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Wisconsin’s SB555 Creates Privileged “Police Class” Citizen

A troubling bill has hit the radar of Wisconsin Carry.

We began watching this bill a few weeks ago, abortion but it didn’t appear to have legs at that time. Now it does.

Senate Bill 555 is a bill that gives FROMER law enforcement folks the right to carry on private property EVEN IF THE OWNER HAS POSTED THE PROPERTY.

The bill ALSO exempts OFF-DUTY and FORMER LEO’s from the Gun-Free-School-Zone statutes (which prohibits law-abiding concealed carry license holders from carry on school property like soccer fields, page ball diamonds, and playgrounds)

It has been voted out of committee 5-0. Senator Glen Grothman is on the committee and voted for it. I would note that Sen. Wanggard spoke for the bill, as did the Attorney General and the Rep. Joel Kleefisch.

The bill exempts three groups from the criminal trespass statute and the GFSZ act:

  1. On duty LEOs ( E.nforcement O.fficers)
  2. Off duty LEOs

The exemption is not needed for on Duty LEOs. If they have a valid police reason to go onto the private property, then they are exempt anyway under the common law of “privilege.” On-Duty police officers are exempt from the GFSZ law when they are acting in their official capacity.

Wisconsin Carry DOES believe the Gun Free School Zone statute is a horrible law, but we do NOT believe that it is right to create a special class of citizen (off-duty cops and former cops) who are exempt from the law, while having us “regular folks” have to live/be encumbered by it.-[source]

Indiana Bill On Resisting Police Wins Approval

The Indiana Senate has approved a bill laying out when residents might be legally justified in using force against police officers.The Senate voted 38-12 Friday night in favor of the bill that is in response to a public uproar over a state Supreme Court ruling that residents couldn’t resist officers even during an illegal entry. The House later approved the bill 67-26, sending it to the governor.Supporters said the proposal strengthens the legal rights of people against government agents improperly entering their homes. But police groups have said they worry about the bill giving people justification for attacking officers.The measure specifies that people are protected by the state’s self-defense law if they reasonably believe force is necessary to protect themselves from unlawful actions by an officer.-[source]

Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ Offers Added Security From Missile Attacks

Facing the worst barrage of rockets from Palestinian militants since 2009, Israel is getting a boost from a new interceptor system that destroys missiles in midair before they fall on population centers.

The “Iron Dome” missile system has provided an added layer of security for Israel’s homeland by downing dozens of rockets in the past four days, buying more time for the country’s leaders to confront militants with less citizen pressure to stem hostilities.

The system underlines Israel’s shifting doctrine of emphasizing defense capabilities in addition to its offensive firepower, and offers a preview of how Israel will handle any retaliatory missile threat posed by Iran.-[source]

Target Practice & Marksmanship Training Act

This summer Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) introduced the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Act (S. 1249). This bi-partisan legislation will give states greater flexibility to use more of their designated federal wildlife resources (i.e. Pittman-Robertson funds) to establish safe recreational shooting areas. The legislation also allows for the proper management of existing shooting areas.

A recent survey by the Responsive Management Company has shown that the biggest obstacle to participation in hunting and the shooting sports is access. In addressing this concern, online the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Act will not only help sportsmen and target shooters, but wildlife and conservation efforts as well. Active participation in hunting and the shooting sports means increased production of firearms and ammunition. Manufacturers of firearms and ammunition pay a federal excise tax — 11 percent on long guns and ammunition and 10 percent on handguns — which is used to fund wildlife and conservation efforts. By giving gun owners better access to ranges, the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Act will help to encourage participation in these pro-conservation pastimes.-[source]

U.S. Seeks More Powerful Bunker Busting Bomb

The Pentagon is seeking a more powerful bomb after acknowledging that the U.S.’s largest bomb, the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, is not capable of destroying Iran’s most heavily fortified underground facilities, Fox News confirms.

“We’ve long said we need the capability these weapons will provide us,” Capt. John Kirby, Pentagon spokesman told Fox News.

“We’re committed to their development and comfortable that they will contribute to all the capabilities our military can bring to bear against hardened targets,” Kirby said.

Doubts about the MOP’s effectiveness reportedly prompted the Pentagon to secretly submit a request to Congress for funding to enhance the bomb, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Speaking about the MOP, or “bunker busting bomb,” in November, Kirby said the weapon would give the U.S. “a far greater capability to reach and destroy an enemy’s weapons of mass destruction that are located in well protected underground facilities to a magnitude far greater than we have now.”-[source]

Air Force’s X-37B Space Plane Survives 1st Year In Orbit

The U.S. Air Force’s robotic X-37B space plane has celebrated a silent anniversary, surpassing an entire year in Earth orbit on a mystery mission for American military. Meanwhile, a third X-37B space plane mission is being readied, and could even launch later this year, has learned.

The X-37B space plane currently orbiting Earth is the second spacecraft of its kind built for the Air Force by Boeing’s Phantom Works. Known as the Orbital Test Vehicle 2, or OTV-2, its classified mission is under the wing of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office.

The robotic X-37B space plane is a reusable spacecraft that resembles a miniature space shuttle. The Air Force launched the OTV-2 mission on March 5, 2011, with an unmanned Atlas 5 rocket lofting the space plane into orbit from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.-[source]

Cop Blames Bieber Doll For Beating

A Denver police officer charged with beating his girlfriend claims that she provoked him by throwing a Justin Bieber doll at him.

Michael Nuanes, Jr., 37, is free on bond and facing charges that include misdemeanor assault causing injury and property damage, KMGH-TV reported Monday.

The charges stem from a January incident in which he allegedly punched his 42-year-old girlfriend in the ribs, pulled her hair and beat her with a piece of a broken bathroom door he had kicked in.

Nuanes claimed that the woman had “thrown a ‘Barbie Doll’ at him, which bruised his foot and [said] that it hurt,” according to an Adams County Sheriff’s Office affidavit.

“Nuanes pointed out a ‘Justin Bieber’ doll, which was the item used to injure him,” the affidavit continued.-[source]

New York Hospital Sends Man Home With GSW

A shooting victim says a New York City hospital sent him home with a bullet still lodged in his neck and told him to come back four days later to have it removed.

Ricardo Acevedo was hit while replacing a security camera outside a Bronx convenience store. Investigators believe the shots were fired by a youth aiming for someone else.

Acevedo told the New York Daily News in Saturday editions that doctors at St. Barnabas Hospital treated the wound.

But he says they told him to go to an affiliated clinic on Monday to have the bullet removed. The hospital declined to comment to the News and didn’t respond to a request for comment from The Associated Press.

Bullets also wounded two teenage girls. Police haven’t made any arrests.-[source]

Governor Martinez Signs Pro-Gun Bill In New Mexico

Governor Susana Martinez has signed Senate Bill 26 into law. This legislation allows residents of New Mexico to purchase rifles and shotguns in non-contiguous states and residents of non-contiguous states to purchase these firearms in New Mexico.

“Senate Bill 26 puts New Mexico in line with federal law. Law-abiding New Mexico residents should not be restricted from purchasing long guns from non-contiguous states because of a lack of clarity in state law,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director for NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. “The NRA would like to thank Governor Susana Martinez for signing Senate Bill 26 and for messaging this bill so it could be considered during the 30-day session. We are also grateful to Senator Bill Payne and Representative Bill Rehm for their leadership in spearheading this effort.”-[source]

VA OD’s On Anti-Gun RX

“The presence of firearms in households has been linked to increased risk of injury or death for everyone in or around the home” and “Firearms in the home can increase the possibility of completing suicide.” Not only that, while locking up guns is a good idea, “The best way to reduce gun risks is to remove the gun from your home. . . . The safest action is to get rid of the guns.”

Sounds familiar, of course. But this time, the anti-gun propaganda isn’t from one of the handful of people in the medical field that the Joyce Foundation pays hundreds of thousands of dollars to write up “studies” characterizing guns as too dangerous for private individuals to possess. Instead, it’s from a federal government entity whose employees apparently read such stuff and, through some combination of naïveté, ignorance and bias, fall for it.

In this instance, the anti-gun message comes from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Office of the Medical Inspector and Geriatrics and Extended Care Strategic Healthcare Group. The VA’s statements appear in a pamphlet called “Firearms and Dementia” which, the name of the pamphlet notwithstanding, is directed at anyone who has a child, in addition to people who are responsible for individuals suffering from decreased mental acuity.-[source]