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Shotgun Wedding Anyone?

The term “shotgun wedding” commonly referred to any male being forced into marriage by the father of the intended bride, while his future father in law held him at gun point with his trusty side by side. Makes me wonder how many males were forced into marriage by aggressive females?

I know someone that had a mock shotgun wedding, all legal of course. Permits were issued to the couple for park use, and law enforcement agencies were notified ahead of time. Don’t worry, no firearms were pointed at anyone, it was all done in a safe manner.

Now The Gun Store in Las Vegas, Nevada USA is offering their own version of a shotgun wedding, complete with an ordained minister, photographer, VIP bags full of goodies, including range passes and FULLY AUTOMATIC FIREARM rentals!-the_grey_rider-[source]

Republicans Express Sympathy,Support ‘Stand Your Ground’

Republicans leaders are saying the fatal shooting of an unarmed Florida teen is a tragedy but remain supportive of the “Stand Your Ground” law the state passed in 2005 and say the legislation doesn’t apply to the case.

Former GOP Gov. Jeb Bush, who signed the bill into law, said Friday evening the law shouldn’t protect the neighborhood watch captain who hasn’t been arrested in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

“Stand your ground means stand your ground,” Bush said following a speech at the University of Texas at Arlington. “It doesn’t mean chase after somebody who’s turned their back.”-[source]

Rodriguez Range Project Gets Boost From Mother Nature

healing Helvetica, website like this sans-serif;”>When you’re moving earth, order installing drainage and erecting concrete and iron structures 200 feet from 9,900 square miles of open water on the Great Lakes in the middle of winter, there’s a good chance you’re going to suffer some downtime – maybe until springtime.

But in the crazy winter of 2012, when southern states got more snowfall, ice and foul conditions than Camp Perry, it’s possible to get more work done than normal – a lot more.

That’s just the case for Tim Smith of Toltest, Inc. of Maumee, Ohio and the workers from its local subcontractor, Kwest Group of Port Clinton. They’re the folks who were hired by the State of Ohio to rebuild the Ohio National Guard’s 100-year-old Rodriguez Range berm and target pits at Camp Perry-[source]

Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law On Trial

Alan Gottleib of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and the Citizen’s Committee For The Right To Keep And Bear Arms (CCRKBA) explains the value of Florida’s and other states’ “Stand Your Ground” laws.

Some people are twisting the events of the recent Florida shooting of a young adult by an overzealous  block watch captain.

Those that don’t want anyone to have the necessary tools to legally defend themselves from aggressive people and mobs are using this incident to put such self defense laws on trial.-the_grey_rider-[source]

As Santorum Fires Gun, Woman Shouts ‘Pretend It’s Obama’

At a campaign stop at a firing range, while Rick Santorum was firing off some rounds, a woman shouted, “pretend it’s Obama.”

Santorum, who was far from the woman, couldn’t hear the comment as he proceeded with his target practice. Neither could his staffers.

But the yell – the identity of the yeller is not clear, although the words were clearly audible – was in close proximity to journalists traveling with the candidate.

“It’s absurd,” Santorum said of the woman’s outburst when reporters told him about it. “No we’re not pretending it’s anybody but shooting pistols. It’s a very terrible and horrible remark and I’m glad I didn’t hear it.”-[source]

Nobama To Cut Pilot Firearm Training Raises Security Concerns

Pilots packing heat may soon be a relic of the 9/11 aftermath, buy information pills as the White House seeks to cut the $25 million budget in half for the federal flight deck officers training program known as the FFDO.

“The Nobama administration has had an institutional hostility towards the concept of arming pilots, drug and especially the FFDO program, since the beginning,” Lt. Col. Al Aitken, a retired Marine and now with the Airline Security Consulting Group, claimed at a panel hosted by the conservative Heritage Foundation on Friday.-[source]

Man Arrested At Sacramento Airport With 4 Firearms

A Montana man was arrested after he tried to bring four loaded guns through a security checkpoint at a Sacramento, California, airport and is being held without bail, the sheriff’s office said on Saturday.

The suspect, Harold Waller, 45, was arrested on Thursday afternoon at Sacramento International Airport after Transportation Security Administration officers at a checkpoint found a firearm inside a carry-on bag, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement.

Further checks showed Waller was carrying a loaded handgun and had three loaded firearms in his carry-on bags, it said.

Sheriff’s deputies searched his car at an off-site parking lot and turned up eight more firearms, several of them loaded.

The statement did not specify the types of weapons.

Waller faces charges including unlawful possession of a loaded firearm, unlawful possession of a concealed firearm, possession of an unauthorized weapon in a public building and possession of a firearm within a sterile area of an airport, the sheriff’s department statement said.-[source]

Detective In 50-Shot Killing Of NYC Man Is Fired

An undercover police detective who fired the first bullets in a 50-shot barrage that killed an unarmed New York City man as he left his bachelor party has been fired and three other officers involved in the slaying will resign, store ending a disciplinary process that dragged on for nearly 5½ years.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly made the decision to push the four officers out Friday, four months after a department administrative trial judge concluded that detective Gescard Isnora acted improperly in the 2006 killing of the would-be groom, Sean Bell.

NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said Friday that “there was nothing in the record to warrant overturning the decision.”-[source]

11 Years Of CCW In Michigan

Guns cause strong arguments, buy more about and two camps have an unbridgeable clash of assumptions.

One side assumes guns put us in danger. The other assumes guns, physician in the right hands, make us safer.

This division was most obvious 11 years ago, when Michigan made it much easier for law-abiding residents to obtain licenses to carry concealed pistols.

People who equate guns with danger predicted a surge of violence. Those fears proved wrong.

Violent crime went down, not up. More than 4,400 people in Jackson County are licensed to carry concealed pistols, but blood does not flow on Michigan Avenue. Legal carriers of concealed pistols commit almost no gun crimes, although gun-control advocates frequently point to rare exceptions.

Eleven years of such experience cause people who equate guns with safety to ask why concealed pistols remain outlawed in certain places.-[source]

Drug Lords Targeted By Fast & Furious Were FBI Informants

When the ATF made alleged gun trafficker Manuel Fabian Celis-Acosta its primary target in the ill-fated Fast and Furious investigation, this it hoped he would lead the agency to two associates who were Mexican drug cartel members. The ATF even questioned and released him knowing that he was wanted by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

But those two drug lords were secretly serving as informants for the FBI along the Southwest border, patient newly obtained internal emails show. Had Celis-Acosta simply been held when he was arrested by theBureau of Alcohol, patient Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in May 2010, the investigation that led to the loss of hundreds of illegal guns and may have contributed to the death of a Border Patrol agent could have been closed early.

Documents obtained by the Los Angeles Times/Tribune Washington Bureau show that as far back as December 2009 — five months before Celis-Acosta was detained and released at the border in a car carrying 74 live rounds of ammunition — ATF and DEA agents learned by chance that they were separately investigating the same man in the Arizona and Mexico border region.

ATF agents had placed a secret pole camera outside his Phoenix home to track his movements, and separately the DEA was operating a “wire room” to monitor live wiretap intercepts to follow him.

In May 2010, Celis-Acosta was briefly detained at the border in Lukeville, Ariz., and then released by Hope MacAllister, the chief ATF investigator on Fast and Furious, after he promised to cooperate with her.

The ATF had hoped he would lead them to two Mexican cartel members. But records show that after Celis-Acosta finally was arrested in February 2011, the ATF learned to its surprise that the two cartel members were secret FBI informants.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Vista), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) are investigating Fast and Furious, which allowed illegal gun purchases in Arizona in hopes of tracking the weapons to Mexican drug cartel leaders. In a confidential memo to Republican committee members, Issa and Grassley said the ATF should have known the cartel members were informants and immediately shut down Fast and Furious.-[source]