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Coca-Cola Co is dropping its membership in a conservative national advocacy group that supports “Stand Your Ground” laws such as the one being used as a defense in the Florida killing of an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin.
The move by the world’s biggest soft drink maker comes as corporate America faces increased scrutiny from consumers and shareholder activists over lobbying and political spending.
PepsiCo Inc ended its relationship with the group – the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) – in January.
In a statement on Thursday, Coca-Cola made no direct mention of the controversial self-defense law pushed by ALEC that provides shooters with wide latitude for claiming self defense when they perceive a threat.
“The Coca-Cola Company has elected to discontinue its membership with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC),” the statement said.
“Our involvement with ALEC was focused on efforts to oppose discriminatory food and beverage taxes, not on issues that have no direct bearing on our business. We have a long-standing policy of only taking positions on issues that impact our company and industry.”-[source]
A man accused of buying two rifles found at the scene of the fatal shooting of a federal agent near the Arizona-Mexico border is scheduled to change his plea Thursday in the federal government’s botched gun smuggling investigation known as Operation Fast and Furious.
Jaime Avila Jr. faces charges of dealing guns without a license and making false statements in firearms purchases as an alleged member of a 20-person smuggling ring that’s accused of buying guns and smuggling them into Mexico for use by the Sinaloa drug cartel. Avila had previously pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Authorities say two AK-47 variants bought by Avila from a suburban Phoenix gun store were found in the aftermath of a December 2010 shootout that mortally wounded Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry near Nogales, Ariz.
Federal authorities have faced harsh criticism since Terry’s shooting for allowing suspected straw gun buyers to walk away from gun shops with weapons, rather than arrest the suspects and seize the guns there.-[source]
With the convictions of two former New York police officers, website one a retired NYPD officer and the other an auxiliary sergeant, health for drug offenses, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today suggested that anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg has his sights set on the wrong people to disarm.
“Instead of disarming law-abiding American citizens,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “perhaps Mayor Bloomberg should keep guns out of the hands of some cops on his public payroll.”
Former police officer Alfredo Rivera was carrying his department-issue 9mm pistol when he and then-Sgt. Rafael Jimenez agreed to move 10 kilograms – about 20 pounds – of cocaine to a buyer in the Bronx at a meeting in January 2010. Two months later, again armed with the same pistol, Rivera showed up at a Long Island warehouse picking up what appeared to be cocaine, and then transported it to the Bronx. Jimenez pulled a 127-month prison sentence and Rivera will be sentenced on May 18, according to an FBI press release.
“Bloomberg is running around the country, worrying about privately-owned firearms,” Gottlieb observed, “while the city was issuing guns to dirty cops. The activities of Rivera and Jimenez are an insult to every honest and decent hard-working police officer in New York City. Bloomberg’s national campaign against private gun ownership is an insult to every law-abiding gun owner in the country; people who wouldn’t dream of running drugs like this pair of city-armed rogue cops.-[source]
Attorney General Eric Holder says he expects to be interviewed by investigators looking into Operation Fast and Furious, a flawed Justice Department gun trafficking probe, in which federal agents were allegedly ordered by superiors to allow hundreds of weapons to flow illicitly from U.S. gun shops in Arizona into Mexico.
During an appearance in Chicago, the attorney general made the comment about the Justice Department’s inspector general’s office, which has been examining who is responsible for employing the risky tactic known as gun-walking.
Many of the weapons in Fast and Furious were recovered from crime scenes on both sides of the border, including the scene of the killing of U.S. border agent Brian Terry.
Holder said he would talk to the inspector general investigators when they request it.-[source]
The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit against the Warren County, visit this Illinois Housing Authority, symptoms seeking an injunction against the WCHA’s ban on personally-owned firearms by residents of government-subsidized housing.
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Ronald G. Winbigler, viagra order a resident of Costello Terrace in Monmouth. Mr. Winbigler is a physically disabled former police officer who wants to have a handgun in his residence for personal protection. The lawsuit seeks equitable, declaratory and injunctive relief challenging the WCHA ban. It was filed in U.S. District Court for the Central District of Illinois, Rock Island Division.
“Ron Winbigler faces the same dilemma so many other residents of government-subsidized public housing face,” said SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. “He wants a firearm for self-defense, but he risks losing a place to live because of bureaucratic political correctness. As a police officer, he consistently trained and repeatedly qualified in the safe use and handling of firearms, and because of his experience, he understands the threat of crime.”
“People do not lose their Second Amendment rights just because they are of limited means,” added attorney David Sigale, who represents SAF and Winbigler in this action. “Nobody wishes to be in need of financial assistance, but it is an indignity to make the waiver of constitutional rights a condition of government-subsidized housing. We are confident the Courts will hold that those residents have the same right to defend their families and themselves as everyone else.”
“It is astonishing that in Illinois of all places, government entities would continue to interfere with the Second Amendment rights of citizens, after our Supreme Court victory in the McDonald case almost two years ago,” Gottlieb said. “That case nullified Chicago’s handgun ban and extended Second Amendment protections against infringement by state and local governments and their agencies. Mr. Winbigler and people like him deserve the full protection of the Constitution, especially if they live in subsidized public housing.”-[source]
Sarah McKinley, this an 18-year-old mother from the Oklahoma City area, more about lost her husband to cancer on Christmas day. As if that wasn’t enough for McKinley to have to deal with, New Year’s Eve culminated in her having to shoot and kill an intruder, 24-year-old Justin Martin, after he kicked in the door to her home and charged her with a 12-inch hunting knife.
According to ABC News, McKinley first met Martin on the day of her husband’s funeral, when he came to her house and identified himself as a neighbor. At that time, Martin told McKinley that he just wanted to say hello. McKinley did not allow Martin into her residence.
Not to be deterred, Martin returned to McKinley’s residence with Dustin Stewart on New Year’s Eve. Armed with a large knife, Martin and Stewart, attempted to force entry into McKinley’s residence. As one of them tried to enter from one door then another, McKinley armed herself and dialed 911.
McKinley could be heard on the recorded 911 line saying, “I’ve got two guns in my hand — is it okay to shoot him if he comes in the door?” The dispatcher told McKinley, “I can’t tell you that you can do that but you do what you have to do to protect your baby.” And that is precisely what McKinley did.-[source]
With the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch volunteer who was legally carrying a 9-mm handgun, patient the familiar wail has arisen from our cultural and media elite:
America has too many guns!
“Open carry” and “concealed carry” laws should be repealed.
Florida’s “Stand-your-ground” law, link replicated in two dozen states, threatens to turn America into the Tombstone of Doc Holiday and Wyatt Earp. This is insane!
The United Nations agrees. This year, the world body takes up the global control of firearms, including small arms in the hands of citizens.
According to Sen. Rand Paul, the U.N. “Small Arms Treaty” will almost surely mandate tougher licensing requirements to own a gun, require the confiscation and destruction of unauthorized civilian firearms, call for a ban on the trade, sale and private ownership of semi-automatic weapons, and create an international gun registry.
No more Colt .45s in the top drawer or M-1 rifles in the closet.
Memo to the U.N.: Lots of luck.-[source]
A New York dog took a bullet to the head to save his owner — and lived to bark about it.
Kilo, a 12-year-old pit bull, was shot during a terrifying home invasion robbery attempt as he lunged at a villain posing as a FedEx deliveryman.
The bullet ricocheted off Kilo’s skull and exited through his neck — sparing the dog from certain death.
“This is, like, one in a million,” according to Dr. Greg Panarello, whose veterinary clinic operated on Kilo. “He’s very lucky.”
The hospital’s staff was so impressed, they put a little “S” on his bandage — for “superhero.” Panarello called him “a really sweet dog.”-[source]
One person has died following a shooting in the parking lot of a south Phoenix Taco Bell.
It happened about 7:45 p.m. Tuesday near 51st Ave and Baseline.
According to police, sales a male driver and female passenger were at the drive thru when their car was approached by a man carrying a metal pipe.
The man allegedly began banging on their car windows with the pipe, buy and the driver, fearing for his life, fired at the man.
At this point, police believe the shooting was self-defense, but the investigation is ongoing.-[source]
A 30-year-old North Bend man was shot and killed shortly before midnight Friday after he broke into a home.
About 11:30 p.m., deputies responded to a call in the 300 block of Southeast 5th Street in North Bend after a woman had called and said a man was pounding on the doors and windows, yelling to be let inside.
When deputies arrived they did not find the suspect but heard a large crash and banging coming from a nearby home.
Police were then alerted by dispatch that another call had come in from a couple who said they were woken by the sound of glass breaking. The home was located in the 400 block of Southeast Orchard Drive in North Bend.
The suspect had broken into the home through a sliding glass door and started “trashing” the house, the couple told police. The 46-year-old man and his girlfriend hid in a bedroom while they called 911 and related to the operator what was happening.
The couple told police that they could hear the suspect ransacking the house and that he was yelling, “Where are you? I’m going to kill you!”-[source]
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