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Cryo Chamber

Gutting the 2nd Amendment imperils freedom

I don’t drive a pickup truck with a gun rack.

I don’t hunt.

I’ve never fired a weapon and never intend to do so.

With all of that said, side effects I consider attempts to gut the words of the Founding Farmers in the Second Amendment as an assault on our collective freedom.

Those 27 [...]

Rattling the Second Amendment Saber

According to Webster’s New World College Dictionary, cheap the term “saber rattling” is defined as:

a threatening of war, buy information pills or a menacing show of armed force.

Some people call it posturing. In the animal world it’s related to establishing “pecking order”. Some people would have us believe that a pecking order is [...]

Next Challenge to Gun Laws Headed to D.C. Circuit

A federal appeals court in Washington will have the chance to examine the latest version of the District of Columbia’s gun restrictions, in a possible test of how to apply the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in D.C. v. Heller.

Lawyers for Dick Heller, a name party in the earlier case, filed a notice Thursday [...]

No copyright/patent reform for you, America

Since Obama was the young newcomer, technically savvy, many of us were hoping that he might support patent and/or copyright reform. In case our story earlier on this subject didn’t already tip you off, this certainly will: Obama has sided squarely with the RIAA/MPAA lobby, and backs ACTA.

It seems that the RIAA, MPAA, and [...]

Judge: Seattle parks gun ban is constitutional

A federal judge has ruled Seattle’s ban on carrying firearms in city parks and community centers is constitutional.

However, city officials said guns are not banned in Seattle parks.

Last month, a King County Superior Court judge ruled the gun ban is in direct violation of Washington state’s firearm pre-emption law.

“You still can bring [...]

No more fishing the oceans, great lakes or inland waters?

The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation’s oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters.

“When the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) completed their successful campaign to convince the Ontario government to end [...]

National Gun Owner Rights by the end of June?

The Supreme Court suggested Tuesday it will strike down U.S. cities’ outright bans on handguns, a ruling that could establish a nationwide ownership right fervently sought by gun advocates. But the justices indicated less severe limits could survive, continuing disputes over the “right to keep and bear arms.”

Chicago area residents who want handguns for [...]

Starbucks Open Carry Friendly?

The coffee giant Starbucks says it won’t take issue with gun owners who take advantage of “open carry” laws and bring firearms into their restaurants.

Virginia is one of the states that allow gun owners to openly carry firearms in public places. In some places, activists have gathered at restaurants — weapons strapped [...]

Self Preservation in National Parks… Finally!

Beginning today, ed people may carry firearms into national parks and refuges in states where right to carry laws exist.

The federal legislation to allow this was authored by Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, who said “If a law-abiding citizen has the right to carry a firearm in their state, it makes no sense to treat [...]

Feds push for tracking cell phones

The Obama administration has argued that warrantless tracking is permitted because Americans enjoy no “reasonable expectation of privacy” in their–or at least their cell phones’–whereabouts. U.S. Department of Justice lawyers say that “a customer’s Fourth Amendment rights are not violated when the phone company reveals to the government its own records” that show where a [...]