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Bureau of Alcohol, cheapest Tobacco, salve Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agents have been visiting gun shops in Alaska and asking for records of firearms sales, stoking fears that the federal agency is building a list of gun owners in the state.
According to the Alaska Dispatch, earlier this year two gun shops in Alaska “reported that ATF agents had asked for their books, and both turned down the requests. The one shop that went on the record, Great Northern Guns in Anchorage, said the ATF agent asked politely for the books, and when store manager Frank Caiazza refused, the agent just as politely accepted the refusal.”
It is illegal for the ATF to remove any material from a gun shop unless it is part of a criminal investigation. The requests for records have lead some to question whether the “ATF will create some sort of list or database of gun owners,” states the report.-[source]
Students for Concealed Carry on Campus has been hitting the streets (and supposedly the books) hard in Colorado this past year, fighting for the rights of students to protect themselves on America’s colleges and universities. The student’s rights meets gun rights organization got good news this week when the Colorado Supreme Court upheld provisions of the state’s Concealed Carry Act and, in effect overruling the University of Colorado’s Board of Regent’s ban on concealed carry on campus.
Explicitly, the high court ruling affirmed SCCC’s argument that, as written, the legislation, “intended to divest the Board of Regents of its authority to regulate concealed handgun possession on campus.” To extrapolate, this decision states that public colleges and universities in the state of Colorado are held not only to the state constitution but also to any existing laws (including Colorado’s Concealed Carry Act from 2003).
In a statement to the press, the SCCC said the ruling “also sends a message to other public colleges and universities in this country that Students for Concealed Carry will persist in the fight to restore reasonable firearm policies which afford licensed adults the same personal protection on campus they already enjoy in off-campus.”-[source]
 Winner of both the Emmy Award and the Golden Globe, the man best known for his lead role in TV’s “CSI: New York” and his Oscar nominated work in “Forrest Gump,” actor, musician and humanitarian Gary Sinise is keeping his promise to a severely wounded Marine.
Cpl. Joshua Benjamin “J.B.” Kerns (USMC Medically Retired) of nearby Ararat, Virginia, lost both his legs below the knee as well as his right arm below the elbow during combat operations in Afghanistan while the then 21-year-old Marine was serving his third combat tour of duty in “The ‘Stan” as that nation is referred to by Marines.
In an Associated Press article via Fox News, Sinise promised J.B. that a benefit concert scheduled on March 31st by Sinise’s “Lt. Dan Band” would help raise money to construct a “smart home” for the wounded warrior.-[ source]
A Marine who shot and killed a nude intruder in self defense will not be facing prosecution.
The story behind this event, as reported by The Daily News, is an odd one. David Darling, a 22-year-old North Carolina resident, was running up and down a neighborhood street buck naked shouting, “This is the worst trip of my life!” Well, it was about to get a lot worse.
After narrowly missing getting hit by a car, Darling ran to a nearby house. The resident, a wife of a Marine, opened the front door to find Darling in his birthday suit talking about a cigarette. The woman was understandably perturbed, especially because her two toddlers were asleep upstairs.
She locked the door while her Marine husband went to retrieve his .45-caliber 1911 pistol. Undeterred, Darling tried to break into the house. When Darling began slamming his shoulder into the front door, the Marine warned the crazed man that he had a gun, but Darling responded that he wanted a gun too. Shortly thereafter, Darling dove through a window, prompting the Marine to unload three rounds into his back. They tried to render aid to Darling after he was wounded, but it was already too late.
District Attorney Ernie Lee said about the case, “The occupants of the residence were justified in using deadly force.” Yeah, talk about an understatement. Whatever this guy was on (they did not perform a drug test), he was certified bonkers and clearly could have hurt somebody. After hearing this tale, we’re not sure what the more important moral of the story is: don’t mess with drugs, or don’t mess with a Marine.-[source]
Earlier today, decease May 21, 2012, State Senator Leland Yee introduced SB249, a bill that would ban possession of any rifle that has a magazine that can be easily detached using a small magnet, tool, or tip of a bullet. Semi-automatic “assault weapons” with detachable magazines were banned in 1989, along with magazines holding more than 10 rounds. The bullet button replaces the standard magazine release button, preventing magazine removal unless a tool (specifically a bullet) presses a catch inside the button.
Yee proposed the changes after viewing a local CBS news story about the bullet button. “When I saw the news I was absolutely horrified,” he said. “It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear; there is no debate, no discussion.”
SB249 is designed to eliminate the possession of any long gun using a magazine that is not permanently attached. “These conversions are circumventing the spirit of California’s assault weapon statute,” Yee said today. “Absent this bill, California’s assault weapons ban is practically toothless. For the safety of the general public, we must close this loophole.”
The California general assembly will consider SB249 next month. Chinese-born Senator Yee has served in the state legislature since 2003.-[source]
Despite what many directors, see producers and actors in Hollywood have to say about guns, even they grudgingly have to recognize, that without firearms, there’d probably be no motion picture industry—or at least one limited to drawing room melodramas or polite comedies of manners.
Right from the inception of the movie business, films and guns have gone together. “Edwin S. Porter’s “The Great Train Robbery” of 1903 shot in the Wild West of East Orange, New Jersey is full of fancy gunplay, as have been thousands of films ever since.
Just about every type of handgun from wheellocks to space-age blasters have graced the silver screen. Auto pistols, being the state of the art and visually interesting, have been seen in pictures as early as the 1910s—with one exception—the Colt .45 Government Model. To be sure it has been featured in some early flicks, but compared to other self-loaders, such as the Luger, it’s a Johnny-come-lately.-[source]
Schools in the Sooner State are keenly aware of what their students want. And what is it that students want? Well, visit web increased access to outdoor related activities, information pills including: archery, no rx bow hunting, hunter safety, shotgun sports, and fishing.
In an effort to meet these demands – in particular the growing demand for shotgun sports – the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation is rolling out its Shotgun Training and Education Program (STEP) for schools that have had success with other disciplines, i.e. archery or bow hunting, but have not yet fully embraced shotgun sports.
According to the Wildlife Dept., the STEP program offers a broad range of learning opportunities for beginners as well as experienced hunters with special emphasis on teaching basic wing-shooting techniques and fundamentals. The program projects a positive image toward hunting and general acceptance of responsible gun ownership.-[source]
House Republican leaders on Friday sent a letter to Attorney General Herr Erich H. Holder Jr. demanding he comply with the GOP’s official investigation into Obama administration gun-running operation Fast & Furious, which allowed hundreds of guns to be sneaked across the border to Mexican cartels.
In the letter, Speaker John A. Boehner and his top lieutenants warn that the House will be prepared to “act to fulfill our constitutional obligations” — which could include holding Mr. Holder in contempt of Congress — and said he cannot hide behind separation of powers arguments.
The letter says Americans have lost confidence in the Justice Department’s leaders to be able to straighten the situation out themselves — though it does not call for Mr. Holder to step down.
“The American people deserve to know how such a fundamentally flawed operation could have continued for so long and have a full accounting of who knew of and approved an operation that placed weapons in the hands of drug cartels,” Mr. Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy and investigative committee Chairman Darrel E. Issa said in the letter.-[source]
A new sentencing date has been set for two men who admitted to participating in a gun smuggling ring that was investigated by the federal government in Operation Fast and Furious.
Jacob Wayne Chambers and Jacob Anthony Montelongo had been scheduled to be sentenced on Monday for their earlier guilty pleas to one conspiracy charge.
But sentencing has been reset for Feb. 25.
Federal investigators have faced harsh criticism for allowing suspected straw gun buyers to walk from weapons shops with guns, information pills rather than arrest suspects and seize the guns there.
Two guns bought by another admitted ring member were found in the aftermath of a 2010 shootout that mortally wounded a Border Patrol agent in southern Arizona.
So far, information pills 10 of the 20 alleged ring members have pleaded guilty.-[source]
Parents preoccupied with creating a conflict-free Utopia for their kids would seem to have little to fear from a Danish toy maker, an ingenious and enterprising British youth, and a small San Francisco publishing company. Yet this trio causes much handwringing in the May 16th edition of “The Mommy Files,” an online parenting blog published by the San Francisco Chronicle.
The source of the anxiety is LEGO Heavy Weapons, a guide to building toy guns out of LEGOs. The author is Jack Streat, a 17-year-old resident of the United Kingdom, and the book is published by the San Francisco imprint No Starch.
For a culture of “inclusiveness” that’s nonetheless determined to exclude the Second Amendment and its advocates, the book is bad news indeed. LEGOs are everywhere, even in the homes of enlightened progressives who would never dream of letting a Nerf gun or cap pistol contaminate their children’s “cruelty-free” play spaces. The idea that the makings of gun-like objects might already exist under their own roofs must come as a shock … unless, of course, the parents have actually observed children at play. If a stick is not available to serve as a rifle, a boy will chew his grilled cheese into the shape of a pistol. -[source]
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