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CO Campus Gun Ban Overturned

The University of Coloradooverstepped its authority when the school’s board of regents imposed a ban on the carrying of concealed weapons at its four campuses, the state’s Supreme Court ruled on Monday.

In overturning the policy, the court said that a concealed carry law passed by the state legislature trumped the school’s ban because it did not carve out an exception for the state’s flagship university.

“We hold that the (concealed carry law’s) comprehensive statewide purpose, broad language, and narrow exclusions show
that the General Assembly intended to divest the Board of Regents of its authority to regulate concealed handgun possession on campus,” the ruling said.-[source]

SCOTUS Backs Game Warden Power

The claim of an unconstitutional search by a San Diego fisherman who got caught with an out-of-season lobster was rebuffed Monday by the U.S. Supreme Court.

In denying review, the high court let stand a California Supreme Court opinion in June that people who hunt and fish have fewer of the privacy rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment.

The state high court granted game wardens the authority to stop, question and search citizens without a warrant or even without probable cause to believe a law has been broken.

All the warden needs, the California court ruled, is knowledge that a person is or has been fishing or hunting.-[source]

Dayton Vetoes ‘Castle Doctrine’ Self-Defense Bill

Gov. Mark Dayton vetoed the so-called “castle doctrine” self-defense bill on Monday.

The proposal, supported by the gun-rights groups and opposed by Minnesota’s law-enforcement organizations, would have expanded the legal justification for citizens who use deadly force in threatening situations.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Tony Cornish, R-Good Thunder, and Sen. Gretchen Hoffman, R-Vergas, was the top priority of the National Rifle Association and drew some DFL votes in addition to near-unanimous Republican support. The measure passed by votes of 40-23 in the Senate and 85-47 in the House.

It would have changed the legal definitions of self-defense for someone facing a serious threat in their homes, and would have expanded this “castle doctrine” to cars, motor homes, boats and even tents.

It would have done away with a person’s duty to retreat when facing a threat in public places, which supporters called the “stand your ground” concept. It would also have legalized concealed-weapons permits issued by all states, regardless of their standards in granting permits, and limited the situations in which police can temporarily remove weapons from homes in volatile situations.-[source]

It’s Real! Navy Test-Fires 1st Working Prototype Railgun

The Navy’s futuristic railgun is one step closer to becoming a reality.

Navy officials told this week that the railgun, visit this which relies on magnets rather than explosives to fire bullets at several times the speed of sound, abortion had blasted through budget constraints that are leaving federal research programs in Washington at the drawing board.

“I think it is a great example of how our naval science and technology — in these tough fiscal times — can be responsive to the military’s emerging needs, approved ” said Adm. Matthew Klunder, Chief of Naval Research for the Office of Naval Research (ONR), which has been developing the electromagnetic railgun since 2005.-[source]

Homeowner Shoots, Kills Intruder

A Springville man Thursday shot and killed an intruder who police say woke up a sleeping couple in their bedroom and demanded they take him to an ATM for cash.

The intruder was identified as Armando Martinez Jr., 31, of Provo. Police said Martinez first took the time to make a snack and change his clothes before waking and threatening the homeowners.

Officers were called to 763 S. 475 East about 2:50 a.m. Upon arrival, they found Martinez dead in the bedroom of the home, said Springville Police Lt. Dave Caron.

Martinez had walked through the neighborhood, checking as many as 20 homes for unlocked doors, Caron said. He entered the house where the shooting occurred through a sliding back door. The door was locked with a child lock, but Martinez apparently disabled it by pulling hard on the door.

Once inside the home, police said, Martinez found some clothes that had been left folded on the couch. He changed out of his wet clothes and into the homeowner’s clothing. He also made himself a tortilla and ham wrap in the kitchen.

“He ate most of it and put what he didn’t eat back in the fridge,” Caron said. “From there, he went upstairs and started the whole thing.”-[source]

Texas Gun Sales Rise On Fear Of 2nd Obama Term

Gun sales are booming across Texas, and some buyers say their growing belief that President Barack Obama’s re-election is inevitable is fueling their race to bear more arms.

Book author Alan Korwin tells the Star-Telegram that some are worried that Obama’s re-election would embolden a major gun control push. Korwin has written nine books on gun laws and operates a gun laws website.

Korwin says people worry that if Obama wins “he will go after firearms in a way we have never seen before.”-[source]

D.C. Officials Favor Victimhood

With Washington, information pills D.C. residents concerned about violent crime soaring 40 percent in the first two months of the year, buy more about one would have thought that District officials would have had a better response than, cheapest victimhood is better than self-defense. Unfortunately, they didn’t.

“It is much better, in my opinion, to be scared, to be frightened, and even if you have to be, to be injured, but to walk away and survive,” said Paul Quander, District of Columbia’s deputy mayor for public safety and justice.

This comment followed an earlier statement by D.C. Councilman Jack Evans (Ward 2 Democrat), who, in discussing newly-drafted legislation that would eliminate some of the District’s burdensome requirements for gun ownership, opined, “Although none of us like making it easier for someone to have a gun legally, we believe that this is what we have to do.”

Yes. You read that correctly. Mr. Evans doesn’t want to make “legal” gun ownership easier. Perhaps Councilman Evans needs to re-read the Supreme Court’s Heller decision.-[source]

Lawmaker Wants To Restore George Washington’s Birthday

A push is under way by lawmakers, historians and educators to give George Washington his birthday back instead of “diminishing the memory of the greatest American” by honoring it with a three-day weekend.

Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., is sponsoring a bill to change the holiday to Feb. 22 from the third Monday in February. That date on the calendar is when the United States has marked Washington’s birthday since 1971, when a law took effect making Memorial Day, Veterans Day and Presidents Day all Monday holidays to give Americans a three-day weekend.

“President Washington exemplifies the best that America and Americans have to offer the world: principled leadership, personal bravery, a sense of duty and public service, patriotism, recognition of our unique role in world history and a reverence for his Creator,” Wolf said in prepared remarks during a House hearing on Wednesday. “His enduring service deserves to be remembered on his actual birthday.”

Wolf said Feb. 22 marked Washington’s 280th anniversary of his birth, yet most Americans celebrated a “generic” Presidents Day holiday two days earlier.-[source]

Senate Vote Would Shield CCW Holders

The Oregon Senate voted Thursday to make private the identities of applicants for concealed handgun licenses, and it defeated a separate measure that would have made it illegal for license holders to carry a gun on school grounds.

Gun rights proponents have tried for years to persuade the Legislature to declare that information about people licensed to carry hidden weapons should not be public record.

The Senate’s approval was a significant victory for proponents, who have seen the measure pass the House in two previous years before meeting a stone wall in the upper chamber.

Senators approved the measure after changes were made to address concerns of some critics. The House passed the original version earlier this month but must sign off on the changes.-[source]


The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today condemned Democrat members of the Iowa House of Representatives for leaving the capitol rather than debate , ailment and possibly vote on, two pro-gun measures affirming the right to keep and bear arms, and the right of self-defense.

As reported by the Des Moines Register, “Iowa Democrats…left the Capitol in protest of two gun bills the Republican majority had planned to debate today…” House Joint Resolution 2009 proposes an amendment to the state constitution that includes a specific right to keep and bear arms. House Bill 2215 is a “stand-your-ground” measure that would expand the use of reasonable force to include lethal force, to resist grave bodily harm or death.

“Once again,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “Democrats have painted themselves as the party of gun control by disappearing rather than debating measures to strengthen the firearm civil rights of Iowa citizens.”-[source]