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Military Dogs May Get Legislative Help

Capitol Hill lawmakers are trying to help military service dogs finished with active duty by giving them full health benefits and streamlining their adoption process.

The Canine Members of the Armed Forces Act has been introduced in the House by Rep. Walter B. Jones (R-N.C.) and in the Senate by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and now awaits hearings.

Right now, viagra buy the Department of Defense classifies military work dogs as equipment, which means service units or prospective adoption families must pay to have the animals brought home from abroad, which from Europe can cost more than $1,000.-[source]

Gun Sales Explode As Election Looms

Sales of handguns and ammunition are booming across the country, health and retailers say it’s all about the November election.

Gun shop owners around the nation told that sales, brisk ever since President Obama was elected, have spiked upward in recent months. And manufacturers are having so much trouble keeping up with the demand that one, Sturm, Ruger & Co., can’t keep up with demand. The Southport, Conn.-based company has had to suspend new orders after taking orders for more than 1 million guns in the first three months of the year. Smith & Wesson sales are way up, as well.-[source]

What Makes A Shooting Justified?

A burglar shot by a homeowner last week has died. He’s been identified as 32-year-old Nathan Floyd.

Last Thursday, officers say Floyd made his way inside a home near Lindsay and McDowell Roads.

The homeowner heard a noise and grabbed his gun. After confronting Floyd — he shot him.

Records show Floyd was arrested last October for theft and possession of burglary tools.

Mesa police say they are investigating the incident and the homeowner’s actions. Was this self-defense? How clear cut is the law about when a homeowner can shoot an intruder?-[source]

Goodbye User Name & Password Logins, & Hello To ‘OneID’

Steve Kirsch wants to swap his 352 user names and passwords for a simple single click sign-in.

The Silicon Valley entrepreneur with 30 years’ experience hopes to take the web by storm with his new startup, OneID.

The user name and password model is not only inconvenient, but its security has been increasingly compromised over the years. That’s why Kirsch has created a multi-device verification system free of passwords.

OneID uses a combination of advanced asymmetric cryptography that works to identify a user through multiple electronic devices including computer, cell phone and tablet device. The devices work together to keep a user’s private information protected.-[source]

Mexican Gun Traffickers Busted In McAllen Sent To Prison

A federal judge sent two illegal immigrants to prison for their roles in a gun trafficking ring busted on the city’s northwest side.

Authorities recovered five assault rifles and a pistol from four illegal immigrants at 3512 Violet Ave. in February 2011.

A Texas Department of Public Safety investigator had received information that the house was possibly used by illegal immigrants smuggling guns to Mexican drug cartels, this a criminal complaint states.

Authorities recovered three .308-caliber rifles with obliterated serial numbers, a Glock 9 mm pistol and two AR-15-style assault rifles during raids at the house and an apartment at 1116 N. 20th St., McAllen.

U.S. District Judge Randy Crane sentenced Carlos Rios Davila and Marco Guzman Velasquez at a hearing Wednesday in McAllen.

Both men received 63-month prison sentences for their roles in the gun trafficking scheme.

Crane said it was unclear whether Rios or Guzman — both illegal immigrants from Mexico — played a larger role in the gun trafficking scheme.
“I would like the United States of America to forgive me, and of course, I would like the judge to forgive me,” Rios said in the courtroom in Spanish. “That is all I would like to say.”

Velasquez said he wants to use his prison time for a fresh start.
“I will not come back,” he told Crane in Spanish. “I would like the court to send me to a prison with educational opportunities so I can better myself.”

Both men will be deported upon completing their prison time.

Also formally charged in the case were Ismael Rivera Melendez and Ferdinando Guillen Rivera; however, both men’s cases were dismissed in August 2011.-[source]

Quetchehueca Shootout Between Kidnappers & Police, 1 Dead

A shootout between a group of kidnappers and elements of the municipal police left one dead, pilule a preventive agent shot and securing three firearms in addition to the rescue of a healthy businessman, the incident took place yesterday shortly after from 09:00 hours on the streets Norman E. Bourlaug between 900 and 1000 of the Yaqui Valley.
Mention may be made later after conducting a series of operations in the city, four others were captured.
EL regional de sonora upon arrival at the site of the shooting, police know that  Daniel Rodriguez Flores 48-year-old commander of police in the police station on Mars Colony R. Gomez and Tobarito, one who was shot.
Wounds that presented the officer, are hip right side of his body and forearm on the same side, for which he was immediately taken to ISSSTESON which is reported out of danger.
The alleged kidnapper who died after receiving multiple gunshot wounds, was identified as Saul Ortiz Cesar Sanchez 20 years, resident of the street 266 in the colony Azucenas Lopez Machi, although it said it was from Altos de Jecopaco.
This person had three bullet wounds to the height of the back, and his body was thrown into a secondary channel located on the street 9 and a half and Norman Borlaug in the Yaqui Valley.
Similarly Guerrero were arrested Ramon Caballero of Caballero 21 years old, and Fabian Campos Alberto Rivas were arrested at the scene, being injured in the shootout the last mentioned.-[source]


Kansas Senator Jerry Moran’s newly-introduced legislation to protect Second Amendment rights from a proposed United Nations small arms treaty is an idea that needs to be passed quickly, cialis 40mg the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Sen. Moran’s proposed Second Amendment Sovereignty Act, stomach S. 2205, is similar to legislation introduced in the House by Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh in December. Like the Walsh bill, Sen. Moran’s measure would prohibit the Obama administration from attempting to influence Arms Trade Treaty negotiations that might restrict the Second Amendment rights of U.S. citizens.

“We’re delighted that Sen. Moran has unveiled this bill,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “With the U.N. poised to move on its proposed treaty this summer, it is important for Congress to fulfill its responsibility to protect our Constitutional rights, rather than allow them to be eroded by international political correctness.”-[source]

The Battle Of Athens, Tennessee

On August 1-2, 1946, some Americans, brutalized by their county government, used armed force as a last resort to overturn it. These Americans wanted honest open elections. For years they had asked for state or federal election monitors to prevent vote fraud (forged ballots, secret ballot counts and intimidation by armed sheriff’s deputies) by the local political boss. They got no help.

These Americans’ absolute refusal to knuckle under had been hardened by service in World War II. Having fought to free other countries from murderous regimes, they rejected vicious abuse by their county government.

These Americans had a choice. Their state’s Constitution — Article 1, Section 26 — recorded their right to keep and bear arms for the common defense. Few “gun control” laws had been enacted.

These Americans were residents of McMinn County, which is located between Chattanooga and Knoxville in Eastern Tennessee. The two main towns were Athens and Etowah. McMinn County residents had long been independent political thinkers. For a long time they also had: accepted bribe-taking by politicians and/or the sheriff to overlook illicit whiskey-making and gambling; financed the sheriff’s department from fines-usually for speeding or public drunkenness which promoted false arrests; and put up with voting fraud by both Democrats and Republicans.

The wealthy Cantrell family, of Etowah, backed Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1932 election, hoping New Deal programs would revive the local economy and help Democrats to replace Republicans in the county government. So it proved.

Paul Cantrell was elected sheriff in the 1936,1938 and 1940 elections, but by slim margins. The sheriff was the key county official. Cantrell was elected to the state senate in 1942 and 1944; his chief deputy, Pat Mansfield, was elected sheriff. In 1946 Paul Cantrell again sought the sheriff’s office.-[source]

Youth Who Hunt & Shoot Can Positively Influence Peers

A new research project commissioned by the Hunting Heritage Trust and National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) found that “the more familiar youth are with individuals their own age who hunt and target shoot, approved the more likely they will be to support and participate in these activities.”

Parents know that the activities we choose for our children and support them in doing affect their development. And, thumb of course, we  should be aware of who our children are hanging with after school. So, it makes perfect sense that not only should we be role models for our children and their friends, but we ought to be training our children to be role models for their friends, too. Participation in safe and ethical shooting and hunting bolsters relationships and forms lifelong skills. -[source]

NASA Set To Launch Five Rockets In Five Minutes

Assuming the weather is clear, a NASA experiment that will see five rockets launched in as many minutes will take place in Wednesday’s wee hours from a coastal site in Virginia.

The countdown for the mission will begin at 7:00pm ET Tuesday, the space agency said, and the suborbital sounding rockets are set to take off from Wallops Island, Va., between midnight and 5:00am Wednesday.

The rockets are destined for the jet stream that lies 65 miles (104km) above Earth and packs winds that can zip well over 300mph (480kph).

After blasting off in near-synchronization, the rockets will release a chemical into that atmospheric highway, leaving milky, white cloud trails that will allow researchers and the public to “see” those winds from hundreds of miles away.-[source]