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House GOP Orders Holder To Cooperate On Gunwalker Probe

House Republican leaders on Friday sent a letter to Attorney General Herr Erich H. Holder Jr. demanding he comply with the GOP’s official investigation into Obama administration gun-running operation Fast & Furious, which allowed hundreds of guns to be sneaked across the border to Mexican cartels.

In the letter, Speaker John A. Boehner and his [...]

Senate Victory In Indiana Is First Step In Demoting Harry Reid

The victory in Indiana last week — where Richard Mourdock defeated anti-gun incumbent Senate Dick Lugar — was earth shattering. The national media’s collective jaw dropped to the floor, more about and the political pundits in Washington are now wondering whose scalp will be next.

Gun Owners of America was a huge part of that [...]

“Give Me Back My Bullets”

Howie Glaser, discount owner of United Nations Ammo Company of Phoenix Arizona, viagra 40mg and one of the players in the saga of US trucker Jabin Bogan, charged in Mexico with smuggling prohibited ammunition into the country, seems to be losing all pretense of concern for the welfare of Bogan.

Glaser’s underlying message at the [...]

Trayvon Ma Takes Aim At ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws

In a video timed to coincide with Mother’s Day weekend, more about the mother of slain teenager Trayvon Martin urged people around the country to push for new scrutiny of “stand your ground” self-defense laws like those in Florida and about two dozen other states.

George Zimmerman, pilule the neighborhood-watch volunteer who fatally shot the [...]

Alaska Gun Stores:ATF Engaging In New Illegal Activity

A report issued on Tuesday by Ammoland Shooting Sports News indicates that the ATF–the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives–is engaged in new illegal activity, this time in the state of Alaska.

According to gun store owners in Anchorage, ATF agents are requiring that they submit what is called ’4473 Forms’ going as far [...]

Obama:Veto DOJ Budget If Blocks Fast&Furious Gun Control

President Barack Obama has threatened to veto a Department of Justice appropriations bill House Republicans passed because, visit web among other things, it includes a provision that blocks a gun control rule passed in the wake of Operation Fast and Furious.

The Obama administration’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives wrote, and began implementing, [...]

Chicago Students Indoctrinated Against NRA

Here’s a video with unbelievable accusations against the NRA.

WARNING: Content may be considered offensive.-tgr-[source]

Why Couldn’t Marissa Alexander Stand Her Ground In Florida?

What happened to Marissa Alexander sure sounds alot like ‘standing your ground’: her abusive husband came after her, choked her, and when she finally broke free, she grabbed a gun fired a single warning shot into ceiling … so why is she set to serve 20 years in jail?

Well, we imagine her [...]

New Info Names Kingpin FBI Protected In Brian Terry Murder

The murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December of 2010 was the precipitating factor that led to the first news story concerning the now infamous Fast and Furious scandal involving the ATF, visit web the DOJ, sickness and their scheme to send American guns to Mexican drug cartels.

As that story has [...]

The Perils Of A Taxpayer In A Foreign Land

“The border is not a fence or a line in the dirt… it is a third country that joins Mexico and the United States.” Quote by David Aguilar, rx Chief Border Patrol Agent under the Obama-Napolitano regime.

The above statement made by Obama’s head Border Patrol agent set off a firestorm of controversy and anger [...]