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Something Completely Different
By Mark Alexander · Thursday, May 3, 2012
A Case Study in Grassroots Restoration of the Rule of Law
“The advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation … forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.” — James Madison (1788)
As a direct descendent of Tennessee Patriots who were veterans of every major conflict in defense of American Liberty from the American Revolution forward, I stand in awe of my home state’s distinguished list of Patriot sons and daughters. From 19th-century notables like Andrew Jackson, Davy Crockett, Sam Houston, Nathan Bedford Forrest and Sam Davis, to a long list of 20th-century Patriots headed by Alvin York, warriors from the “Volunteer State” have distinguished themselves in battle with honor and courage. Even our state’s nickname was earned in recognition of the valiant service of volunteer soldiers during the War of 1812, most notably during the Battle of New Orleans.
There was a group of lesser-known Tennessee Patriots, however, whose efforts to defend Liberty at home in 1946 were no less noble. This group of World War II veterans took up arms to restore Rule of Law in the quaint east Tennessee town of Athens (McMinn County), between Chattanooga and Knoxville. That fight became known as the Battle of Athens.-[source]
A 24-year-old man is facing charges and recovering from a bullet wound to the leg after a home break-in near St. Louis.
Authorities say a 59-year-old Jefferson County resident was awakened at 2 a.m. Tuesday to find a burglar with a handgun in his home. The homeowner pulled out his own gun and fired two shots. The burglar ran away.
Authorities say Richard Bates showed up later at a hospital. He was treated for the leg injury then taken to jail and charged with burglary and two gun charges.
Bates is jailed on $75, health 000 bond and does not yet have a listed attorney.-[source]
salve Times New Roman, doctor Times, capsule serif;”> Harvard Law School was embarrassed recently when one of its graduates, the putative President of the United States, demonstrated that he was unaware that the supreme Court has constitutional authority to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional.
And after reading a recent paper by Harvard law professor Einer Elhuage, one wonders whether the academic standards (or is it the moral standards?) of that once great school have collapsed.
Professor Elhauge says in “If Health Insurance Mandates Are Unconstitutional, Ehy Did the Founding Fathers Back Them?” “ (The New Republic, April 13, 2012), that Congress may force us to buy health insurance because in 1792, our Framers required all male citizens to buy guns; and in 1798 required ship owners using U.S. ports (dock-Yards) to pay a fee to the federal government in order to fund hospitals for sick or disabled seamen at the U.S. ports.
Oh! What tangled webs are woven when law professors write about Our Constitution! I have already proved that Art. I, Sec. 8, next to last clause (which grants to Congress “excusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever” over dock-Yards and the other federal enclaves) is what authorizes Congress to assess the fee from ship owners who use the federal dock-Yards.
Now I will show you where the Constitution grants authority to Congress to require adult citizens to get armed!
The Constitution Authorizes Congress To Require Citizens to Buy Guns and Ammunition.
In 1792, Congress passed “An Act more effectually to provide for the National Defense by establishing an Uniform Militia throughout the Untited States”. This Act required all able-bodied male citizens (except for federal officers and employees) between the ages of 18 and under 45 to enroll in their State Militia, get a gun and ammunition, and train.-[source]
Dan Wirth and Keith Graves spent significant portions of their careers working on the Arizona-Mexico border. They know these troubled lands inside and out. Both have reputations as straight-shooters, and both retired last December.
Now able to speak freely, they agreed to talk to the Tucson Weekly with only one topic off-limits—the murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry in Peck Canyon on Dec. 14, 2010. At his retirement, Graves promised the Border Patrol he wouldn’t discuss what he knows about the case.
Graves was the Nogales district ranger for the Coronado National Forest from 1998 to 2010. When he left that post, he was named a liaison between the Forest Service and the Secure Border Initiative, focusing on strategies for dealing with the dramatic impact that illegal crossings were having on the forest, from fires to trash to illegal trails.
Wirth was a senior special agent for the Department of Interior. He coordinated the department’s law-enforcement activities across the Southwest, giving frequent briefings to the secretary of the interior, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Department of Defense, the White House Homeland Security Council and members of Congress.
We met at a quiet Mexican restaurant in Barrio Hollywood, on Tucson’s westside. The discussion began with a dust-up last May, when Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano appeared before the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Sen. John McCain asked her about cartel scouts, or spotters—armed men who sit on mountaintops in Arizona to guide loads around law enforcement.
The senator wanted to know how Napolitano could call the border secure when there are 100 to 200 cartel spotters working in our state. Napolitano disputed his assertion, saying she asked the Border Patrol, “Where are the spotters that I keep hearing about?” She said the agency told her there are a couple of hundred mountaintops from which a spotter could work, “But there are not, sitting there, 200 drug-spotters.”
The truth is that McCain greatly understated the problem.-[source]
Defenders of the Second Amendment couldn’t have asked for a greater gift than the spectacle of unarmed policemen and defenseless citizens standing by helplessly while rampaging hordes of youths burned London and beat up and murdered innocent residents.
Europhiles endlessly remind us of the superiority, compassion and refinement of the European social democracies.
But the anarchy that raged in England couldn’t happen in America. At least not in my neighborhood, where every third house contains a hunter with a gun safe full of pistols, shotguns and rifles.
We’ve ceded many or our liberties to the government, but so far we’ve hung on to the right to defend ourselves and protect our families and homes. We pay our cops to do the same.
Not so in England.
Police there are armed with little more than a smile. As demonstrated by the recent riots, they are virtually powerless to counter violence. -[source]
The editor of “Guns and Ammo” magazine is charged with second degree murder in connection with a shooting on Wednesday.
Richard Venola, 53, was arrested at his home on Mayan Drive in the small community of Golden Valley.
Mohave County Sheriff’s deputies responding to a neighbor’s call about a shooting found the victim, 39-year-old James O’Neill, outside the house. O’Neill had been shot in the chest, according to police.
Officials said a large caliber rifle was confiscated at the scene.
A police report did not reference a motive for the shooting.
Venola was named the 12th editor or “Guns and Ammo” in 2008, according to an article on the publication’s website.
The article describes Venola as “one of the more colorful of the G&A helmsters, possessed of an encyclopedic knowledge of all manner of arcana, especially when it pertains to his first love—firearms.”-[source]
Hard rocker and legendary gun rights advocate Ted Nugent is no stranger to controversy — that became all too apparent in just the last few days, approved during which time his comments at the 2012 NRA Show in St. Louis earned Uncle Ted a visit from Secret Service. As such, case it’s painfully clear The Nuge is one of the most outspoken voices when it comes to hunting, fishing, trapping, shooting and pretty much anything outdoors.
Luckily, our good friends over at Sportsmen Vote were able to get an exclusive interview with the Motor City Madman. When asked for his first decisions should he ever be elected commander in chief, Nugent responded in typical fashion.-[source]
A man has been arrested in northern Arizona for allegedly firing shots at two Yavapai County Sheriff’s deputies.
Authorities say the deputies weren’t injured and 29-year-old Colt White was taken into custody shortly after Wednesday morning’s incident at his father’s house.
Sheriff’s officials say they were asked by White’s father to counsel him regarding some behavioral issues.
The two deputies arrived at the home about 8:30 a.m. Wednesday and say at least four rounds were fired, striking both of their patrol vehicles.
Deputies retrieved rifles from their vehicles as they sought cover and ordered White to exit the home unarmed. He complied within a few minutes and was taken into custody.
Authorities say White is being held on two counts of assault on a law enforcement officer among other charges.-[source]
Here’s a video with unbelievable accusations against the NRA.
WARNING: Content may be considered offensive.-tgr-[source]
In response to a recent op-ed in the Colorado Springs Gazette (“Government should not be in the shooting range business”), doctor NSSF would like to help clarify what the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act (S. 1249/H.R. 3065) will accomplish.
First, more about however, we must correct some statements the writer has made. The writer suggests that both gun owners and private ranges would be paying a tax to provide funding for public shooting ranges. In truth, this funding mechanism has been in place for 75 years at the request of the firearms and ammunition manufacturing industry, and it is paid for by those companies. The excise tax authorized by the Pitman-Robertson Act was imposed to support wildlife conservation and hunter education and to provide for public access and opportunity for members of the public to exercise the Second Amendment!
Second, the author, Barry Fagin, suggests that it is the federal government that would be building shooting ranges with passage of the proposed legislation. That is incorrect. It would be the states, using the funds reallocated to them, along with their own funds, to build and enhance shooting facilities available to the public.-[source]
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