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Man Arrested For Road Rage Assault

Police have arrested a Mesa man who they say pointed a gun at another driver during a road rage incident.

Sunday afternoon, someone called 911 to report a man in a dark blue Chevy truck pointed a long barrel gun at him. The 911 caller gave the dispatcher the suspect’s license plate number and what direction the suspect was driving in.

Officers stopped the Chevy truck a short ways away, at Elliot and Islands Road. The driver had the described rifle on the vehicle’s dash, a handgun on his hip and numerous other long guns in the truck.

Arthur Magana Jr. was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.-[source]

81-Year-Old Korean War Vet Fights Off Carjacker

Barney and Constance Trusewics, sales married for 56 years, click stopped for gasoline at a local service station. As Korean War vet Barney went to ask the attendant to activate the pump, “39-year-old Christopher Bowens had somewhere to go and he decided to carjack Constance and Barney.”

“It turns out Bowens just got out of prison in December and has as many priors as he does tattoos — numerous bank robberies, larcenies and stolen cars.”

Bowens jumped in the driver’s seat and ordered Constance to get out. Barney saw his wife being threatened and hustled over on his “bad knees” to confront Bowens. Barney reached in, turned off the car, and wrestled with Bowens, who had a knife. Holding onto the knife hand, Barney finally forced Bowens to leave.

Here’s why it’s a good idea for law-abiding senior citizens to go armed:

“He indicated that he targeted the elderly couple because of their age,” Lincoln Park Police Sergeant Joseph Lavis said in court. “He felt that they would offer little or no resistance.”

Bowens was arrested nearby and is back in jail. With this latest attack, he faces a life sentence. Looks like Bowens has “somewhere to go” after all.

Barney and Constance are safe and unharmed.-[source]

TPWD Approves Silencers

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approved opening a hunting season for deer in Dallas, decease Collin, information pills Rockwall and Galveston counties as part of changes to the 2012-13 Statewide Hunting Proclamation.

Under the new regulations, order the current season structure in Grayson County will be altered to allow full-season, either-sex whitetail harvest. The amended Grayson County archery-only deer season structure will also be implemented in Dallas, Collin, and Rockwall counties. In addition, the Commission approved implementing the current Harris County season structure in Galveston County.

The deer season in Collin and Rockwall counties has been closed since 1976 after agricultural development had virtually eliminated deer habitat. Since that time, agriculture has been gradually displaced by the extensive urban, suburban, and exurban growth of the Metroplex, which has resulted in highly fragmented habitat and minimal populations of white-tailed deer, mostly in riparian areas surrounding lakes and streams.

The Commission also adopted rules permitting the use of firearm silencers for the take of alligators, game animals or game birds.-[source]

Biden:Let’s Crack Down On Guns

“It’s important that people be put in a position where their Second Amendment rights are protected, but that they also don’t, as a consequence of the laws, unintendedly put themselves in harm’s way … The idea that there’s this overwhelming additional security in the ownership and carrying concealed and deadly weapons… I think it’s the premise, not the constitutional right, but the premise that it makes people safer is one that I’m not so sure of.”-Biden

The problem, of course, was not the gun laws in Florida. If Zimmerman shot in self-defense and is not prosecuted, the gun laws saved his life; if Zimmerman shot without proper provocation, he violated the relevant Florida gun laws. The law itself isn’t to blame, any more than insider trading laws are to blame when somebody violates them.-[source]


A Federal District Court Judge in Massachusetts today granted summary judgment in a Second Amendment Foundation case challenging that state’s denial of firearms licenses to permanent resident aliens.

U.S. District Court Judge Douglas P. Woodcock concluded that “…the Massachusetts firearms regulatory regime as applied to the individual plaintiffs, see contravenes the Second Amendment.”

The case involves two Massachusetts residents, link Christopher Fletcher and Eoin Pryal, whose applications for licenses to possess firearms in their homes for immediate self-defense purposes were denied under a state law that does not allow non-citizens to own handguns. SAF was joined in the case by Commonwealth Second Amendment, Inc. and the two individual plaintiffs. The case is Fletcher v. Haas.

“This is our fourth court victory this month in our campaign to win back firearms freedoms one lawsuit at a time,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. “It is one more step toward repairing decades of Second Amendment erosion.”-[source]

District Court:Second Amendment Applies Outside Home

Bateman v. Perdue (E.D.N.C. Mar. 29, 2012) involves a North Carolina law that bans “transport[ing] or possess[ing] off [one's] own premises any dangerous weapon” when a state of emergency has been declared.

“Due to natural disasters and severe weather, states of emergency are declared with some frequency in North Carolina.

In 2010, for example, the Governor … issued four statewide emergency declarations and one declaration covering a fifteen-county area ….” There were also at least six local states of emergency declared. All five of these 2010 states of emergency were in response to weather conditions, and the frequency of such declarations may stem from the fact that “[a] state of emergency must be declared in order to qualify for federal disaster assistance.”

The court concluded that:

  1. The right to keep and bear arms extends to carrying outside one’s property, for self-defense and for other reasons. The law interferes with the exercise of this right.
  2. The law also interferes with the exercise of people’s right to defend themselves in their homes, because it bars people from buying weapons and them transporting them to their homes.
  3. The law must therefore be considered under strict scrutiny, because it isn’t just limited to high-risk gun possessors, to particular kinds of guns, or particular manners or times of carrying guns, and because it interferes with getting guns even for home defense (though, as I noted, the court also concluded that carrying guns for defense outside the home is also generally constitutionally protected).
  4. The law fails strict scrutiny, because they “excessively intrude upon plaintiffs’ Second Amendment rights by effectively banning them … from engaging in conduct that is at the very core of the Second Amendment at a time when the need for self-defense may be at its very greatest” and therefore aren’t narrowly tailored to serve the government’s compelling interest in public safety.-[source]

OK Senate Amends, Passes Open Carry Bill

Requirements for people who want to openly carry guns in Oklahoma were changed Thursday in one of two bills in the state Legislature to make it mandatory to have proof of training but not a firearm license.

The changes passed by the Senate Public Safety Committee would require those who want to carry guns in public to have a document showing they had instruction on the law and firearms training.

The new requirements were offered as an amendment to a bill that already passed the House and would require a person to have a license to carry a handgun, either concealed or openly.

Sen. Steve Russell, who sponsored the amendment, said the language that changes “concealed license” to “handgun license” is a problem.

“When we convolute the two, what we’re saying is you have to have a handgun license to bear arms and that is just not consistent with the Second Amendment and the intentions of our founding fathers,” said Russell, R-Oklahoma City.-[source]


Today we want to talk about two of the safety aspects of shooting gear; proper eye and hearing protection, troche or as we call them on the range, “eyes and ears”. Let’s start with eye protection. There are dozens of types of eye protection on the market, including standard safety glasses, wraparound styles, and various tinted lens models. The key to any good piece of equipment is that it meets and exceeds the requirements you need (and look cool). Lenses should be constructed of high-impact polycarbonate and meet the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z-87 specification. Shooting glasses that meet this specification will have “ANSI Z-87” written on the glasses somewhere. They should also fit properly and be comfortable so as to not distract you while shooting. There is nothing worse that adjusting glasses while you are shooting. If you wear prescription glasses already, a set of clear side shields will keep errant brass out of the way for added protection. Keep them clean, scratch free, and stored in the carrying case when not in use. A quality pair of shooting glasses will last years if you take good care of them. Some of our favorite brands include Revision, Oakley, and ESS.-[source]

Family Of Murdered ICE Agent Demands Answers

The family of a murdered U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent is demanding to know if U.S. agencies could have seized the weapons used to kill him before they crossed the border into Mexico.
Amador and Mary Zapata also believe their son Jaime, page who was only in Mexico for 9 days before his death, order was not adequately trained for his assignment, a trip on one of Mexico’s most dangerous roads in a $160,000 armored Suburban.
“We want to find out the truth,” Amador Zapata said from the living room of his Brownsville, Texas home. “Who thought of this program? How come they let those weapons go – when they knew who had bought them? How come they let them go through the border – without trying to stop them? That’s what we want to know.”

Family members of ICE special agent Jaime Zapata receive his body at the Brownsville South Padre Island International Airport Friday, Feb. 18, 2011 in Brownsville, Texas. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Agent Jaime Zapata died Tuesday after assailants opened fire on his vehicle as he drove from Monterrey, Mexico, to Mexico City.-[source]

U.S. Rep’s Want To Flood U.S. Border With Military Weapons

The U.S. border with Mexico may very well become armed with military equipment coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan.

That’s the hope of two Texas congressmen, Republican Ted Poe and Democrat Henry Cuellar, along with 17 border sheriffs from Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.

They sent a letter to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta requesting that he send surplus equipment to the border with Mexico.

Weapons and hardware from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom would go a long way.

“For years, the American people have invested their money in equipment that has been used to defend the borders of other nations; it’s time that we use this equipment to secure the United States,” said Representative Poe.-[source]