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Self-Defense Tip Of The Day:STFU

I’m on vacation. Obviously. Flying down to West Palm via Washington, prescription D.C. I met a prominent conservative TV personality who shall remain nameless. He mentioned Emily Miller’s Washington Times series on exercising her Second Amendment rights in the nation’s capital. “Registering guns is crazy,” he said, dissing and dismissing the registration requirements stipulated by the the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975. ”None of my guns are registered.” My reply to the conservative curmudgeon was straight to the point: “You shouldn’t say that to anyone.” He didn’t miss a beat. “They can take them from my cold, dead hands,” he asserted, [not-so-originally] channeling his inner Heston. Sigh. Gun owners should obey all firearms laws no matter how non-sensical (e.g., Massachusetts’ high cap mag limit). And if you don’t, don’t tell anyone. Ever. Under any circumstances. You could lose your gun rights and all legal gun owners will suffer by association. Know what I mean?-[source]

3 Get Prison After Trafficked Guns Turn Up In Mexico

A federal judge sent three men to prison after guns they  trafficked into Mexico turned up in a shootout where nine people were  killed.

Chief U.S. District Judge Ricardo Hinojosa sentenced Pharr resident  Rene Cantu Jr., order 26; Abiel Hernandez, 26, a resident alien from  Mexico; and Juan Manuel Bugarin, 31, of Pharr, to prison after they  pleaded guilty in a gun trafficking case last year.

The judge handed down a 52-month sentence for Cantu. Hernandez received a nine-month sentence, and Bugarin received a six-month  sentence.

Each man pleaded guilty in September to making a false statement on a  federal form when purchasing a firearm — commonly known as “straw  purchasing.”-[source]

Uncle Sam To Arapaho Tribe:OK To Kill Bald Eagles

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has granted a Native American tribe a permit to kill two bald eagles for religious purposes. Last year, physician the Wyoming-based Northern Arapaho tribe filed a federal lawsuit because it believes that when the government refuses to issue such permits, it is infringing on the tribe’s right to practice its religion.

For the record, and according to an Associated Press article by Ben Neary, Native Americans presently receive eagle feathers and carcasses from a federal repository based in Colorado. It is illegal to possess eagle feathers or carcasses, unless you have a permit.-[source]

What Are Your Favorite Firearm Nicknames?

Like so many things in the world that are admired, web cherished or feared, firearms of various types have acquired nicknames over the years. Some  are specific to particular styles of guns based on who designed or made them or how they look, sound or were employed—a good example being the Thompson submachine gun. It’s been called everything from a “Tommy Gun” (after the inventor John T. Thompson,) the “Chicago Typewriter /Chicago Piano” (because of its popularity with Gangsters in the 1920s and 30s) and “Trench Broom” or “Trench Sweeper,” a more martial name it shares with the Winchester Model 1897 Trench shotgun.

Others are a bit more generic. Sometimes their derivation is obvious  like “Gat”  shortened from  the name “Gatling.”  Another handgun term from around the same time as “Gat” (probably the 1910s) is “Roscoe.” Some opine it was coined by writer Damon Runyon as a prop to be used by some of the gamblers and underworld types who populated his stories. Others feel it has a rather naughtier derivation—but as Sigmund Freud supposedly said, “sometimes a cigar’s merely a cigar.”-[source]

Viral Videos:Why The Internet Loves Firepower

At this very moment, remedy there is a team of hipster marketing gurus stuffed in a conference room trying to figure out how to produce the next viral video. Yesterday’s water cooler is today’s social media, treat and these wunderkinder have the know-how to make any given cat video the flavor of the week. But gun guys aren’t interested in kitties; they want something with a little more firepower.

Think Jesse “The Body” Ventura’s minigun, Old Painless, in Predator or Tony Montana’s “Little Friend” in Scarface. These iconic images have been burned into the American psyche, translating to social networking through short video clips featuring big guns. The new trend includes shows like “Sons of Guns” and internet sensations like FPS Russia. In both cases, it’s like firepower fantasy camp. These guys handle full-auto AA-12 shotguns and quad MG42s, all in the name of blowing stuff up.-[source]

Four Stabbed, Suspect Shot By Police

The Associated Press reported last week that a man that stabbed four people in a downtown Ohio office building was shot by a police officer after lunging at the officer with a knife in each hand.

According to Columbus Police Sgt. Rich Weiner, pills three of the victims are in critical condition, as is the suspect, while a fourth victim suffered only minor injuries.

The incident occurred before 1 p.m. in the building where the attorney general’s office is located.

The attacker, armed with three knives described as “bigger than pocket knives” was disarmed by citizens who intervened. Unbeknownst to them, the man possessed two other knives and according to Weiner, “We do know that one of the good Samaritans that came to aid the first victim, he was stabbed also.”-[source]

Family Describes Home Invasion

A valley man wakes up to find an intruder standing over him with a gun. But it turns out that the homeowner had the upper hand.

An intruder held the homeowner’s loaded gun to his face early Sunday morning.

David Jennings said when your family’s well-being is at risk, you don’t really have time to think — you just do. So he jumped out of bed and fought back.

Groggy from sleep, Jennings woke up at 3 a.m. to a stranger in his bedroom.

“Finally kicked in — this is not a dream. This is real,” he said.

The intruder was allegedly 18-year-old Ivan Sanchez.

He had found the loaded handgun that the Jennings keep next to their bedside table for protection and had it aimed at Jennings’ head.-[source]

SD Governor Vetoes Concealed Weapons Bill

Gov. Dennis Daugaard vetoed a measure Friday that would have allowed South Dakotans to carry concealed handguns without a permit as long as they had a driver’s license and met state standards for carrying guns.

In his veto message to the Legislature, the governor said he supports people’s right to carry a concealed handgun under the current law that requires a permit. But the vetoed bill would have made it difficult for law enforcement officers to determine whether people are qualified to carry concealed weapons or are prohibited from doing so because of criminal records or mental health problems.-[source]

Home Intruder Shot By Resident

A homeowner confronted and shot a burglar inside his own home Thursday afternoon, and Mesa Police are investigating.

It happened about 4 p.m. at a residence near Lindsay and McKellips.

A man who was at home by himself heard a disturbance in the back and grabbed his gun. He found an intruder, and fired at him. The homeowner then called police.

The suspect suffered life-threatening injuries and was taken to a hospital. There is no information on his age or identity.

“Pretty traumatic situation for anyone, to have someone not only come into your home, but then to be involved in a shooting situation, he’s pretty shaken up,” says Mesa Police Det. Steve Berry.

Officers say a woman was sitting in a parked car nearby. She may be an accomplice and is being questioned.-[source]


The plea deal announced this morning that allows anti-gun San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi keep his guns in what began as a domestic violence case “smacks of hypocrisy at the highest order, viagra buy ” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Mirkarimi pleaded guilty in San Francisco court this morning to what the San Francisco Chronicle described as “a misdemeanor charge of false imprisonment in connection with an incident in which he allegedly inflicted a bruise on his wife.”

“As a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, this Ross Mirkarimi supported all manner of gun control schemes, information pills ” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “He had to surrender his guns when the charges were originally filed, and if similar charges had been filed against some gun rights activist or an average gun owner, you can bet Mirkarimi would be looking to pillory that person, and strip away their gun rights permanently.”-[source]