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Eleven Wins For Gun Owners

On Thursday, rx May 10, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5326–the appropriations bill for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies fiscal year 2013–by a vote of 247-163.

One of the most important ways that Congress has protected the Second Amendment is through a number of general provisions included in various appropriations bills.  We are happy to report that 11 provisions to protect the Second Amendment were included in the bill.

Specifically, the bill makes permanent the following protections:

  • Curio and Relic Definition. A prohibition on the use of funds to change the definition of a “curio or relic.”  This provision protects the status of collectible firearms for future generations of firearms collectors.
  • Physical Inventory Prohibition. Prohibition on a requirement to allow a physical inventory of federal firearms licensees.  The Clinton administration proposed a rule in 2000 to require an annual inventory by all licensees. While the Bush Administration eventually withdrew the proposal, Congress has still passed this preventive provision every year since FY 2007.
  • Business Activity. This provision prohibits BATFE from denying federal firearms license applications or renewals based on a dealer’s low-business volume alone.
  • Firearms Trace Data Disclaimer. A requirement that any trace data released must include a disclaimer stating that such data cannot be used to draw broad conclusions about firearms-related crime.
  • MORE…[source]

The Next Heller Case? Wilson V. Cook County Goes To Trial

Gun advocates in states that still have assault weapons bans have been wondering when some brave soul will sue to overturn those laws. Under the landmark DC vs. Heller case, pill the Second Amendment was interpreted as protecting an individual right to keep and bear arms in common use, subject to reasonable restrictions. Now, solo practitioner Victor Quilici and a small but dedicated legal team have a good test case in Illinois. The Illinois Supreme Court just ruled earlier this month that Wilson v. Cook County will go to trial.

The Case

Theoretically, the case is simple. There are three plaintiffs suing the state of Illinois. Matthew D. Wilson, Troy Edhlund, and Joseph Messineo are three guys you’ve probably never heard of. Take note of their names. They are the ones with the guts to take on the entrenched political machine that is the Illinois court system. Their case is simple in theory. They argue that the Cook County assault weapons ban violates the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. The Cook County Commissioners originally enacted the ban in 1993 after a Finding of Public Health and Welfare Concern, and amended it in 2006 after the expiration of the federal assault weapons ban. Among other things, it bans 60 firearms by name, bans magazines holding over 10 rounds, and bans assault ammunition, whatever that is. It also imposes a characteristic-based test for whether a firearm is legal or not based on whether the gun has certain cosmetic features such as folding stocks and flash hiders. The three plaintiffs are all law-abiding gun owners with valid Illinois FOID cards and clean criminal records, suing for the future ability to own firearms that now violate the Cook county ordinance. They are not bad guys caught with illegal guns trying to use the Second Amendment to stay out of jail.-[source]

Trayvon Ma Takes Aim At ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws

In a video timed to coincide with Mother’s Day weekend, more about the mother of slain teenager Trayvon Martin urged people around the country to push for new scrutiny of “stand your ground” self-defense laws like those in Florida and about two dozen other states.

George Zimmerman, pilule the neighborhood-watch volunteer who fatally shot the unarmed 17-year-old, treatment was not arrested for weeks after the Feb. 26 confrontation because he invoked the Florida law that does not require a person to retreat in the face of a serious threat.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has convened a task force to decide whether the law needs changes in the aftermath of Martin’s shooting.

Trayvon’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, said in the video that other states should follow suit, noting that thousands of mothers lose children every year to gun violence.-[source]

Austin Steals Elderly Veteran’s Home For Having Fallout Shelter

The city of Austin, visit Texas, was looking for an excuse to steal Joe Del Rio’s modest home. It found one – it insisted he had a “bunker” beneath the house.

Actually, it was a fallout shelter built during the Cold War, something millions of Americans were encouraged to build by the federal government, beginning in 1961 under the Community Fallout Shelter Program.

The city began its theft by sending the code enforcement team to Mr. Del Rio’s home early one Saturday morning in May of 2010. After the retired Air Force reservist, Vietnam veteran, and former state employee put on some clothes and opened the door, he was rushed by an Austin Police SWAT team. He was detained and interrogated over a period of ten hours.

Neighbors were told to evacuate and the home was searched for more than four hours as emergency personnel staged units nearby. Cops found several weapons and 55-gallon drums they considered suspicious. There was nothing sinister about the drums and the legal weapons were returned to Del Rio after the cops examined them.-[source]

Navy SEAL Hands Obama His Arse

Former Navy SEAL, approved Benjamin Smith took an oath to defend our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic.

That oath has no expiration date. As an author, speaker, political strategist and ardent Constitutionalist, Benjamin Smith continues to battle tyranny and defend the freedoms that enabled American exceptionalism. Benjamin is a regular contributor to multiple news outlets including Breitbart and Fox News.-[source]

eBay Reversed Its Gun Policy

Gun enthusiasts who also enjoy the pleasures of online shopping may have noticed that gun parts and accessories are once again being sold on shopping website eBay. Although just got wind of this, eBay had actually quietly removed its four-year-ban on firearms to permit gun part and accessory transactions last December.

eBay spokeswoman Amanda Miller said via email the company wanted to “give sellers opportunities to offer more products in the hunting category,” so the company lifted the restriction on gun parts and accessories that are legal to sell in the U.S. to, more or less, compete with other online and offline stores.

As of now, according to eBay’s guidelines, items such as en bloc clips, barrels, bolts, choke tubes, firing pins, hammers, 10-round magazines, slides and trigger assemblies can be sold and bought under restricted circumstances.

While speed loaders, stripper clips, magazine holders, manuals and non-pneumatic spear guns can be sold and bought no problem.

Back in 2007, vice president of Global Safety and Security Matt Halprin announced on eBay that the company would ban the sales of firearm parts and “place more restrictions around gun-related items.” Evidently, eBay got nervous after media sources discovered that Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech shooter, purchased some of his bullets through eBay.

Although the ban of the aforementioned items has been lifted, selling live ammunition through eBay is still strictly prohibited.-[source]

Alaska Gun Stores:ATF Engaging In New Illegal Activity

A report issued on Tuesday by Ammoland Shooting Sports News indicates that the ATF–the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives–is engaged in new illegal activity, this time in the state of Alaska.

According to gun store owners in Anchorage, ATF agents are requiring that they submit what is called ’4473 Forms’ going as far back as 2007.

Form 4473 is the official form that gun stores require customers to complete when they purchase a firearm. It is not intended to be a gun registration form but a sales record containing information on who bought the firearm, a photo I.D., and the official background check. The store owner then records this data in what is called ‘the bound-book,’ which is kept in perpetuity by the gun store and submitted to the ATF if the shop goes out of business.-[source]

Dallas Eagle Scout Recieves Prestigious Award

A Dallas-area Eagle Scout has earned his 17th Palm award, pill a level accomplishment achieved by only a small fraction of Scouts.

Roland Salatino was honored with the prestigious distinction the day after turning 18, the age at which Scouts are no longer eligible to participate, reported.

Salatino’s scout master, Ram Venkertaraman, explained that less than one in 20 scouts achieve Eagle status, and that one in 100 then go on to earn a Palm. To get to Eagle status, a scout must earn 21 merit badges, and each Palm equals five merit badges and three months of consistent service to the scouts.

“You have a Super Bowl event every year. You don’t have a 17 Palm guy every year,” Venkertaraman, said. “So I would put it more along the lines of a perfect game or something like that.”

The event was not only a special occasion for his family, but also for fellow Scouts and parents who came out to support Salatino at the award ceremony at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Dallas.

It took Salatino, a St. Mark’s School of Texas high school student, four years to earn his 17 Palm awards. He recently was accepted into Harvard University-[source]

D.C. A Bit More Gun-Friendly

The District took a big step on Tuesday toward bringing its gun laws in line with the rest of America. While an oppressive registration requirement remains in place, adiposity the D.C. Council voted unanimously to make the overall process of becoming a handgun owner significantly less expensive and time-consuming for residents.

“I’m glad we were able to streamline some of the provisions because the law should not be unnecessarily burdensome, order ” Judiciary Committee Chairman Phil Mendelson told The Washington Times on Tuesday.

Asked whether there could be more changes in the future, viagra approved the at-large Democrat said the laws are “a work in progress” as officials figure out the best way to comply with the 2008 Supreme Court ruling that struck down the city’s 30-year handgun ban. “As we’ve seen, how this has been implemented since the changes in the Heller decision, we’ve learned where there’s some unnecessary hurdles and things that take too long,” Mr. Mendelson said.-[source]

Prisoner Sneaks Loaded Gun Into Jail

Jail officials earlier this week found a loaded revolver hidden inside the pant of an unrestrained prisoner, a source tells FOX 4′s Lynn Kawano.

According to the source, narcotics officers on Monday had arrested the suspect for allegedly making drug deals at a DART platform.

Police searched the suspect several times but did not handcuff him, the source said. Moreover, the man was left unrestrained during interrogations at police headquarters before he was transported to the Lew Sterrett Jail, the source said.

Jail officials said when processing the suspect, they found a loaded revolver inside a Crown Royal bag, hidden in the man’s crotch.

Dallas Police Department’s internal affairs division is investigating.-[source]