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Dems To Introduce Hi-Cap Mag Ban 1st Day Of New Congress

weaponsHouse Democrats will introduce legislation to ban the production of high-capacity magazines on the first day of the next congressional session, the office of Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), one of the lawmakers sponsoring the bill, told The Huffington Post.

The Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act will mirror a failed bill introduced during the 112th Congress. Its authors hope that in the wake of the shooting deaths of 20 first grade students in Newtown, Conn., there will be heightened political urgency to act when it is reintroduced on Jan. 3.

Backed by DeGette and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), the legislation has gained a wave of Democratic co-sponsors since the shooting, which also claimed the lives of 7 adults. But few Republicans have come forward to offer their support. Even more critical to the bill’s political prospects, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has not indicated whether he will allow it to come to the floor for a vote.-[source]

Second Amendment Attack Backfires

dorkalertGun grabbers have been exploiting the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., to pursue their long-standing agenda of disarming America. Law-abiding and responsible gun owners are fighting back against the onslaught.

NBCanchor David Gregory acted on Sunday as if D.C. firearms laws didn’t apply to him. He brandished a 30-round rifle magazine on “Meet the Press” during an interview with NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. “Isn’t it just possible that we could reduce the carnage in a situation like Newtown?” Mr. Gregory asked while waving the prohibited object.

A ruthlessly enforced city ordinance makes it unlawful to possess magazines with greater than a 10-round capacity. NBC staff had contacted the Metropolitan Police Department in advance seeking permission to violate the city’s rules for the stunt. According to a spokesman for Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier, the request was denied. Mr. Gregory went ahead anyway.

So far, Chief Lanier’s office will only say it has “launched an investigation” into the matter. Several law enforcement sources say that if anyone other than a network news anchor had done this, a warrant already would have been drafted for the perpetrator’s arrest for a crime that carries a maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine and one year in jail.

“This is the problem when you have anti-law-enforcement liberals running the city,” said Kristopher Baumann, head of the D.C. police union. “The laws they create are for the little people, and they don’t ever expect those laws to apply to them.”

Thousands of Americans have grown so tired of the hypocrisy that they’ve started a petition on the White House website seeking the deportation of Piers Morgan, the British host of CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight” who has lectured the nation about how only the police and military can be trusted to possess scary-looking rifles and “high-capacity magazines.”-[source]

ATF: Most Guns At Mexican Crime Scenes Traced To US

weaponsMore than 68 percent of the weapons recovered at Mexican crime scenes over a five-year period were traced to U.S. manufacturers or U.S. dealers who import firearms, according to statistics of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Between 2007 and 2011, Mexican law enforcement submitted 99,691requests to the ATF for tracing, and 68,161 of those firearms were determined to come from U.S. makers or were legally imported into the United States by federally licensed firearms dealers.

The ATF said it was unable to determine the source of the rest of the firearms because of missing information about the guns themselves, where they came from and how they got into Mexico.
Mexican drug cartels have waged brutal
battles over turf in several areas of Mexico, including in Juárez, where firearms were used in most of estimated 11,000 homicides that police reported between 2007 and the end of November.
This is a breakdown of total firearms recovered in Mexico and traced by ATF, and the number of weapons of unknown origin:
2011: 20,335, U.S.; 14,504, unknown.
2010: 8,338, U.S.; 6,404, unknown.
2009: 21,555, U.S.; 14,376, unknown.
2008: 32,111, U.S.; 21,035, unknown.
2007: 17,352, U.S.; 11,842, unknown.

The “ATF Mexico” report does not include information on which, or if any, of the reported firearm recoveries were traced to the agency’s Operation Fast and Furious, in which federal agents
allowed guns purchased by straw buyers in the U.S. to be smuggled into Mexico in an attempt to identify and arrest high-level arms traffickers.
More than 1,000 of the 2,000 weapons connected to the Phoenix-based operation are unaccounted for, according to U.S. lawmakers, who investigated the botched ATF operation that began in late 2009.
The ATF shut down Fast and Furious after Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was fatally shot Dec. 14, 2010, in Arizona near the Mexican border. A rifle connected to the ATF operation was found in the vicinity of Terry’s body.-[source]

Hypocritical NBC Commits On-Air Gun Violation,No Arrests

dorkalertNBC continues to remain silent over the on-air crime committed by David Gregory last Sunday during Meet The Press when he was clearly in possession of a ‘high-capacity magazine’ in violation of D.C. Official Code § 7-2506.01.

This code section makes it a crime to simply possess a ‘high-capacity magazine’ regardless of whether it is attached to a firearm and makes no exception that would apply to Gregory’s on-air display.

Furthermore, pharmacy this is a strict-liability offense which does not require any intent on the part of the person being charged. Claims of lack of evil intent, lack of knowledge, or ‘misunderstanding’ have no bearing on guilt in a strict liability case.

If you possess it … you are guilty. And Gregory very clearly possessed it.  Maybe that is why NBC is being so quiet.-[source]

Feinstein’s New AWB Is Really Handgun Ban In Disguise

After all the Democrats’ emphasis the dangers of so-called “assault weapons, drug the details of Senator Dianne Feinstein’s pending assault weapons ban show that her real goal is to ban handguns.

That’s right, viagra after all the criticism of the AR-15 and the holier-than-thou speeches about how no one needs a military-style rifle with a 30-round magazine the details of the ban betray a gun grab that includes semi-automatic pistols that use “a detachable magazine”  and have “one military characteristic.”

This can only mean that the most popular handguns in the world for both civilian and military use are being targeted. These would include Glocks, unhealthy Sig Sauers, Smith & Wesson M&Ps, H&K, and Colt, yet would by no means be limited to these handguns alone.

Ironically, I was just talking to a friend this morning about how the “assault weapons” ban is just way for the Democrats to get their foot in the door and ban handguns. And now, before the legislation is even introduced, they’ve gone ahead and shown their hand.

But an even bigger problem lurks — right now the focus is only on “assault weapons” and semi-auto handguns, however, as soon as a public crime is committed with a double-action revolver, Feinstein and Co. will try to add those to the list as well.

The bottom line: If we are foolish enough to embrace a ban on any weapon in the coming Congress then we are unwittingly embracing a ban on every weapon.

The Democrats cannot be trusted with our freedoms, and they will politicize every tragedy to accomplish their ends.

Proof of this lies in the fact that Feinstein was just waiting for a open door to push a gun ban anyway. In other words, this isn’t because of Sandy Hook. Reports from early Nov. 2012 were already indicating the she planned to push a assault weapons ban if Obama were re-elected.

Now more than ever, Republican Senators and Reps. must stand up for the individual right to keep and bear arms. Liberty itself is at stake.-[source]

Guns In Schools Can Save Lives

By John R. Lott Jr.

Has anyone noticed that these mass shootings at public schools increased after the 1995 Gun-Free School Zone Act? Passed with good intentions, banning guns would supposedly make schools safer.

But law abiding citizens, not criminals, obey these bans. Instead of making places safer, disarming law abiding citizens left them sitting ducks.

Killers go where victims can’t defend themselves. In the Aurora, Colo., movie theater shooting, out of seven theaters showing  the Batman movie premiere within 20 minutes of the suspect’s apartment, only one banned permitted concealed handguns. The suspect didn’t go to the closest nor the largest, but to the one that banned self-defense. Time after time the story is the same.

With just one exception, every public mass shooting in the USA since at least 1950 has taken place where citizens are banned from carrying guns. Despite strict gun regulations, Europe has had three of the worst six school shootings.

Sometimes, permit holders save lives. Joel Myrick, an assistant high school principal in Pearl, Miss., used to carry his permitted handgun at school, but stopped after the 1995 act passed. When his school was attacked in October 1997, he ran a mile to get his gun stored off school property, and still stopped the attack 11 minutes before police arrived. Before 1996, he could have stopped it sooner.-[source]

Piers Morgan:Disarm America Like Before Revolutionary War

It has been said that Great Britain and the United States are two nations divided by a common language. We are also divided by our forms of government – a fact that we here at Natural News would like to remind CNN host Piers Morgan about.

In an ambush interview conducted with Larry Pratt, longtime head of the pro-Second Amendment organization, Gun Owners of America this week, the cheeky Brit did all he could to belittle and humiliate his guest while making assumptions about America that are neither correct nor, as a British subject, are any of his business.

The former “America’s Got Talent” judge and current bottom-dweller among cable news programs baited a prepared Pratt with this opening question: Can you try to explain to me why you believe the answer to (mass shootings at schools and other public places) is to arm teachers?”

Answering, Pratt calmly explained that he believes his solution is the proper one “because the alternative is what we’ve seen – people were reduced, waiting to be murdered, without being able to do anything effective to protect themselves, protect the adults, protect the children… It seems so obvious, since we have concealed carry laws in all of our country now…and yet we have laws that say, not at schools…”

Morgan then asked where would the guns be, and Pratt replied that the teachers themselves would carry them, provided they had a conceal permit to do so.

Cue the faux outrage.

Morgan then went on a very staged rant, throwing out gun-related homicide statistics as though he knew what he was talking about, rudely cutting Pratt off when he was trying to address Morgan’s questions, and even berating Pratt a few times for his demeanor (Morgan scolded Pratt to “please stop laughing,” when Pratt was clearly smiling at the preposterous phony outrage demonstrated by the host).

Figures don’t lie, but liars figure-[source]

Bulletproof Backpack Sales Spike, Too

Backpack shields were kind of a joke prior to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, this but now people are starting to take them very seriously. Sales of bulletproof backpacks and bulletproof backpack inserts has spiked to an all-time high.

This is without a doubt a reaction by scared parents to the shooting, link with sales breaking 500 percent increases.

“We sell 15 to 20 backpacks in a good week,” said Elemer Uy,  the vice president of sales at BulletBlocker, a specialist in inconspicuous body armor, including bulletproof backpacks. “Since the shooting, we’ve sold 50 to 100 per day.”

“When we’re selling a few a week, it doesn’t take many to increase your sales,” said Derek Williams, co-owner of Amendment II, another body armor company that offers bulletproof backpacks. “But yesterday we had over 200 requests for products.”

Prices for bulletproof inserts start around $200, bulletproof backpacks run about $300. The inserts and backpacks don’t add a lot of weight, starting at less than 12 ounces for a small backpack insert. They all generally offer National Institute of Justice IIA-rated protection, which will stop most bullets fired from handguns but not rifle projectiles.

For that, you need to include a ceramic strike plate for an extra $300 to $600, and those weigh between five and ten pounds.

Still, there is demand, someone will supply. “Parents were saying, ‘Hey, I want one of these for my kid. Can you get me this? Even after the Aurora shooting, we didn’t see this,” continued Williams. “We did see some increase, but nothing even close to what we’re seeing now.”-[source]

ATF Agent’s Personal Firearm Found At Murder Scene

Two guns linked to the Obama administration’s gunwalking operation were found at the site of a gun battle in Mexico that took the life of model and beauty queen Susana Flores Maria Gamez. Only one of the weapons was purchased by a federal agent:

Mexican beauty queen Susana Flores Maria Gamez and four others died in the brutal gun battle between Sinaloa cartel members and the Mexican military in November. CBS News has learned that an FN Herstal pistol recovered near the crime scene in November was originally purchased by an Alcohol, information pills Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) manager who was faulted by the Inspector General in Operation Fast and Furious: George Gillett. Gillett was the Asst. Special Agent in Charge of ATF Phoenix when Fast and Furious began.

The Herstal pistol is nicknamed a “cop-killer” because of its designation as a “weapon of choice” for Mexican drug cartels. CBS News has learned the Inspector General planned to question Gillett today after a hastily-opened inquiry to determine how this agent’s personal weapon got into the hands of suspected cartel members.

CBS News spoke to Gillett, site who is still employed at ATF. Gillett acknowledged he once owned the weapon in question, but says he sold it in Phoenix sometime last year after advertising it on the Internet. He declined to provide the name of the man who bought it, but says he went “above and beyond” what was required by law to complete the firearms transaction. That included asking the purchaser to fill out a form giving personal information and stating that he was in the U.S. legally; and checking his driver’s license, which Gillett said was issued in the U.S.

According to Senator Grassley, however, the aforementioned Form 4473s contained multiple errors and falsifications, which, if true, may cost Agent Gillett up to five years in the penitentiary. And –irony alert– these are the same forms straw buyers for the cartels had to fill out and lie on.

So, in at least this case and with at least this weapon, was an ATF agent himself acting as a straw buyer? Or is he just dumber than a box of rocks? How many other transactions was Agent Gillett involved in, and how many straw purchases did he oversee as part of his work on Fast and Furious?

It seems Senator Grassley and Congressman Issa’s work isn’t done yet.-[source]

Actress Marg Helgenberger:’One Can Hope’ NRA Members Shot

Responding to a tweet by author Joyce Carol Oates, actress Marg Helgenberger said “one can only hope” that members of the NRA get shot, Twitchy reported Tuesday.

“If sizable numbers of NRA members become gun-victims themselves, maybe hope for legislation of firearms,” Oates tweeted Friday.

“@JoyceCarolOates One can only hope, but sadly I don’t think anything would change,” the CSI star tweeted in response.

“@MargHelgen @JoyceCarolOates are you encouraging violence against those who dare disagree with you?” asked “Jeremy Avery.”

“Congrats for becoming yet another clueless, VIOLENT, liberal ‘elite’ who shoved her foot in her mouth. Shame on you, lady,”added “Conservative Girl.”

“Bet you didn’t know the NRA was started to arm Free Blacks so they could protect themselves from the Democrat-founded KKK,” another person said.-[source]