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Something Completely Different
Kenneth Melson was supposed to be the fall guy, the sacrificial lamb, the guy thrown under the bus to protect President Obama. Melson was “expected” to resign. He refused.
Instead, Melson, acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has turned whistle-blower and all hell is about to explode over the operation dubbed by Obama’s Justice Department “Fast and Furious” but now known as the Gunwalker scandal.
It looks like the Obama regime financed (partly with “stimulus” funds) an $80 million program to allow straw buyers to purchase hundreds of weapons from federally licensed gun shops in Southwest states, over the objection of the shop owners, and then allowed these weapons to “walk” across the Mexican border into the waiting arms of the murderous Mexican drug cartels.
At first, Justice Department spokesmen said it was a “sting gone wrong.” Then, when many pointed out that the ATF had no jurisdiction to follow the guns across the border to make arrests, the cover story fell apart.
Melson has told congressional investigators that there is a “smoking gun” internal memo withheld from Congress indicating that “political appointees” (Obama’s) in the Justice Department were involved. This memo and other documents are being withheld from Congress as part of a cover-up.-[source]
A proposal by Baltimore, pharm Maryland mayoral candidate Otis Rolley to levy a tax of $1 per cartridge in an effort to cut down crime and random gunfire in the city is typical of an anti-gun liberal who decries urban violence but offers a way for government to profit from it while not solving the problem, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Rolley, a Democrat, is quoted by WBAL news acknowledging that raising the cost of firearms won’t work “because many criminals don’t purchase new guns, and they can be borrowed or even rented in some areas.” “Sounds like Rolley’s trolley has left the tracks,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “If this guy actually believes that criminals rent firearms, he must live on Fantasy Island. Criminals steal firearms, even from the police, and when they do, they also steal the ammunition. Clearly, this one dollar-per-bullet tax idea comes from someone who doesn’t have a clue about criminals or the way they operate, but he does know about raising taxes.”-[source]
Guns are selling at a record pace this year at sporting-goods stores and specialty shops in Arizona, creating millions of dollars in revenue for retailers.
The ability to carry a concealed weapon without a permit, general apprehension and lingering concerns that the Obama administration could crack down on gun ownership are among the sales drivers.
In Arizona, it is likely that more than 200,000 new weapons will be put in buyers’ hands after background checks this year. That figure doesn’t include firearms purchased at gun shows and through private transactions. Such non-tracked sales are thought to account for 40 percent of all sales, adding about 150,000 guns purchased annually. The estimated sales total: about 350,000 guns per year.-[source]
Push for Gun Control Treaty Continues
A UN committee wrapped up a week-long series of meetings on a massive treaty that could undermine both U.S. sovereignty and the Second Amendment. This is the third round of meetings by the so-called “preparatory committee” on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) as the UN gears up for final negotiations in 2012.
The most comprehensive treaty of its kind, physician the ATT would regulate weapons trade throughout the world on everything from battleships to bullets.
And as information trickles out of Turtle Bay in New York City, information pills it is obvious the UN is getting more clever about taking the focus off of “small arms.”
With an eye cast in the direction of the U.S.—in particular, toward the U.S. Senate which must ratify the treaty—the most recent Draft Paper for the Arms Trade Treaty recognizes in its preamble “the sovereign right of States to determine any regulation of internal transfers of arms and national ownership exclusively within their territory, including through national constitutional protections on private ownership.”
That statement, taken by itself, is troubling. Americans’ right to keep and bear arms exists whether or not it is “recognized” by some UN committee. The right enshrined in the Second Amendment predates our own Constitution, and does not need an international stamp of approval.-[source]
In January of this year, this Federal Judge John Roll, a Republican nominated by President George H.W. Bush, was among six citizens murdered by a psychopath in Tucson. Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was among 14 wounded in that attack.
Predictably, Barack Hussein Obama and his Leftist cadres in the Democrat Party were quick to convert the Tucson tragedy into political fodder to formulate a new round of “common sense” gun control legislation. Indeed, Obama claimed the Tucson assault should “at least be the beginning of a new discussion on how we can keep America safe for all our people.” He went on, “I believe that if common sense prevails, we can get beyond wedge issues and stale political debates to find a sensible, intelligent way [to confiscate guns].”-[source]
Gov. Rick Perry Wednesday lambasted new DOJ reporting requirements for gun dealers in states on the U.S.-Mexico border, store calling the new rules “misguided” and “constitutionally questionable.”
The new requirement from the BATFE, visit web announced Monday, page means firearms dealers from Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California will have to notify the federal government whenever an individual buys two or more semi-automatic rifles. Gun dealers are already required to notify the government of multiple handgun purchases.-[source]
A suspected burglar is recovering after being shot by driver who happened to be passing by.
The incident began with a burglary at a home on Bainbridge Island where the homeowner says he found a man in his kitchen going through drawers and cabinets. The intruder reportedly grabbed a knife and went after the homeowner who retreated to the backyard where he armed himself with a hammer.
Police say the suspect then left the house with a knife and confronted another man who was sitting in his car.
The driver fired three shots and held the suspect until police arrived.
Officers say the driver acted in self-defense and will not be charged.
The wounded suspect is expected to recover.-[source]
Vote on Pro-gun Amendment Could Come in the House This Week
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) plans to offer an amendment this week protecting gun rights on land controlled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Currently, tadalafil guns are prohibited on Corps land, and even when gun possession is otherwise allowed by state law. Rep. Gosar’s legislation would simply remove federal restrictions and allow for the law of the states (in which such land is located) to govern firearms possession.
The Gosar amendment, this modeled after the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act (H.R. 1865) introduced by pro-gun Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-OH), is similar to a 2009 law repealing the gun ban on National Park Service land. Army Corps of Engineers land was not part of that bill, something the Corps was quick to point out after that law took affect.
The Corps said, in a statement: “Public Law 111-024 does not apply to Corps projects or facilities . . . [and the Army Corps] will continue to prohibit loaded concealed weapons on Corps properties regardless of the new law and notwithstanding any contrary provisions of state law.”
The amendment will reverse the Corps’ decision and remedy the “oversight” of the lands bill.-[source]
You’ve heard a lot about the “debt limit” fight going on in Washington.
But have you ever wondered how it affects you and your Second Amendment rights?
First, link a brief background: Since he took office, treatment Barack Obama has increased the federal budget from a scandalous $3.1 trillion a year to an even-more-scandalous $3.8 trillion a year.
Even worse is what he’s done with the additional 2/3 of a trillion per year. Of interest to gun owners:
* Obama has begun to implement the first stages of ObamaCare, which would create a national medical database, which could be trolled by ATF in order to take away the gun rights of tens of millions of Americans;
* ATF has used its Fast and Furious operation (funded with $10 million from the stimulus bill) in order to put guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, ostensibly for the purpose of passing more gun control in Washington;
* ATF has moved forward on its illegal regulations to require the registry of multiple sales of many long guns; and
* ATF has moved forward on its efforts to impose an import ban on shotguns.
As far as we’re concerned, a government large enough to implement an anti-gun ObamaCare is much, much too large.
Now the bill has come due, and Barack Obama is trying to borrow $2 trillion to pay for his anti-gun agenda.
He cannot be allowed to succeed, unless the deal blocks the $2 trillion from being used to pursue ObamaCare and an anti-gun agenda.-[source]
Today, information pills National Rifle Association (NRA) Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and the NRA`s Institute for Legislative Action Executive Director Chris W. Cox joined Governor Scott Walker as he signed the Wisconsin Personal Protection Act into law. This makes Wisconsin the 49th state to give law-abiding citizens an option to carry a concealed firearm for personal protection.
“For everyday crime victims, approved Right-to-Carry is the difference between no chance and a fighting chance. That is why the NRA`s commitment to freedom, the Second Amendment and the self-defense rights of good people everywhere never wavers,” said LaPierre. “Today`s signing ceremony is proof of the value of the hard work, dedication and perseverance of NRA members in Wisconsin.”
“This is an historic day for the Right-to-Carry effort not only in Wisconsin, but across the country,” said Cox. “The fundamental, individual, God-given right to self-defense must be respected. I’d like to thank Senators Galloway and Zipperer, Reps. Mursau and Suder and Gov. Walker for their dedication to freedom.”-[source]
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