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The sponsor of a proposed Utah law says it would keep local police from citing someone for disorderly conduct for the open carrying of firearms.
But state Rep. Paul Clay, this web a Republican, more about says he doesn’t understand why more police don’t support his bill. “I wish I knew the real reason, illness ” Ray said on the state House floor when asked why police associations haven’t backed it, The Salt Lake Tribune reported.
The bill that would strip local municipalities of the ability to cite civilians for disorderly conduct for openly carrying a weapon in public passed the state House Tuesday, despite a long floor debate about whether it would hinder police from handling potential threats, the newspaper said..
Fraternal Order of Police lobbyist Kelly Atkinson said his group’s membership was divided on the bill, with some members saying it helps gun rights and others saying it put police in danger on the street.
The bill goes to the state Senate where President Michael Waddoups said he expected it to get strong debate in committee and on the floor. Though some senators might hesitate because of police concerns, he said, supporters of the Second Amendment right to carry firearms might enact it.-[source]
The President’s wants to end the Federal Flight Deck Officer Program (FFDO), web also known as the armed pilots program. If Congress were to follow President Obama’s recommendation contained in his $3.8 trillion FY2013 budget proposal, they would be making a huge mistake. This anti-terrorism program has been a success and a cost effective means to protect the cockpits of commercial aviation from 9-11 style terrorism.-[source]
An Illinois lawmaker wants gun owners to shell out extra taxes in order to finance a new grant program for trauma centers, a move firearms advocacy groups say amounts to a “sin tax” on law-abiding hunters and target shooters.
State Rep. Kelly Cassidy, in a bill introduced earlier this month, proposed a 2 percent surtax on ammunition. The proceeds would go toward a “high-crime trauma center grant fund,” which would then send the tax money to trauma centers in “high-crime areas.”
The idea is to begin to offset the high cost of gun violence. Mark Walsh, campaign director for the Illinois Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, told that cost often ends up being shouldered by these urban trauma centers.
“(The money would go) into communities here in Illinois that have been damaged with gun violence,” he said. “I think it’s a legitimate way to pursue funding.”
But Richard Pearson, director of the Illinois State Rifle Association, said the bill effectively saddles gun owners — hunters, target shooters and those who own firearms for self defense — as a whole with the cost of gang violence in high-crime areas like Chicago.-[source]
Small arms giant Izhmash has begun production of Russia’s long anticipated AK-12, the 2012 replacement for the AK-74. From the photos, it’s safe to say that it’s much improved, yet still at heart a Kalashnikov rifle. Mikhail could approve.
The first big change is rails. You might have noticed that Picatinny’s standard on the AK-12, although without photos of the left side of the rifle, we can’t assume that it doesn’t also have a side mount. It would be a tight fit, as it’s supposed to have ambidextrous, thumb-actuated selectors.
Yep, there are two. One is a safety and the other is a rate-of-fire switch. It’s capable of single-shot, 3-round burst, and full auto fire. It’s safe to say that internally, it’s different; the pins aren’t in the same places. The AK-12 also has a reciprocating dust cover, to match the reciprocating bolt.
The gas block gets a Picatinny rail, too, even though it comes with a familiar-looking front sight post. With the rear sight mounted at the very end of the receiver, the AK-12′s got a ridiculously long sight radius. If you look closely at the rear sight, you’ll notice that it’s a standard AK sight mounted into a detachable block, which strikes us as incredibly Russian.-[source]
A nationwide boycott of Starbucks stores and its products will be launched on Valentine’s Day to eliminate “the risk of guns in public places and ultimately to bring sane gun laws to the U.S.”
This boycott is being called by the National Gun Victim’s Action Council (NGAC), a network of 14 million gun victims, and is targeting Starbucks because it allows guns and assault weapons to be openly carried in cccits stores in 43 states, and concealed and carried in its stores in 49 states.
“Starbucks has the legal right to ban guns but despite having been petitioned by thousands, asked at a shareholder meeting, and a direct appeal made to their Board, Starbucks clings to this policy that puts millions of Americans at risk every day and encourages the spread of guns being carried in public,” said NGAC CEO Elliot Fineman in a Jan. 23 press release circulated by the group.
Of course, such reasoning is sheer idiocy, said Seattle Guns Rights Examiner Dave Workman in a Jan. 23 column.
“Starbucks’ sin is that the coffee giant caters to everybody, including legally-armed citizens, whether they carry openly or concealed,” Workman wrote. “Starbucks made it plain in 2010 when the Brady Campaign, assisted locally by Washington CeaseFire, that it abides by local state laws and does not discriminate against a certain class of customers. Starbucks has the legal right to serve any customer it pleases, including someone exercising his or her right to bear arms. Fineman evidently doesn’t grasp that.” – [ source ]
Ah, the railgun. Previously a flight of fancy fit only for wars in works of science fiction, the ultimate in electromagnetic weaponry is one step closer to becoming a reality for the US Navy. When can we expect to see kinetic weapons on the high seas? The goal is 2025, but naturally, finances and politics will dictate its date of deployment, so keep your fingers crossed it’s sooner, rather than later. - [ read more ]
According to the FBI, tadalafil over 1.5 million background checks on customers were requested by gun dealers to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in December. Nearly 500, see 000 of those were in the six days before Christmas.
It was the highest number ever in a single month, viagra buy surpassing the previous record set in November.
On Dec 23 alone there were 102,222 background checks, making it the second busiest single day for buying guns in history.
The actual number of guns bought may have been even higher if individual customers took home more than one each. ~ [Read more]
“Hi Pirate IP ###.##.#.###! We got you! (In our database). You like torrents, don’t you? At least someone in your house does. It looks like you are from United States, somewhere around The Pentagon. According to our records, you have downloaded a couple of files. Below is a table with examples. You can click on any filename to get more details. Of course, we are sure that you didn’t violate any laws of United States and downloaded only legal stuff, right?” ~ from
Think you are secure from prosecution? Most of us share IP addressed passed around by our Internet Service provider (ISP), and the one you are using now might very well have been used by someone who uses BitTorrent technologies to pirate games, movies and music (among much else). The website will let you know if they have your current IP address in their Naughty List. The scary part is, that you could simply enter an IP address of another household and view the downloading habits of another. Anyone think this won’t be misused?
The Spartanburg County Sheriff is known for speaking his mind, and at a news conference on Monday, he didn’t hold back his anger and frustration after a woman was attacked in a park over the weekend.
Investigators said 46-year-old Walter Lance choked the woman, made her take off her clothing and tried to rape her.
Sheriff Chuck Wright opened his news conference by saying, “Our form of justice is not making it.”
He said, “Carry a concealed weapon. That’ll fix it.”
He said he doesn’t believe every person needs to be kept in jail, but he said, “I don’t think this animal deserves to be out in our society, walking alongside our women.”
Wright said,”Liberals call me and tell me the chain-gang form of justice isn’t working. Well, let me inform you, your form of justice isn’t working either.”
He said Lance should not have had the right or opportunity to “violate a good, upstanding woman.”
Wright said, “It’s too bad someone with a concealed weapons permit didn’t walk by. That would fix it.” He said people are tired of doing the right thing and criminals getting away with their actions. Wright said, “I’m tired of looking at victims saying, ‘There’s life after this’ … I’m tired of saying, ‘We’re sorry, we can’t keep them in jail.’”
Wright said in his view, gun control is, “How fast can you can get the barrel of your gun back on the target?” – [source]
Lindsay McCrum’s new photo book Chicks With Guns is just what you think it is: Striking portraits of women with their firearms. What’s unexpected, however, is the impact of the photos as a collection.
If viewers don’t personally know one of these gun-toters, McCrum hopes the book serves as an introduction to a growing community of 15 to 20 million women in the U.S. who own and use guns.
“Usually women with guns are turned into comic book characters — Lara Croft, Kill Bill — and I thought it would be fascinating to find out who the real women in our country are who own guns,” she says.
After three years and 280 photo shoots, McCrum chose 80 compelling and thoughtful frames for her book. Each photo is accompanied by quotes from the subjects about their history or feelings on gun ownership.
For McCrum, Chicks With Guns is not an attempt to enter the ideological debate about guns. Instead, she says she tried to harness the visceral power of photography to provide a more rounded, honest picture of what women gun owners look like today. – [source]

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