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In the early hours of July 20, dosage a gunman entered a packed movie theater in Aurora, Colo., and opened fire on the audience that had gathered to watch the premiere of the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. The gunman killed 12 people and injured 58 others. Though police are looking for potential accomplices, the attack appears to have been conducted by James Holmes, a lone gunman who, according to some police reports, may have had a delusional fixation on the Joker, a violent villain from an earlier Batman movie.
On July 18, just two days before the Colorado attack, a man reportedly disguised in a wig and posing as an American tourist in the Black Sea resort town of Burgas, Bulgaria, detonated an improvised explosive device hidden in his backpack as a group of Israeli tourists boarded a bus bound for their hotel. The blast killed five Israelis and the Bulgarian bus driver and wounded dozens more. It is unclear if the incident was an intentional suicide attack; the device could have detonated prematurely as the man placed it on the bus. In any case, the tourists clearly were the intended targets.
The Burgas attacker has not yet been identified. Based on his profile, there is some speculation that he could have been a grassroots jihadist. However, it is also possible that he was acting on behalf of Iran and that this attack was merely the latest installment in the ongoing covert war between Iran and Israel.
While these two attacks occurred on different continents and were committed by people with different motivations and objectives, they nonetheless have one thing in common: They were directed against what are referred to in security parlance as “soft” targets, or targets that do not have much security. Soft targets are much easier to attack than hard targets, which deter attacks by maintaining a comparatively strong security presence.-[source]
The U.S. Army has put out a request to ammunition component manufacturers to develop a cartridge case out of non- traditional materials in an effort to reduce the weight of ammunition.
“The U.S. Army, Army Contracting Command-Rock Island (ACC-RI), on behalf of the Office of the Project Manager, Maneuver Ammunition Systems, is seeking to identify potential sources capable of delivering lightweight cartridge case technology for M855A1 5.56mm, M80A1 7.62mm and M33 Cal .50 cartridges that could be transitioned into production at Lake City Army Ammunition Plant.”
The request specifies that the cases must be lighter and still perform as well as existing brass cases, but is not specific as to what material needs to be used. The most likely candidates will be polymer. Polymer cases aren’t entirely new but getting them to work reliably is.-[source]
On the night of Dec. 14, visit 2010, more about U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was shot and killed while on patrol in an Arizona canyon near the U.S.-Mexico border. Two guns found at the scene were linked to an investigation being run by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) called “Operation Fast and Furious,” sparking a congressional inquiry into the program and generating considerable criticism of the ATF and the Obama administration. Because of this criticism, in August 2011 ATF acting director Kenneth Melson was reassigned from his post and the U.S. attorney for Arizona was forced to resign.
Currently, the congressional inquiry is focused on U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who has been accused of misleading Congress about what he knew about Fast and Furious and when he learned it. The Obama administration has invoked executive privilege to block the release of some of the Department of Justice emails and memos sought by Congress pertaining to the operation. The controversy escalated June 28 when the U.S. House of Representatives voted to hold Holder in contempt of Congress for ignoring its subpoenas.-[source]
 Federal officers arrested a 21-year-old man accused of trying to smuggle an AK-47 assault rifle into Mexico, stomach authorities said Tuesday.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers working southbound operations at the Progreso International Bridge encountered the pedestrian as he attempted to walk from the U.S. into Mexico, click according to a news release.
The U.S. Citizen from Progreso allegedly hid the assault rifle in his clothing, officials said. Officers “quickly subdued” the suspect, arrested him and referred the case to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Authorities did not release further information as they continued to investigate the case.-[ source]
Mexican President Felipe Calderon condemned U.S. gun laws as “mistaken” and urged Washington to review them after a shooter killed 12 people and injured more than 50 others at a U.S. movie theater on Friday.
In comments posted on his Twitter account on Saturday, Calderon offered his condolences to the United States after a gunman went on the rampage with an assault rifle at a midnight premier of the new Batman film in Aurora, Colorado.
But Mexico’s president, who has repeatedly called on Washington to tighten gun controls to stop weapons flowing from the United States into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, said U.S. weapons policy needed a rethink after the killings.
“Because of the Aurora, Colorado tragedy, the American Congress must review its mistaken legislation on guns. It’s doing damage to us all,” Calderon said.
The presidency of Calderon, who leaves office at the end of November, has been overshadowed by his efforts to crack down on the drug gangs. Fighting among the cartels and their clashes with the state have killed more than 55,000 people since 2007.
In February, Calderon appealed to the United States to halt the flow of arms by unveiling a massive sign on the Mexican-U.S. border reading “No More Weapons!” The letters on the billboard in the city of Ciudad Juarez were made of recycled guns seized by security forces.
Calderon has also urged Washington to revive a ban on assault weapons in the United States that expired in 2004.-[source]
Now, find in the aftermath of James Holmes’ horrifying massacre of moviegoers in Aurora, more about Colorado, search Democrats are pushing for gun control. This despite the fact that the theater in question was reportedly a gun-free zone.
Liberals were so eager to politicize the shooting that Good Morning America quickly ran a segment suggesting that a “Jim Holmes” was a member of a Colorado Tea Party, without any evidence other than the name “Jim Holmes” and the website of the Tea Party – no picture, no background information, no age, no nothing. But when that narrative fell apart, the media quickly turned to gun control as its point of leverage. Now, Democratic politicians have picked up the call.
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) says that we need more gun control: “Let’s stop wasting time and start saving lives,” he tweeted. “Congress must prioritize a ban on high-capacity gun magazines.” This is asinine, given that mass shooters can either obtain high-capacity gun magazines illegally, or simply pop out the used magazine and put in a loaded one.
“Soothing words are nice,” said New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, “but maybe it’s time that the two people who want to be president of the United States stand up and tell us what they are going to do about it, because this is obviously a problem across the country.” Bloomberg placed security throughout the city at movie theaters – even though New York City has some of the heaviest gun control regulations in the country.-[source]
By: Rob Reed
As much of the country continues to bake under record high temps many concealed carry permit holders are struggling to keep cool while staying armed.
The problem is that, viagra dosage for many people, approved the hotter it gets, the fewer clothes are worn. For example, a CCW setup that works with long pants and a light jacket can become untenable when shorts and a T-shirt are worn instead.
With that in mind, here are some tips for summer concealed carry:
1. Go inside the waistband (IWB) – In some cases a simple switch from an outside the waistband (OWB) holster to an inside the waistband (IWB) holster can be enough to continue to hide the gun. This makes trying an IWB holster a logical first step for anyone who had been carrying OWB before downsizing the gun.-[source]
 Authorities made a rare disclosure Monday linked to the botched gun-smuggling investigation known as Operation Fast and Furious aka Gunwalker, revealing the identities of and requesting the public’s help in capturing four fugitives accused in the shooting death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent 18 months ago.
The announcement comes in the wake of pressure from U.S. House Republicans who led a vote to hold Attorney General Herr Erich Holder in contempt of Congress, criticizing the nation’s top prosecutor for withholding information related to the probe.
“We believe it’s in the best interest of this ongoing investigation to unseal the case at this point in time and to enlist the assistance of the general publics in both Mexico and the United States,” said federal prosecutor Laura Duffy.
Operation Fast and Furious was launched in 2009 to catch trafficking kingpins, but federal agents lost track of most of the weapons they were trying to trace. Some of the guns purchased illegally with the government’s knowledge were later found at crime scenes in Mexico and the U.S.
Critics have hammered federal authorities for allowing informants to walk away from Phoenix-area gun shops with weapons, rather than immediately arresting suspects and seizing firearms.
Since the fatal shootout near the U.S.-Mexico line in December 2010, deep flaws in the government’s weapons trafficking case have come to light, and federal authorities have repeatedly declined to disclose information related to the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, such as what became of the gun used to kill him.-[ source]
 Mexico asked the UN to regulate the arms trade to prevent their diversion to illicit markets accountable to producers, approved traders and end users and include all conventional weapons, approved parts, components, ammunition and technology.
By participating in the UN Diplomatic Conference for the adoption of an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT for its acronym in English) held in New York, the Mexican representatives expressed the view that although access and use of weapons by States is a necessity, trade and use can not occur without any international legal responsibilities.
For Mexico, “the regulation of international arms trade will be effective to the extent that the international community address the problem of diversion of weapons to the illicit market” and the Treaty must prevent diversion and misuse of weapons and “can not be a statement of good intentions “, but to establish legal obligations and rights for all its parts.
The international community has negotiated over the past six years international regulations on arms sales, while the basis for international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional weapons are based on resolutions of the UN General Assembly.
“Mexico attaches great importance to the adoption of a treaty with high standards and a broad scope to bring the shared responsibility of producers, traders and end users, and in regard to the inclusion of all conventional weapons, their parts, components, ammunition and technology, “the Foreign Ministry.
“In a world that regulates trade in all goods, to date there is no regulatory scheme for products that are designed and produced for the sole purpose of causing harm. This reality is ethically wrong, Mexico considers regulation essential for the international transfer of conventional arms which is the biggest business in the world, ” they said.-[ source]
 New technology will soon be used in New Mexico to verify information documents presented by people seeking driver’s licenses.
The state is grappling with recurring incidents of fraud, remedy as critics claim New Mexico has become a go-to place nationally for illegal immigrants — or preying criminals representing them — wanting to obtain real driver’s licenses.
Critics attribute most of the problem to the 2003 state law that allows foreign nationals to obtain New Mexico licenses, regardless of whether they are in the country legally.
The Albuquerque Journal reports that the changes being carried out include getting bar code readers to help verify bank statements and utility bills, and other software to help ensure passports are legitimate.
In addition, Demesia Padilla, secretary of the state Taxation and Revenue Department, which oversees New Mexico’s Motor Vehicle Division, said her agency is considering establishing a field office in Albuquerque that would handle all foreign national applicants in the state’s largest city. Other MVD field offices around the state would still handle all types of driver’s license applicants.
About 70 percent of New Mexico’s appointments for foreign national licenses are made in Albuquerque, Padilla said. “That would take some pressure off of the field offices,” she said. “It’s something that we’re discussing and considering.”
A decision on whether to set up the field office for foreign nationals, who can only obtain licenses through state-run MVD offices, is expected to be made later this summer.
Recent busts of two “rings” that obtained New Mexico licenses driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants in other states prompted renewed scrutiny of the state’s law — and how it is being enforced.
New Mexico and Washington are the only states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, though proof of a local address is required. Utah law allows for a more limited driving.-[ source]
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