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Time To Close Down The ATF

This week, cure Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) beamed a spotlight on the criminal behavior of the Bureau of Alcohol, more about Tobacco, malady Firearms and Explosives, commonly referred to as the ATF. At Wednesday’s hearing, Issa took on Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich by asking him: “Who authorized this program that was so felony stupid it got people killed.”

Chairman Issa started off the interrogation of Weich by holding up one of the pages that the ATF had provided his committee. It was completely blackened, one of hundreds that had been totally redacted by the agency.  Issa told Weich that this was unacceptable and that he was tired of the lack of cooperation at the Department of Justice.

Issa also caught Weich in a lie by pointing to a letter in which he denied any knowledge of Fast and Furious, when we now know that Weich did know about the program. Weich said that the letter had been written by a committee and that he did not know who had written that particular sentence. He refused to commit, however, to finding out who authored that lie and reporting back to Issa about it!-[source]


The Second Amendment Foundation has been joined by 17 other firearms rights groups in an amicus brief filed in a case now before the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, stomach challenging laws that prohibit the carrying of firearms by law-abiding non-resident U.S. citizens in Denver, Colorado.

The case, Peterson v. Garcia, was filed by Washington state resident Gray Peterson, who cannot exercise his right to bear arms because Colorado statute prohibits the issuance of a concealed carry permit to non-residents, and does not recognize Peterson’s Washington license or his Florida carry permit because he is not a Florida resident. Denver bans the open carry of firearms, leaving Peterson – who visits Colorado frequently – without any legal means of carrying a firearm for his personal protection.

“This is a case that affects citizens in at least 20 states and the District of Columbia,” noted Miko Tempski, SAF legal affairs director. “We’ve been joined by organizations from 16 of those states in this brief, because they all have members who may travel to Colorado and face the same problem if they enter the City of Denver.”-[source]

1st Gunwalker Hearing Offers No Surprises

Monday’s opening session in what will likely become a series of hearings on Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform demonstrated that Chairman Darrell Issa is laying a strategy to hold people accountable for an operation that sent thousands of guns illegally to Mexico.

During his initial questioning of witnesses before his committee, recipe Issa noted his desire to not provide immunity to anyone who may be responsible for what appears to be a horribly botched gun sting mounted by the Bureau of Alcohol, page Tobacco, web Firearms and Explosives.

“We must avoid providing immunity to somebody we believe is guilty of a crime,” Issa observed. “The worst thing to do is get the kingpin and then let them off.”-[source]

Victim’s Son Uses Gun, Truck To Stop Burglar

Jane Vaughn-Williams can’t understand why thieves keep coming after her. Her home off NE 110th Street is modest, surrounded by 62 acres of farm land. One thing she does know: She’s sick of it.Vaughn-Williams said a break-in Monday afternoon was the sixth in the past 10 years.”I happened not to be here,” Vaughn-Williams said, “but if I had been here, like I have in the past, and I had my gun handy, I would have shot him because I’m fed up with it.”Instead, it was her son who was home with a gun.”It’s easy to talk about what you’d do,” Chris Vaughn said, “but it’s different when you’re in the middle if it.”-[source]

Colo Court To Decide CCW On Campuses

Opponents of a campus gun ban at the University of Colorado told the state Supreme Court on Wednesday the ban is illegal because it was not approved by the Legislature.

Jim Manley, pilule representing a group of students promoting concealed carry of firearms on campus, said lawmakers would have listed universities as exceptions in a law passed in 2003 if they wanted guns banned on campus.

The Concealed Carry Act prohibits local governments from limiting concealed carry rights, with the only exceptions being K-12 schools, places where federal law bans it, public buildings with metal detectors and private property where owners object to concealed weapons.

Manley told the seven-member court the law was designed to fix a patchwork of confusing local laws.

“Clearly the Legislature wanted to create one statewide rule,” Manley said.-[source]

Subpeonas Issued Over Gunwalker

The Obama Justice Department has been stonewalling Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Darrell Issa for months over an investigation into the lethal Operation Fast and Furious even after a subpeona was issued, but Issa isn’t playing softball.

“This is not a discovery process of what happened. We know what happened. We know that this Administration at the highest levels approved a process that allowed thousands of high powered weapons, basically AK-47s and M-16 look alikes, to go to the worst of the worst on both sides of the borders.”

“This was an operation approved in Washington.”

“We have a slew of subpeonas that we expect to be issuing for people here in Washington.”

The Obama Administration is conducting a cover up and using law abiding American gun shop owners and the Second Amendment as scape goats.-[source]

Want freedom? Leave California

The economy’s in the tank – unemployment has been in double digits for a couple of years.

The state budget has a $10.8 billion hole in it.

It’s June, sickness but yesterday it was 53 degrees and raining in the Bay Area.

And now, medical just to make us feel even worse about the Golden State, viagra here comes a study by social scientists at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Arlington, Va.

They say that California ranks 48th in the nation – that is, third from dead last – for having policies and laws that adversely “affect individual freedoms in the economic, social and personal spheres.”

If you want to be free, leave Lotus Land for New Hampshire or South Dakota, say the report’s authors, professors William Ruger of Texas State University and Jason Sorens of the University at Buffalo.-[source]

Al-Qaeda Mentioned In Antigun Campaign

Things you need to know about American al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn, web or, as I like to call him, Azzam al-Berkeley: He’s a bratty California kid, offspring of hippie parents, and steeped in the deeply ignorant suburban pop anti-Americanism that fuels protests against World Trade Organization meetings and the like. He is, like practically all of his kind, not too terribly well informed.

Newspaper editors and mayors are not supposed to be like that. But when it furthers your political agenda, ignorance truly is bliss.

In his latest statement, Mr. Gadahn repeated the myth that machineguns are widely available to American civilians, and he encouraged his fellow jihadis to hit the gun-show circuit and gear up for an intifada in the United States. When I read that statement, I was certain that it would be repeated as fact by the antigun ideologues and their enablers in the media. And, behold this editorial in the New York Daily News, which quotes Mr. Gadahn and then concurs.

“America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?”

We don’t say this often about Al Qaeda types, but: He’s right on the facts.

No, he is not — as two seconds’ research would have revealed.-[source]

CA:Dems Pass Gun Registration GOP Walks Out

This just in from Sam Paredes of Gun Owners Of California:

“AB 809 (Feuer’s long gun registration bill) just passed out of the Assembly on a vote of 44-2 w/ no Republicans voting at all. Reps walked off the floor when the Speaker wouldn’t grant them the courtesy of a 15 min caucus. Such pettiness by the Speaker is previously unheard of -Republican protest is completely justified! – Sam P. reporting from the Capitol”

AB 809 would create a Canadian style registration scheme for long guns. A failed system which has cost the Canadians nearly one Billion dollars.-[source]

Capone’s Revolver On Auction Block

Christie’s is auctioning off a collection of guns and other American memorabilia including, most notably, a pistol once owned by infamous gangster Al Capone.

The gun, a Colt .38, was made in 1929, the same year as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre.

It’s expected to sell for as much as $115,000, and comes with a letter and signed affidavit from Capone’s brother’s widow, stating the gun was owned and used by Al Capone, according to the auction house.-[source]