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Victory For Gun Rights In D.C.

The District has moved one step closer to showing due respect to the Second Amendment. Potential gun owners will now save hours of their time and hundreds of dollars as a council committee voted to eliminate hurdles meant to discourage the law-abiding from keeping arms in the nation’s capital.

The newly-drafted legislation eliminates the five-hour training requirement for gun ownership. As documented in The Washington Times’ “Emily Gets Her Gun” series, store this turned out to be the most time-consuming and expensive barrier. The classes, stomach which cost an average of $200, could not even be legally taken within city limits, calling into question the requirement’s constitutionality.-[source]

Texas Professor:OH School Shooting Is ‘Exercise Of 2A’

The suggestion by a University of Texas law professor that Monday’s deadly school shooting in Ohio was a “typical exercise of the Second Amendment” is an outrage, clinic the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

Calvin Johnson teaches law at UT in Austin, and his comments appeared in an e-mail that was exposed by a reporter for the Washington Free Beacon. The story also revealed that Johnson defended the City of Chicago‘s handgun ban, which SAF successfully challenged before the U.S. Supreme Court in McDonald v. City of Chicago. Prof. Johnson has also suggested that it is “quite reasonable” to dismiss James Madison‘s motivations for including a right to keep and bear arms in the Bill of Rights as “historical trivia.”

“To contend that Monday’s tragic school shooting is typical behavior for citizens exercising their rights under the Second Amendment is simply outrageous,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “What is even more alarming is that this fellow actually teaches law at an American university.”-[source]

Gun Rationing Limit Repeal Signed By VA Governor

Gov. Bob McDonnell signed legislation Tuesday repealing Virginia’s one-per-month limit on handgun purchases, scrapping a law that he voted for nearly two decades ago as a member of the General Assembly.

McDonnell’s decision to sign HB 940 was not a surprise. He said before the legislative session began that he supported repeal of the one-handgun-per-month law, a top priority of pro-gun organizations that have long derided it as unnecessary “gun rationing.” The repeal will take effect July 1.

Despite McDonnell’s public statements supporting the repeal, gun-control advocates made a last-ditch effort to change the governor’s mind in recent days. On Saturday, four families of victims of the 2007 mass shootings at Virginia Tech urged McDonnell to veto the legislation, arguing that public safety would be jeopardized by making guns more accessible.-[source]

Girlfriend Kills Man Who Dared Her To Shoot

A Florida woman was charged with manslaughter Friday after her boyfriend dared her to pull the trigger on an antique gun during an argument, viagra and she did — shooting him dead.

The man, 57, was shot in the face by Kimberly Gustafson, 50 at their Ocala home, about 80 miles (130km) northwest of Orlando, about 12:45am Thursday, officers said. He died later in hospital, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

Witnesses told cops the confrontation was cooling when the man told his girlfriend “go ahead and shoot me.” She then turned and pulled the trigger.

Gustafson was arrested Friday and booked into the Marion County Jail, charged with manslaughter with a firearm and domestic violence.-[source]

Madness After Girl, 4, Draws Gun Pic At School

A father has been arrested, page strip-searched and hauled in for questioning – all because his four-year-old daughter drew a picture of a gun at school.

“I’m picking up my kids and then, next thing you know, I’m locked up,” Jessie Sansone, 26, told the Waterloo Region Record in Canada. “I was in shock. This is completely insane. My daughter drew a gun on a piece of paper at school.”-[source]

Man Shot Twice Trying To Shoot Caged Raccoon

A rural Redfield man is being treated for two gunshot wounds after an attempt to shoot a raccoon caught in a live trap backfired.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources says 68-year-old Larry Godwin was using a 22-caliber handgun to shoot the caged raccoon at around 11 a.m. Saturday when the bullet ricocheted off the cage and struck him in the lower abdomen on the right side. He dropped the gun and it fired again, visit web shooting him again in about the same spot.

He was taken to Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines by private vehicle.

The DNR says the injuries are not believed to be life threatening.-[source]

Salt Lake City Police Chief Carries Gun To Intimidate Public

“Right from the start, buy more about let me say that I honor the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment, pharm although the editor in me wants to clarify its language to make it easier to understand,” columnist Peg McEntee for The Salt Lake City Tribune claims in a Friday opinion piece.

Evidently from McEntee’s “clarification,” the way she would “honor” it is to remove “and bear” from the text, as her column quickly degenerates into a hit piece against lawful open carry—that is, the prevalent practice and custom at the time the Constitution was ratified.

“Simply seeing someone carrying a handgun, rifle or shotgun can cause fear among the unarmed,” McEntee asserts as an unqualified universal truism. “If I were to see someone with a .45 strapped to his hip, I’d have no idea who that person is and what his intentions are and would get out of there quick.”-[source]

D.C. Residents Under Attack With No Defense

A recent spate of armed robberies has brought to light the inability of Washington, D.C. residents to carry concealed weapons. So far in 2012 there have been twice as many robberies at gunpoint than at this time last year. The sharp rise in brazen criminal activity has brought on the usual round of increased police officers and patrols in the areas hit hard by the crime wave. Whether this strategy works to bring a halt to the robberies remains to be seen over the next few weeks.

One strategy that has been proven to work, allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons, does not appear to be in the cards in the nation’s capital. The District is notorious for its unwillingness to give its residents the ability to protect themselves. It took the monumental United States Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller for residents to have even a modicum of protection under the Second Amendment. However, the citizens of D.C. are still banned from carrying outside the home and concealed carry is prohibited. The District joins only Illinois in the distinction of being a “No-issue” concealed carry jurisdiction. It is clear, however, that the criminals in Washington, D.C. are paying little attention to its gun laws.-[source]

Oklahoma Senate Panel Approves Open-Carry Bill

Senate Bill 1733 by Sen. Anthony Sykes, tadalafil R-Moore, hospital passed the Senate Public Safety Committee by a vote of 8-1.

Sen. Constance Johnson, cheap D-Oklahoma City, cast the lone vote against it. She could not be reached for comment after the meeting.

The measure heads to the Senate floor.

Sykes said the measure passed a few years ago and was vetoed by former Gov. Brad Henry.

“It is basically open carry in Oklahoma except this version of open carry you have to have your concealed-carry license, and it is your choice. You can carry concealed. You can carry unconcealed,” he said. -[source]

Hornady Ammo Recall:500 S&W Ammo Too Hot to Handle

Apparently the fine folks at Hornady have made a slight calculation error during the loading of some of their 500 S&W handgun ammunition, dosage called by some the most powerful handgun ammunition on the market today. The effect of that slight miscalculation is that you can now blow up your handgun (“excessive chamber pressures” in damage reducing spin-speak). Make the jump for the press release.-[source]