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The Justice Department is obstructing the congressional investigation of a U.S. law enforcement operation intended to crack down on major weapons traffickers on the Southwest border, page according to the embattled leader of the BATFE.
Ken Melson, the acting director of the ATF, lobbed the accusation when he sneaked in for an interview with congressional investigators on July 4, two days ahead of his scheduled interview with the inspector general about the operation known as “Fast and Furious,” Fox News has learned.-[source]
The federal judiciary is slowly coming to the realization that the Second Amendment actually means the public can have guns. That’s not sitting well with local politicians in Chicago and Washington who are determined to keep the public disarmed. On Wednesday, treat the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals made that harder by blowing away the claim that “gun violence” concerns justified rules depriving citizens of the right not only to own but also to use firearms in a responsible manner.
Ensuring the availability of places to practice safe shooting skills follows neatly from the Supreme Court’s rediscovery of the Second Amendment in the recent Heller and McDonald decisions. So a three-judge panel suspended the Windy City’s ban on firing ranges within city limits. This ordinance had been imposed as part of a suite of draconian regulations adopted after the high court struck down the city’s gun ban. Though one technically could own a sidearm, viagra order the process was made so complicated that the average law-abiding citizen was supposed to give up in frustration.-[source]
Capitalizing on its federal appeals court victory Wednesday in Ezell v. City of Chicago, abortion the Second Amendment Foundation today moved for a preliminary injunction against the State of Illinois to prevent further enforcement of that state’s prohibitions on firearms carry in public by law-abiding citizens.
The motion was filed in U.S. District Court for the Central District of Illinois in Springfield. Joining SAF in this motion are Illinois Carry and four private citizens, this site Michael Moore, this site Charles Hooks, Peggy Fechter and Jon Maier. The underlying case is known as Moore v. Madigan.
Illinois is the only state in the nation with such prohibitions. The state neither allows open carry or concealed carry, which runs afoul of recent U.S. Supreme Court Second Amendment rulings, including last year’s landmark ruling in McDonald v. City of Chicago, another SAF case. SAF was represented in McDonald and Ezell by attorney Alan Gura, who noted after yesterday’s appeals court win – forcing a temporary injunction against the city’s ban on gun ranges that the city immediately changed after the decision was announced – that “Even Chicago politicians must respect the people’s fundamental civil rights…Gun rights are coming to Chicago. The only question is how much the city’s intransigence will cost taxpayers along the way.”
“Now that the Seventh Circuit has recognized that the deprivation of the right of armed self-defense is an inherently irreparable injury, it is clear that Illinois’ law-abiding gun owners are entitled to a protective injunction,” said attorney David Jensen of New York, who, along with Glen Ellyn, IL attorney David Sigale, is representing SAF and the other plaintiffs.
“Yesterday’s win was a wake-up call to Chicago,” said SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. “Today’s motion is a signal to the Illinois Legislature that the state’s total ban on carrying of firearms for personal protection is counter to both Supreme Court rulings on the Second Amendment, and yesterday’s ruling by the Seventh Circuit appeals panel that shredded Chicago’s gun ordinance. Our victory Wednesday and today’s motion are key components of SAF’s overall mission to win back firearms freedoms one lawsuit at a time.”-[source]
Recently, ampoule the Bureau of Tobacco, Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives, also known by its old initials ATF, has been on the receiving end of a myriad of criticism.
The facts revealed about ATF’s Operation Fast And Furious during last month’s congressional hearing have been the source of considerable public scrutiny. This is only one of many instances when ATF has acted recklessly and irresponsibly.
Like many aspects of the federal government, ATF has a long history of corruption.
Established under the Department of the Treasury, ATF was originally meant to serve as a tax-collecting agency, operating independently of the IRS. Today, ATF is also expected to enforce the growing number of laws regulating alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.
After the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, ATF separated from the Treasury Department and was transferred to the Department of Justice with the intent that the agency’s law enforcement role would be carried out more efficiently and effectively under the DOJ.
According to ATF’s mission statement, the agency is committed to protecting our communities from violent criminals, criminal organizations, and the illegal use and trafficking of firearms.
However, now and in the past, ATF has failed to accomplish these aims without throwing civilians, quite deliberately, in harm’s way.-[source]
By Kirby Ferris
Copyright 2011, link Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
“Gun Control” advocates fall into only two categories: the Liars and the Ignorant. There is no third category.
The Liars invent the lies. The Ignorant believe the lies and repeat them.
Truly fervent “gun control” advocates are quite often mentally ill. Their most common clinical symptoms, projection and denial, are barely below the surface.
Because they often entertain a warped contempt of other human beings, they don’t trust themselves with guns, so they would prohibit firearms to all. They also entertain a primitive superstition about an inanimate object: “Guns are bad! Guns kill people!”-[source]
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said Thursday’s planned forum on gun trafficking, sale called by Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings, is a political smokescreen designed to shift blame for a botched gun sting operation from the Obama administration to this country’s gun owners, retailers and their firearms civil rights.
Cummings, ranking member on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which has held hearings on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Operation Fast and Furious, has invited a Who’s Who of anti-gunners to speak at this forum, which begins at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the Russell Senate Office Building, Room 428A.
“This isn’t a forum,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “It’s a Capitol Hill kangaroo court with the singular goal of deflecting public attention away from the Justice Department’s horrible mishandling of a gunrunning sting that has flooded Mexico with guns. Operation Fast and Furious is a product of the Obama administration, and Cummings is running interference for the White House and Attorney General Eric Holder.-[source]
I don’t know what it is about gun issues that makes people lose their minds, but this editorial from the Washington Post is pretty incredible. The post acknowledges that the ATF flooding Mexico with 2,500 weapons which were used in a variety of crimes — including the murder of a U.S. border agent — was pretty questionable, but the real culprits are the NRA who has dared to criticize the agency or something:-[source]
The National Rifle Association has a rich history that goes back to shortly after the Civil War, when in 1871, Union veterans created it to train city-slicker troops who couldn’t hit the side of a barn with their musket shots. But as the 4 million-strong group readies its fight to oust President Obama in 2012, it has to go back only 11 years for a battle plan. That’s when the Second Amendment advocates mounted their biggest political effort ever to defeat then Vice President Al Gore by targeting key pro-gun Democratic states he needed to beat George W. Bush, like Arkansas. “We actually knocked out a presidential candidate,” says new NRA President David Keene.-[source]
Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy claims that “federal gun laws are akin to ‘government-sponsored racism.’ ”
“I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of African-American history in this country, rx and tell me if I’m crazy: Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms into our urban centers, order across this country, sildenafil that are killing black and brown children.”
Garry: you’re crazy.
Clayton Cramer shows how American gun control historically facilitated Black oppression. (Of Japanese and Indians, too.)
After the Civil War, White Democrats like Garry McCarthy sought to disarm Blacks, and for good reason.
I recently correlated Black homicide rates from the CDC with Brady Campaign report cards 2001-2007. Brady evaluated states on how well they implemented gun control laws. The result shows that more gun control correlates with higher Black homicide rates and lower Caucasian homicide rates.
Most of Brady’s reports graded states on “A” to “F”, though that’s recently been replaced with stars. In any case, it conveniently divided states into quintiles. When comparing Quintile 1 (most gun control) with Quintile 5 (least gun control), Blacks averaged 20.7% higher homicide rates in states with the most gun control, while Caucasian rates averaged 64.1% lower.
Gun control still benefits Caucasians and harms Blacks, just like it did before and after the Civil War.
Garry McCarthy just happens to be Caucasian. For that matter, so’s Brady presidentPaul Helmke.
Just a curious coincidence, no doubt.-[source]
When Wisconsin’s law allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons goes into effect, viagra 40mg Shawn Winrich is likely to take advantage of it. But if he does, visit this he’ll do it grudgingly.
Winrich, viagra a 34-year-old Madison resident and a member of the gun rights group Wisconsin Carry, likes to carry his Glock 17. He’s done it openly for about a year, but he doesn’t like the idea of paying a permit fee to carry it concealed.
“The bill is somewhat reasonable,” says Winrich. “But it still doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a violation of the constitutional rights that are secured by the state Constitution, which says (you can carry firearms for) ‘any lawful purpose’ and the U.S. Constitution says ‘these rights shall not be infringed.’ But yet the state still thinks it can regulate and impose a tax on guns. And that’s just not right.”
The law is not ideal in the eyes of the National Rifle Association and other gun groups, either.-[source]
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