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Cryo Chamber

Gunrunning Scandal Uncovered At The ATF

Keeping American weapons from getting into the hands of Mexican gangs is the goal of a program called “Project Gunrunner.” But critics say it’s doing exactly the opposite. CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports on what she found.

December 14, 2010. The place: a dangerous smuggling route in Arizona not far from the border. [...]

ATF Declaring War On Honest Gun Owners

They are coming for your guns any way they can.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is waging a war on innocent gun owners, and not surprisingly, the Obama administration has done nothing to keep them in check.

You are no doubt aware of how the agency has been going after honest gun [...]

Magazine Ban, Gun Show Ban and Even a Gun Ownership Ban…

Since the Tucson tragedy, anti-gun Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) has been hovering like a vulture, waiting to pick the bones of the victims for political advantage.

Now he has his chance.

The same Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization which provided a vote on the repeal of ObamaCare may well be the vehicle for a series [...]

What Liberals Don’t Know About Guns, Chapter 217

Fresh off of blaming Jared Loughner’s killing spree in the Tucson mall on Sarah Palin, liberals are now blaming it on high-capacity magazines. They might as well imprison everyone named “Jared” to prevent a crime like this from ever happening again.

During the presidential campaign, Obama said: “I don’t know of any self-respecting hunter that [...]

Va. Senate Passes Bill Allowing Air Guns At Homes

Localities would be prohibited from banning the firing of BB guns, paintball guns and other air-propelled weapons on private property under a bill approved Tuesday in the Senate.

The Senate voted 25-14 in favor of Sen. Roscoe Reynolds’ bill, which would allow the use of pneumatic weapons when fired with “reasonable care” to prevent shots [...]

BATFE In The Dark On Mexican Drug Gun Facts

Agency experts admit they have no idea how many guns go to Mexico from U.S. The BATFE has no way to get the information or the desire to get the number or conflict with public statements. By Alan Korwin

In personal conversations at the SHOT Show with four high-level Justice Dept. officials, click including knowledgeable [...]

Palin + Steampunk = ?

Just what America needs! … the basic plot involves Sarah Palin suggesting a switch to steam energy and then getting blown up and reconstructed as a partial cyborg powered by steam.

The second thing is steampunk, a literary genre that borrows the notions of cyberpunk and transplants them into an alternate history past or [...]

WY Senate Wants 5th Graders To Learn Firearm Safety

The state Senate has passed legislation requiring public schools to offer hunter safety courses and to have student restraint policies.

Senate File 71 requires that districts offer an elective course to fifth and sixth graders in hunter and gun safety. It passed on a 21-9 vote Thursday.

A couple of senators voiced concern about burdening [...]

Star Wars Inspired Next-Gen Headgear

Improvised explosive devices are one of the biggest threats to soldiers in Afghanistan and across the world. They unleash a shock wave that can travel about 1, online 000 feet per second and hit with a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch. The U.S. Army’s standard-issue Kevlar combat helmet absorbs some of that force, [...]

Knee-Jerk Gun Control Reaches New Low

What is as predictable as a threatened snowstorm bringing Atlanta to a standstill? Answer – gun control advocates taking advantage of every shooting incident as an excuse to further restrict Americans’ Second Amendment rights. The recent shooting incident in Tucson, what is ed Arizona — involving a clearly deranged individual who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, [...]