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The Obama administration “is seeking advice and consent” for Senate ratification of an international small arms treaty, page and also supports the inclusion of small arms in the UN Register of Conventional Arms, sale the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms learned today.

The disclosure is found in the text of a statement to the First Committee of the 66th session of the UN General Assembly, pharmacy delivered by Laura E. Kennedy, the permanent United States representative to the Conference on Disarmament. CCRKBA obtained a copy of the statement.

In her statement, Kennedy recalls that the United States in 1997, under the Clinton administration, signed the Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials. However, the Senate never ratified the document, and there was no interest in pushing the treaty during the Bush administration. American firearms rights activists have steadfastly fought against inclusion of small arms in any such treaty.

“More than half the members of the Senate have already advised Barack Obama that they will not ratify any treaty that threatens the Second Amendment rights of American citizens,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “so it’s not clear why he is – according to Kennedy’s revealing statement – suddenly seeking Senate ratification of this measure.

“If the Obama administration is this eager to push adoption of a treaty that’s been gathering dust for eleven years,” he added, “one can only imagine how fast this president will want to see action on the proposed global Arms Trade Treaty.

“This suggests that Obama fears he may be a one-term president,” Gottlieb stated, “and he feels a compelling need to finally bring his anti-gun agenda to the surface and push it through. We have known all along about his desire to bind this country to an international gun control scheme, and now Kennedy’s statement confirms that.”-[source]

Homeowner Pulls Gun On Two Thieves

Following a recent spree of crime, one Goshen man took matters into his own hands.

Michael Morse was about to become the city’s latest victim of a burglary. That was, until he pulled out a legally owned handgun on two thieves trying to break into his home around 9:30 p.m. Sunday night.

On Saturday, criminals stole more than $3,000 in auto parts and power tools from a home he’s renovating along Olive Street.

On Sunday, he went to count his losses for the police report. After walking inside, he heard a noise in the backyard and then came face-to-face with the two men trying to break in.

“I drew my gun out and just pointed it at them to keep them from coming towards me and I told them to freeze,” Morse recalled.

Morse’s run-in marks the fifth serious crime Goshen Police have handled in the last eight days alone.

Just after 1 a.m. Saturday, four men beat and robbed a man inside the Brookside Manor Mobile Home Park.

Later that day, officers found Adel Gutierrez, 25, shot inside his family’s Mexican bakery along S. Main Street in downtown.

Paramedics took Adel Gutierrez to IU Health Goshen Hospital where he underwent surgery and is now recovering. Gutierrez, who has a criminal track record himself, says he was too drunk to remember who shot him Saturday.

Last week, investigators arrested Chad Weddle, 18, in connection with 22 home break-ins across Elkhart County.

Weddle’s arrest came only days after someone beat and stabbed Goshen College professor James Miller to death inside his home.

Miller’s killer is still on the loose as Goshen’s small town atmosphere starts to fill with big city crime.-[source]

Max Motors Targeted By ATF, Banks And GM

Missouri car dealer offered AK-47′s with new car purchases

Despite the White House harassment, and the loss of financing and insurance arrangements that came in the past, the Butler, Mo., car dealer who will be giving away AK-47’s again starting in October.

“Guess what? We are doing it again! It is the Fourth Annual Great Guns and Gas Give-Away!” said Mark Muller, the owner of Max Motors, whose July 17, 2009 interview with CNN’s Carol Costello about his promotion was great publicity, but brought him unwelcome attention.

Within days of the CNN broadcast, three agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives arrived at the dealership, he said.

“I was not there, they identified themselves and asked who was in-charge, and everybody pointed at each other,” he said.

Undeterred, the agents demanded to see the guns, he said. When it was explained that there were no actual guns, and that the promotion was really for vouchers towards the purchase of an AK-47, the agents did not believe it.

“There was an empty gun box here from a gun dealer in North Carolina, and they took that and demanded to see the gun that came with that box,” he said. The agents also went into storage rooms and took photos.

The next day, Muller received a call from the ATF asking him to come in for a meeting with all of his personal guns, which they insisted they had to authority to order, he said. Muller held his ground and refused to submit to the audit without first going through due process.-[source]

Will The 2nd Amendment Come Under Fire This Month?

Within the next month, Congress will be taking actions that will impact our Second Amendment rights.

Here’s what we’re facing.  On or about September 30, Congress will consider a “continuing resolution” (CR) to fund the government from October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012.

Well, you can be sure about this — when it comes to funding the government, any bill passed by Congress will NOT be neutral on the Second Amendment:

* Either the CR will fund the anti-gun ObamaCare program … or it will explicitly prohibit ObamaCare from being funded.

* Either it will fund ATF’s illegal efforts to register multiple sales of long guns in the southwest … or it will explicitly prohibit those activities from being funded.

* Either it will fund the Obama administration’s illegal efforts to block the importation of shotguns and rifles … or it will explicitly prohibit these bans from being funded.

* Either it will fund negotiations at the United Nations to produce a small arms treaty that will license firearms, ban semi-autos, and ban tiny modifications of firearms … or it will explicitly prohibit those negotiations.

Barack Obama can veto the CR.  If he does so, his wretched administration will be shut down.

But the House of Representatives also has a veto, as it can refuse to send an anti-gun CR to the Senate.  So the message is that Congress needs to reject any CR which:

* Does not defund ObamaCare;

* Does not defund the illegal multiples sales regs;

* Does not defund the illegal shotgun and rifle import bans;

* Does not defund the UN negotiations to license American gun owners.

We can tell you right now that there will be some congressmen who will say:  “Sure, I voted to fund ObamaCare.  But that doesn’t mean I support ObamaCare.”

That is a lie.

There are congressmen who will say:  “Sure, I voted to fund the registration of long guns. But that doesn’t mean I support the registration of long guns.”

That is a lie.

There are some who will say:  “Sure, I voted to fund the bans on importing shotguns and rifles. But that doesn’t mean I support those import bans.”

That is a lie.

And there are some who will say:  “Sure, I voted to fund UN negotiations to register gun owners.  But that doesn’t mean I support gun registration.”

That is a lie.-[source]

Federal Raid Of NM Gun Shop Netted 1,200 Firearms

Federal authorities seized more than 1,200 firearms and nearly 2 million rounds of ammunition when they raided a family-run gun shop in New Mexico last month as part of a multi-agency investigation into illegal gun sales and smuggling.

The Albuquerque Journal reported Sunday that the tally of weapons seized was laid out in search warrant documents filed this week in federal court in Santa Fe. The warrants were executed on the gun shop owner’s home and shop south of Deming in late August.

Affidavits for the warrants also describe conversations in which confidential informants say the weapons being bought were headed to Mexico for use in the drug wars, the newspaper said.

Federal agents last month arrested Rick Reese, 55, his wife Terri, 48, and sons Ryin, 24, and Remington, 19. They all are accused of conspiring to falsify paperwork recording gun sales, to launder the sale proceeds and to smuggle weapons into Mexico.

All four have pleaded not guilty.-[source]

3rd Gun Found In Az Crime Tied To ATF’s ‘Gunwalker’

Authorities confirm a weapon from the failed ATF program ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ was found at a violent crime scene in Maricopa, Ariz. in 2010. This is the latest in a series of cases where Fast and Furious guns have been linked to violent crimes across the U.S. and Mexico.

The two guns found at the scene were an AK-47 and a Beretta pistol, according to the Arizona Department of Public Safety. The AK-47 is linked to Fast and Furious, according to ATF. The weapons were found inside a stolen truck in March 2010 after the driver slammed into two DPS vehicles while trying to evade members of the Arizona Vehicle Theft Task Force, ABC 15 reports.

The driver, Angel Hernandez Diaz, was reportedly arrested and charged with multiple crimes, including flight from a pursuing law enforcement vehicle, aggravated assault on an officer with a dangerous instrument or deadly weapon, theft of means of transportation and misconduct involving a weapon, according to court documents.-[source]

Man Seriously Injured In Potato Gun Explosion

A man was hospitalized after being seriously injured in a potato gun explosion.Police said they received a report of a shooting in the 200 block of Alpha Avenue at about 4:15 p.m. Monday, where they found 53-year-old John Berthiaume II lying in the street.

Berthiaume suffered injuries to his right arm and leg when his homemade potato gun exploded, Louisville Metro Police spokesman Dwight Mitchell said.The victim’s brother, Tony, said it appeared that his brother put too much black powder into the device.”I guess it stressed the metal out too much, and it blew up,” he said.Martha Dodd said the explosion sent shrapnel into her home across the street.”I looked out the door and saw him sitting on the ground and I said, ‘You just shot a hole in my house,’” Dodd said.-[source]

AZ County GOP Gun Raffle Draws Criticism

The Republican Party in the county where a deadly Arizona shooting rampage took place is drawing criticism for its decision to raffle a gun to raise money for get-out-the-vote efforts.

The Pima County Republican Party publicized the raffle in its online newsletter last week, under a headline that read: “Help Pima GOP get out the vote and maybe help yourself to a new Glock.”

Jeff Rogers, chairman of the county’s Democratic Party, called the raffle a “stunning lack of judgment and sensitivity” given that the weapon is the same make used in the Jan. 8 mass shooting in Tucson, the Pima County seat. The shooting spree left six people dead and 13 wounded, including Democratic U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

The handgun being raffled is a Glock 23. The one used in the Tucson shooting was a Glock 19, the Arizona Daily Star reported.-[source]

Federal Judge Won’t Halt BATFE Rifle Sale Rules

In a setback for gun dealers in four U.S. states bordering Mexico, a federal judge on Thursday refused to temporarily block new rules requiring them to report the sale of multiple semi-automatic rifles.

Judge Rosemary Collyer said the dealers, backed by the National Rifle Association, had not sufficiently shown they would suffer irreparable harm without a preliminary injunction. She scheduled an October hearing on a permanent injunction.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ordered more than 8,000 gun dealers in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California to report the sale within five business days of two or more rifles to the same person.

The Obama administration issued the reporting requirements to try to stem the flow of weapons across the border to violent drug cartels in Mexico. Mexican officials have complained bitterly about guns illegally coming from the United States.

The gun industry says the rules will not affect the cartels’ efforts but rather burden law-abiding retailers.-[source]

NM Gov Gets Perfect Score On CCW Renewal

New Mexico’s pistol-packin’ governor is a sure shot.

Gov. Susana Martinez received perfect scores on recertification for her concealed-carry permit over the weekend in Las Cruces. She scored 100 percent with both .38- and .45-caliber handguns, her staff said.

Martinez’s permit to carry a concealed handgun, originally obtained in 2009, was extended for another two years.

She was a district attorney and a Republican candidate for governor when she first went through training and qualified to carry a concealed weapon. Her spokesman, Greg Blair, said Martinez’s personal and professional experiences motivated her to arm herself.

Not only was she a prosecutor, but her husband, Chuck Franco, was undersheriff of Dona Ana County.

“Since she and Chuck both made careers out of taking on dangerous and violent criminals, she decided to get her concealed-carry permit for personal protection, especially when traveling alone or at night on the campaign trail,” Blair said.

As governor, Martinez has a security detail, but she still chooses to carry a weapon, Blair said.

One of Martinez’s Republican colleagues, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, has also carried a handgun.

Perry last year used his laser-sighted pistol to shoot a coyote that he said was threatening his dog during a morning jog near Austin.-[source]