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Cryo Chamber

Bill Ensures Off-base Gun Rights

Ownership and carrying of guns by people living and working on U.S. military bases could end up part of next week’s debate in a Senate committee on the $760 billion defense policy bill.

Sen. James Inhofe, no rx R-Okla., a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, introduced a bill Thursday that addresses one [...]

Gun Control’s Slipping Relevancy

Adhering to a pattern of behavior that has developed over the years, page a tiny contingent of gun prohibitionists paraded outside of the Charlotte Convention Center while the National Rifle Association was hosting its record-breaking members’ meeting, but they remained only long enough to get some camera time with local news crews.

Paul Helmke, president [...]

Feds: States’ gun-rights a threat

The federal government is arguing in a gun-rights case pending in federal court in Montana that state plans to exempt in-state guns from various federal requirements themselves make the laws void, pharmacy because the growing movement certainly would impact “interstate commerce.”

The government continues to argue to the court that the Commerce Clause in the [...]

Amendment On Resale Of Fired Cartridge Cases

Today, cure by a unanimous voice vote, sick an NRA-backed amendment was added to the House Armed Services Committee’s National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 5136) that will ensure serviceable and once-fired small arms cartridge cases are available for commercial sale.

The Ellsworth amendment, illness offered by U.S. Rep. Brad Ellsworth (D-Ind.), compels military bases to [...]

Norris:Gun Owners Must Vote

Back in the day, action movie star Chuck Norris couldn’t escape adoring fans asking him for tips on how to fend off an attacker or how to take out eight opponents with a single roundhouse kick.

Now, it’s all about “the facts,” those “Chuck Norris Facts” that have become Internet legend (example: “There is no [...]

The truth about gun sales to terrorists

Mere suspicion doesn’t warrant violating rights

Months before he loaded his SUV with propane tanks and fireworks and drove to Times Square, police say, Faisal Shahzad went to a firearms store and bought a rifle. It was found in his other car at JFK International Airport, where his name showed up on the no-fly [...]

Palin to NRA: Obama Wants Gun Ban

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin warned NRA members Friday that President Barack Obama wants to gut the Second Amendment and told a separate gathering that “mama grizzlies” will help Republicans win this November, sweeping away the Democratic agenda.

Palin, a potential 2012 presidential candidate, told National Rifle Association members during their annual meeting that the [...]

Elena Kagan’s Opposition to Gun Rights

A third instance of Elena Kagan opposing Americans’ Second Amendment right to own a gun has now become public, sale and is sure to become a major issue in her Supreme Court confirmation hearings. And it confirms that President Obama’s gun-control agenda is to create a Supreme Court that will “reinterpret” the Second Amendment until [...]

NUGENT: My gun control

By Ted Nugent

Water, water, everywhere water. Know it, embrace it, manage it or drown. Same goes for cars, trucks, chain saws, knives, crowbars, blowtorches, teakettles and guns. I will not be denied the pragmatic, functional utility of anything based on the inept, clumsy, irresponsible failure of brain-dead, uncoordinated numskulls.

I will not drown; drink [...]

Gun Control in America

Have guns become obsolete in American life, possibly an ugly reminder of violence and war? Should we grant our elected representatives the power to remove them from the public at large?

That is the question that Americans have faced throughout our country’s history, and will continue to face for the foreseeable future. I do not [...]