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Cryo Chamber

Cox: Guns and the terrorist watch list

In 1950, Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) waved his infamous “enemies” list. Innocent Americans were imprisoned and many more “blacklisted.” McCarthyites exploited the buzzword “communism” to intimidate. Today’s McCarthy? New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Today’s buzzword? “Terrorism.” Today’s list? The secret terrorist watch list, with a million names or more. No one knows who’s on it, [...]

LAPD lobbying to end gun rights

Two years ago this June the United States Supreme Court said the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights was an individual right to own guns unconnected with service in a militia.

Today, in Washington D.C., Los Angeles Policed Department spokeswoman Sandy Jo MacArthur testified before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in [...]

‘Open Carry’ Laws Pit States Against One Another

A battle is brewing between states as gun rights and open carry laws are considered by lawmakers.

Oklahoma is the latest state to consider a measure allowing open carry within state boundaries, illness while in California lawmakers are considering a bill to ban open carry in the state. In Louisiana state lawmakers are debating a [...]

Secret Government List Would Deny Your Rights

bill (S. 1317/H.R. 2159) that would authorize the Attorney General to deny the transfer of firearms or the issuance of firearms and explosives licenses [...]

1968 – The Birth of Gun Control

This is the first article in a series recounting the birth, growth, and death of California’s gun industry.

Early morning sunlight beamed through windows partially covered by steel Venetian blinds shading the first patrons at Larry’s Coffee Shop, situated not on a typical retail thoroughfare, but among the concrete tilt-up buildings defining an industrial park. [...]

Chicago Mayor Daley Seeks International Backing for Anti-Gun Laws

Fearful that America’s Supreme Court will soon strike down Chicago’s handgun ban, page frustrated by the Illinois legislature’s rejection of his anti-gun agenda, and repudiated by American courts and legislatures over his plan to sue federally licensed manufacturers and dealers of firearms for third-party crimes, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley (D) is showing contempt for his [...]

Your Duty as a Gun Owner to Vote

I propose that the “firearms fraternity” begin placing as much emphasis on voting and voter education as we do on safety and safety education.

Unintentional firearms injuries and fatalities have dropped by some 60% over the past 20 years while the number of firearms in circulation has more than doubled. These amazing results are not [...]

NRA-Backed Second Amendment Enforcement Act Introduced in U.S. Congress

The National Rifle Association announced its support for critical legislation being introduced in Congress today by Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.), and Representatives Travis Childers (D-Miss.) and Mark Souder (R-Ind.). The Second Amendment Enforcement Act will restore Second Amendment rights to residents of the District of Columbia. This legislation is necessary because [...]

Gun advocates crying wolf about gun control

The false paranoia was thick last week during the Second Amendment March in Washington where gun advocates were demonstrating for their right to bear arms.

Granted, viagra 100mg Washington is no stranger to groups protesting injustices, social or criminal. But gun advocates’ fear for their Second Amendment rights seems about as misplaced as the banking [...]

Armed civil rights leader Hicks dead at 81

Robert Hicks has died.


From The Times-Picayune: Robert Hicks, a lion in the Louisiana civil rights movement whose legal victories helped topple segregation in Bogalusa and change discriminatory employment practices throughout the South, died Tuesday in his home. He was 81.

What does that have to do with the right of the people to [...]