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With the House committee voting Wednesday to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt, the stalemate between the Obama administration and Congress ultimately boils down to about 1,300 documents.
Congress wants to know who prepared a February 4, 2011 letter where the Obama administration claimed that the U.S. did not knowingly help smuggle guns to Mexico (so-called “gun walking”), including the gun used to kill US Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.
The Obama administration admits the letter was in error, but they have always maintained that the knowledge of these tactics did not reach the top political appointees in the Obama Department of Justice.
After a year-and-a-half, the dam broke when a mole in the Justice Department gave the House Oversight committee a set of wiretap applications proving that high department officials knew about the administration’s efforts to aid the gun smuggling. The leaked documents destroyed much of Attorney General Eric Holder’s credibility since he had claimed that they were not relevant to the case and refused to release them.
Holder exacerbated this mistrust when he testified before the House in early June. Holder simply tried to run out the clock by either repeating the questions that he was being asked or saying over and over again that there was nothing being hidden.-[source]
 A Mexican lawyer is preparing a civil lawsuit against the Agency Snuff, Firearms and Explosives (ATF, for its acronym in English) United States, representing relatives of victims of the operation ‘Fast and Furious’, with which the U.S. government illegally brought weapons into the country to trace and catch the criminals that were acquired.
This is Eugenia Gonzalez Diana Saldana, who has two master’s degrees in Criminal Science and Criminology from the University Autonomous of Nuevo Leon, and who, in coordination with an office in Houston, Texas, intends to take legal action against U.S. agency for the damage caused by the operation, whose failure has already been publicly acknowledged by the government of Barack Obama.
This would, she says, the first lawsuit brought by Mexico against the promoters of the failed plan to trace weapons smuggled into Mexico, most of which ended up, of course, at the hands of organized crime.
In an interview, the lawyer who litigates in particular, specifies that the Texan firm that shall assist asked to collect 50 cases to present solid way of a civil complaint in the neighboring country to the north.
Currently, she says, has documented four cases, including that of Mario Gonzalez Rodriguez, brother of the exprocuradora the state of Chihuahua, Patricia Gonzalez Rodriguez, who was kidnapped and killed by one of the two thousand weapons smuggled into the country as part of the operation “Fast and Furious”.
With this lawsuit, which claims not charged to those affected, she risks her integrity, but feels the need to do citizen, said the criminal.
“I’m playing the single. I’m risking my life, my things, my family, everything, but it’s something that someone has to do because nobody has had the pants to do so. I can not believe anyone has come up with this idea, but what happens is that everyone is afraid, ”says Gonzalez.
Her plan is to file a civil lawsuit against ATF. Although in Mexico is not possible to sue an agency in the United States does and will be determined by a judge, whether to demand, who are the officials responsible.
The trial lawyer said she is willing to work for years to compile documents and boost demand in order to succeed to the district attorney of Houston, where she hopes to bring proceedings.-[ source]
Fast and Furious Wiretap Information Obtained by Congress
By Sharyl Attkisson
The lead House Republican investigating Operation Fast and Furious, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), today said senior Justice Department officials had specific information that their federal agents were using controversial “gunwalking” tactics.
Justice Department officials have consistently denied that was the case. But today in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Issa revealed that he has reviewed sealed wiretap applications in the case, which were signed off on the authority of Holder’s Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer. Issa wrote Holder “having seen the wiretap applications, we now know that the information coming from the (Justice) Department has been misleading. That must stop.”-[source]
In a slap at gun-rights advocates, the Mexican ambassador to the U.S. dismissed accusations that Mexico is seeking to undermine the Second Amendment in order to curb the influx of U.S.-purchased guns.
“There is an ‘urban myth’ out there that somehow the Mexican government is seeking to lobby against and destroy the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment,” said Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan. “This is gobbledygook.”
Speaking at a forum on Capitol Hill, Sarukhan said “the Founding Fathers did not draft the Second Amendment to” permit surrogates – straw purchasers – to buy military-style weapons in Texas, California and other border states and ship them to violent Mexican drug cartels.
Drug violence has claimed the lives of 50,000 Mexicans since 2006 and Mexican officials have cited border-state gun sales as a chief source of cartel weaponry.-[source]
The Department of Homeland Security has been forced to release a list of keywords and phrases it uses to monitor social networking sites and online media for signs of terrorist or other threats against the U.S.
The intriguing the list includes obvious choices such as ‘attack’, ‘Al Qaeda’, ‘terrorism’ and ‘dirty bomb’ alongside dozens of seemingly innocent words like ‘pork’, ‘cloud’, ‘team’ and ‘Mexico’.
Released under a freedom of information request, the information sheds new light on how government analysts are instructed to patrol the internet searching for domestic and external threats.
The words are included in the department’s 2011 ‘Anylist’s Desktop Binder’ used by workers at their National Operations Center which instructs workers to identify ‘media reports that reflect adversely on DHS and response activities’.-[source]
The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) seems to have it out for our military. The department is using the city’s pointless firearm registration mandate to harass, information pills arrest and jail servicemen.
Army 1st Sergeant Matt Corrigan was woken in the middle of the night, buy more about forced out of his home, arrested, had his home ransacked, had his guns seized and was thrown in jail — where he was lost in the prison system for two weeks — all because the District refuses to recognize the meaning of the Second Amendment. This week, the city dropped all charges against Sgt. Corrigan, but the damage done to this reservist cannot be so easily erased.
This story will describe how Sgt. Corrigan went from sleeping at home at night to arrested. Subsequent installments of the series will cover the home raid without a warrant, the long-term imprisonment and the coverup by MPD.
Sgt. Corrigan, 35, and his attorney Richard Gardiner appeared before Judge Michael Ryan at D.C. Superior Court on Monday. The District’s assistant attorney general moved to dismiss all ten charges against him – three for unregistered firearms and seven for possession of ammunition in different calibers.-[source]
A top veterans group called Monday for an “immediate and unequivocal apology” after an MSNBC host said on the eve of Memorial Day that it makes him “uncomfortable” to describe fallen soldiers as heroes.
Chris Hayes made the comment while kicking off a panel discussion Sunday on his show, “Up With Chris Hayes.”
He noted it’s “very difficult to talk about the war dead and the fallen without invoking valor, without invoking the words ‘heroes.”
Hayes tried to explain why that makes him uneasy. “I feel … uncomfortable about the word hero because it seems to me that it is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war.”
Veterans of Foreign Wars, in addition to a throng of conservative bloggers and groups, slammed Hayes for being so conflicted about the term.
“Chris Hayes’ recent remarks on MSNBC regarding our fallen service members are reprehensible and disgusting,” VFW National Commander Richard DeNoyer said in a statement to
“His words reflect his obvious disregard for the service and sacrifice of the men and women who have paid the ultimate price while defending our nation. His insipid statement is particularly callous because it comes at a time when our entire nation pauses to reflect and honor the memory of our nations’ fallen heroes.”-[source]
The recent defeat of legislation that would have created a citizens’ border group is driving up support for Arizona militias.
The Arizona Daily Star reports the state’s border-militia groups are seeing members becoming more motivated after plans for a state-sanctioned organization were struck down in the Legislature.
Leaders of volunteer patrols along the Arizona-Mexico border say there is an invasion of smugglers and illegal immigrants that needs to be stopped. Supporters say they are giving up on getting assistance from lawmakers.
The proposed bill would have established a 300-member, armed Arizona Special Missions Unit to guard the border at the governor’s request. A provision in the bill included screening volunteers to weed out violent extremists.
Critics of the bill say a border militia is extremist in nature.-[source]
A poll from Quinnipiac University unveiled on Thursday finds that Floridians remain behind the “Stand Your Ground” law that has received new attention following the incident.
The poll of registered voters finds that Floridians remain solidly in support of “Stand Your Ground, prostate ” with 56 percent backing the law while 35 percent oppose it. Republicans lean heavily in favor of the law with 78 percent supporting it while 59 percent of Democrats are against it. A majority of independent voters – 58 percent — support the law while 35 percent are against it.
The poll shows there remains a gender gap on the law as 65 percent of men and 48 percent of women say they support “Stand Your Ground” and 39 percent of women and 31 percent of men oppose it. -[source]
House lawmakers will consider an international proposal next week to give the United Nations more control over the Internet.
The proposal is backed by China, search Russia, Brazil, India and other UN members, and would give the UN’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU) more control over the governance of the Internet.
It’s an unpopular idea with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle in Congress, and officials with the Obama administration have also criticized it.-[source]
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