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Note: Another rare report of the 5.7 being used. For the non gunnies, the ammo available here is the varmint load, not the armor piercing. Rapid expansion, little penetration. Original AP (armor piercing) ammo only available to governments.
With his head destroyed with a gun known as the ‘cop killer’, was found the body of [...]
A man was arrested for attempting to smuggle nearly 6,000 rounds of ammunition into Mexico through the Lukeville Port of Entry near Yuma on Friday.
While Customs and Border Protection officers were conducting operations, they were referred two Mexican nationals for a secondary inspection of their Dodge truck.
During the inspection, officers found 5,950 rounds [...]
On Thursday, rx May 10, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5326–the appropriations bill for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies fiscal year 2013–by a vote of 247-163.
One of the most important ways that Congress has protected the Second Amendment is through a number of general provisions included in [...]
Gun advocates in states that still have assault weapons bans have been wondering when some brave soul will sue to overturn those laws. Under the landmark DC vs. Heller case, pill the Second Amendment was interpreted as protecting an individual right to keep and bear arms in common use, subject to reasonable restrictions. Now, solo [...]
In a video timed to coincide with Mother’s Day weekend, more about the mother of slain teenager Trayvon Martin urged people around the country to push for new scrutiny of “stand your ground” self-defense laws like those in Florida and about two dozen other states.
George Zimmerman, pilule the neighborhood-watch volunteer who fatally shot the [...]
The city of Austin, visit Texas, was looking for an excuse to steal Joe Del Rio’s modest home. It found one – it insisted he had a “bunker” beneath the house.
Actually, it was a fallout shelter built during the Cold War, something millions of Americans were encouraged to build by the federal government, beginning [...]
Gun enthusiasts who also enjoy the pleasures of online shopping may have noticed that gun parts and accessories are once again being sold on shopping website eBay. Although just got wind of this, eBay had actually quietly removed its four-year-ban on firearms to permit gun part and accessory transactions last December.
eBay spokeswoman Amanda [...]
A report issued on Tuesday by Ammoland Shooting Sports News indicates that the ATF–the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives–is engaged in new illegal activity, this time in the state of Alaska.
According to gun store owners in Anchorage, ATF agents are requiring that they submit what is called ’4473 Forms’ going as far [...]
Jail officials earlier this week found a loaded revolver hidden inside the pant of an unrestrained prisoner, a source tells FOX 4′s Lynn Kawano.
According to the source, narcotics officers on Monday had arrested the suspect for allegedly making drug deals at a DART platform.
Police searched the suspect several times but did not handcuff [...]
President Barack Obama has threatened to veto a Department of Justice appropriations bill House Republicans passed because, visit web among other things, it includes a provision that blocks a gun control rule passed in the wake of Operation Fast and Furious.
The Obama administration’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives wrote, and began implementing, [...]
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