

It would be easier for Wisconsin homeowners to protect themselves from intruders, under a new bill in the state Legislature.

Freshman Senate Republican Van Wangaard of Racine is sponsoring a measure in which homeowners would no longer have to prove their lives were threatened if they kill intruders in self-defense. Also, injured intruders would lose their right to sue the homeowners — and the families of those killed while committing burglaries could no longer win damages in court.

Wangaard says homeowners are often reluctant to act — and in some cases, homeowners’ relatives are left to wonder if their loved ones feared to protect themselves. But the State Bar calls the bill a solution in search of a problem — and it could protect domestic abusers who act against the spouses they’ve attacked. Even so, Wangaard’s bill is getting support from both parties in Madison as well as the National Rifle Association.-[source]

Pentagon Seeks Replacement For M4

The M-16 and its variants have been a soldier’s companion and lifesaver for almost 50 years. Now the Pentagon is looking to replace the venerable rifle.

The Army has released a pre-solicitation contract request, viagra buy a Pentagon procedure to determine if anyone is interested in bidding for work on a replacement for the M-4 carbine.

The M-4 is the latest in a line of assault weapons that date back to the M-16, and the Pentagon has purchased some 700,000 of the weapons during the past decade. Based in West Hartford, Conn., Colt Defense produces the M-4, but the decade-long weapons contract is due to expire in 2012.

Mainly used as an urban assault weapon, the Colt M-4 carbine is not without problems, mainly jamming, according to a Congressional Research Service report from June 2010.-[source]

Reid’s Sleazy Tactics Block Gun Amendment

Remember the corrupt tactics used by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass ObamaCare? The secret meetings? The refusal to let the American people see the language?

Well, cialis 40mg he’s at it again. This time, Reid is abusing his role as Majority Leader of the Senate to block a pro-gun amendment that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is attempting to add to the so-called Patriot Act.

In order to circumvent Sen. Paul’s efforts to protect gun rights, Reid scuttled the Senate version of the 9/11 extension and instead tacked it onto an unrelated House-passed small business bill. He then employed a procedural scheme to lock out ALL Republican amendments, including Paul’s pro-gun amendment.

As you know, Rand Paul’s amendment would exempt 4473’s (the form all purchasers fill out when they buy a firearm from a licensed dealer) and other gun records from the blanket information demands which Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) can make under the 9/11 legislation.

Without Paul’s exemption, it is possible that the BATFE could go to a secret (FISA) court, and, in a one-party (ex parte) proceeding, obtain an order to produce every 4473 in the country, ostensibly because a “terrorism investigation” requires it. If such an action were taken, the government would have a list of every gun buyer in the country going back decades.-[source]

NMSC Expands Police “Right” To Take Guns

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — Police can remove a gun from a car during a traffic stop to ensure their safety even when they have no specific suspicion that the occupants are dangerous and pose a threat, the state Supreme Court concluded in a ruling welcomed by law enforcement.

Protecting the safety of law enforcement officers justifies removal of a gun that’s in the plain sight of police, the justices said, and temporarily taking the gun does not violate an individual’s constitutional protections against an unreasonable search and seizure.-[source]

Failed:To Use PATRIOT ACT For Guncontrol?

In the wake of a Government Accountability Office report that 247 people on the FBI’s terror watch list were permitted to purchase guns last year, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Chicago) proposed an amendment to the PATRIOT Act that would prevent anyone on a terror list from buying a firearm. Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee voted down Quigley’s amendment yesterday, arguing “that restricting sales to people on the watch list would violate the Second Amendment rights of those placed on the list by mistake.” After you get your jaw off the floor, read Quigley’s justification for his amendment:

“Surely, we cannot look our constituents in the eye and tell them in good faith that we have decided to enact public policy that restrains some of their civil liberties for the greater good but that we refused to ask the same of suspected terrorists. I know we are smarter than that.”

And then the testimony from Paul Helmke of the Brady Campaign:

“Osama bin Laden is dead, but the war on terror is far from over,” Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said in a statement. “How can the Congress pretend to be serious about protecting the nation from terrorism, while voting to allow known terrorists to buy guns?”

Here’s the problem with calling everyone on the FBI’s watch list a “terrorist”: Many of them aren’t. -[source]

GUNRUNNER: ATF Agent Tells Fox All

Blockbuster charges against management of the Bureau of Alcohol, cure Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that the agency violated its own mandate with Project Gunrunner have been leveled by outspoken ATF Agent Jay Dobyns in an interview with Fox News’ senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano.

“What happened in Project Gunrunner,” Dobyns told Napolitano, “is that a violation of our mandate took place. We are told by Congress to stand in the way of violent crime and to prevent guns getting into the hands of criminals and during Gunrunner, ATF did exactly the opposite of that and armed the enemy.”

Dobyns is the agent who worked undercover, posing as a Hells Angel. He authored a book about his experiences in No Angel: My Harrowing Undercover Journey to the Inner Circle of the Hells Angels. Dobyns is perhaps the highest profile agency whistleblower to come forward with allegations about the management of Project Gunrunner, and its off-shoot, Operation Fast and Furious, the latter operated out of the Phoenix, AZ field office.-[source]

Constitutional Carry Veto Angers Gun Groups

On Thursday, tadalafil the president of a gun rights group blasted Gov. Brian Schweitzer’s veto of a bill that would have allowed people to carry concealed firearms without a permit inside Montana’s cities.
House Bill 271, patient sponsored by Rep. Krayton Kerns, sale R-Laurel, was vetoed by the Democratic governor because it would be a safety threat to law enforcement, according to a letter from Schweitzer announcing his veto.
“Obviously, this bill would greatly imperil the work and safety of Montana’s lawmen, including sheriffs and highway patrolmen,” Schweitzer wrote.-[source]